1. Which student(s) would we consider to be at risk across the board?
  2. Who appears to be exceeding expectations across the board?
  3. In which student(s) profile do we see performance discrepancies?
  4. In which areas do we need to provide immediate and on-going intervention to at-risk students?
  5. What is our plan for implementing a Pyramid of Interventions for designated students?
  6. What are the trends in student achievement over the years and how can we explain upward and downward directions in achievement?


  1. Are there instructional implications in this data for the teachers on our team?
  2. What instructional implications would we like to discuss with resource personnel (special education, gifted, reading teachers, etc)?
  3. Were there discrepancies among classes in any area that needs attention?
  4. What does the data show that has implications for our School Improvement Plan?
  5. As a grade level/department, what instructional decisions/changes do we want to make for the next unit or the next year?
  6. Does the data point to any needs for staff training and/or additional curricular materials?
  1. What does the data NOT tell us?
  2. What pieces of data do we question given what we know about the student’s classroom performance?
  3. Did students do poorly on a particular question because they didn’t know the answer or because they weren’t familiar with the format of the test?
  4. What can we learn from results on this assessment that will help us design a better assessment for the next unit?
  5. How do we prepare our students for next year’s tests (or the next unit test) so that they will be as successful as possible?
  6. What would we learn by comparing our data to the data of other schools in the district/state?
  7. How would we select a school that would give us an accurate comparison of data?

Virginia Mahlke, Solution Tree PLC Associate