1st Kineton Scouts

Welcome to 1st Kineton Scout Troop. This information pack will give you some basic information about the Troop. If you have any further questions feel free to have a chat with any of the leaders either by phone or at the end of a meeting.


1st Kineton Scouts meet on Friday evenings 7:15 and 9:00 in the Scout Hut, Park Piece, Kineton.


The Scout Troop is run by a team of volunteer, unpaid leaders. All leaders and occasional helpers are CRB checked and required to undertake training to run the Scout programme. The leaders are:

Ian Carter–Scout Leader– 07870631772

Brad Lawes– Assistant Scout Leader– 07785 237731

Lindsey Carter– Assistant Scout Leader

In addition to the leaders we have a parent helper and occasional helpers from the Explorers and Young Leaders who were once Scouts themselves.

The Emergency number for the leaders during meetings and activities is 07748861539.
Web site

Starting out

Both girls and boys can join Scouts from the age of 10 ½. We meet weekly as a Troopand work in small groups of 6 to 8 Scouts called ‘Patrols’. Our 4 Patrols are named Badgers, Foxes, Otters & Seals. Each Patrol has a Patrol Leader PL and an Assistant Patrol Leader APL. These will usually be one of the older Scouts and they will have been in Scouting for quite some time. They will look after you and explain what is going to happen throughout the meeting.

When we do activities we often work in the patrol groups, particularly when we are away from the Scout Hut. The patrol leaders share responsibility with the adult leader for maintaining standards and training within the troop. All scouts are encouraged to take part in the decision-making process and regular forums provide the chance for the Scouts to help in planning troop activities.

When you first come along to Scouts the first few weeks are a trial period to make sure you want to join the Troop. During this period you see what sort ofactivities we do and also learn about the structure, rituals and ceremonies of Scouting.

Once you have decided that you want to become a member of the Scout Troop you will need a uniform for when you are invested into Scouts. The investiture is when you make the Scout Promise and join both the 1st Kineton Scout Troop and the Worldwide Scout Movement. Once you are invested you will be given the group neckerchief. Your parents are invited to the investiture if you want them to.


Scouting is for boys and girls aged between 10½ and 14 years, who want to make friends and

develop their widening interests in ways that are both educational and fun. It is ideal for young

people who want a break from the usual after school routine of homework, games and TV.

With the emphasis on adventurous activities, action and involvement, Scouting means more

than just camping. Hiking, rock climbing, gliding, pioneering, canoeing,abseiling, swimming, cooking and first aid, are just some ofthe things we do at Kineton.

Outdoor activities feature prominently in the scout troop. The highlight for most is asummer camp or expedition, and much of the rest of the year is devoted to preparing for this. Even in winter there may be patrol hikes or weekend camps. Map reading, camp cooking, first aid andother skills can be practised at any time of the year.

All activities that take place away from the Scout Hut will be notified in advance by letter or email. We require a permission slip signed by a parent or guardian for all activities taking place away from the Scout Hut or outside of normal meeting times.

What would we like from you?

To make Scouts run smoothly we have a few rules to stick to:

  • Please wear the uniform in a clean and tidy way for all troop meetings unless told otherwise.
  • Please try to arrive promptly for the beginning of troop meetings
  • Please attend all troop meetings wherever possible. Scouting is not supposed be a social club to attend when you have nothing else to do!
  • Please let one of the leader team know if you are unable to attend a meeting.
  • Please make sure you wearan appropriate coat and footwear for the weather on outdoor activities.
  • We have a code of conduct which we will discuss with you. However as a general rule -
    “if you won’t do it or say it at home, don’t do it or say it at Scouts”


The Scout Uniform consists of:

Green Scout Shirt

Blue Scout activity trousers & Scout belt or school trousers

Dark shoes

1st Kineton Scout Group Necker (black with white border) – supplied on joining

A leather or rope Woggle

Purple embroidered polo neck t-shirt with the 1st Kineton Scout logo – optional

You can buyScout uniforms from the following suppliers:

Chez Rama, 9/11 Clemens Street, Leamington Spa

Rascals, 1 Coten End, Warwick

Mail order from:

When you are invested you will also receive a number of badges to show your membership of 1st Kineton Scouts, Warwick District and most importantly the world Scout membership badge.

World Badgeto show they are a member of the worldwide family of Scouts.

Name Tapeto show they are a member of 1st Kineton Scout Group.

District Badgeto show they are a member of Warwick District.

County Badgeto show they are a member of Warwickshire Scout County. (A reminder for which way round the District and County badges goes is ‘the bear looks at the castle’.)

As you take part in our meetings and activities youwill also earn Challenge and Activity badges. Below is an illustration showing where the different badges go.


Scouts are funded by the weekly subs of £2.20 normally paid once per term. There are additional costs for any campsand weekend activities. All additional costs will be notified in advance on the permission slip for an activity. Any parent who finds it difficult to meet the costs of the additional activities is encouraged to speak to one of the leader team as the group is able to support with payments in some cases.

Moving on

Your time in Kineton Scouts is only the start of your journey in Scouting. Around your 14th birthday you will receive an invitation to join the Explorer Scout Unit. Before moving up they are invited to visit the Explorer Scouts meetings to learn about how the unit operates. Explorer Scouts are young people usually agedbetween 14 and 18. Following on from Explorer Scouts is the Scout Network. This is for 18 to 25 year olds who have been through the whole Scouting movement. Many go on to become Scout Leaders themselves.

Safeguarding Children

The Scout Association takes safeguarding children very serious and you can read more about this in the enclosed leaflet ‘Safe and Sound’. If you have any questions about this please feel free to ask.

As part of the on-going safeguarding children all helpers in the colony, whether they are parents or leaders, are CRB (criminal records bureau) checked.

The Wider Scout Group

1st Kineton Scout group has got 3 sections; Beaver Scouts (6-8years); Cub Scouts (8-10½ years) and Scouts (10½-14 years). We also have an Explorer Scout unit meeting in the hut; they are 14-18 years old.

To help support the group we have a volunteer committee who looks after the headquarters and fundraising. If your parents would like to volunteer or learn more about this please contact our Group Scout Leader, Ian Ware on 01295680149.

Leaflets included

  • Personal Contact Details form

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