RC of Guntersville

Raised $9000 ($10,000 is Goal). Funds will be equally divided between:Red Cross, United Way & Salvation Army.

RC of Scottsboro

Several of the organizations that are actively involved in the storm disaster response and recovery efforts presented short reports to the club. A campaign is being formed to help raise money for some of these organizations. Rotary grants to assist are being solicited from the members to raise as much money as possible, then to file for the matching portion from the Foundation, if possible. The organizations represented at the meeting were the Upper Sand Mountain Parrish, Friends Helping Friends, City of Bridgeport, and the Salvation Army. All of these organizations are now transitioning from the initial phase of providing disaster relief and basic needs into the next phase of actually rebuilding.

RC of Hoover

A donation of $3,000 was made to the Alabama Tornados relief Fund.

RC of Tuscaloosa

Have received inquiries ("How can we help?†) from 46 Rotary Clubs in 24 states. Donations have already been received from at least a fourth of them. Committee chairman (and club treasurer) James Leitner lists total receipts of $19,250 as of May 18th.

RC of Russellville

Received assistance from a club in Wisconsin and another in Texas. Both sent funds for immediate relief. The Houston, Texas Club also brought a load of generators, chain saws and items that were immediately needed to Hackleburg.

RC of Decatur

Decatur Rotary Clubpassed the hat at their regular weekly Club meeting for three weeks andwas able to raise over $11,700 which was given to the RI District 6860 Tornado Disaster Relief Fund.

In addition manyRotarians who worked many hoursfor andin the communities affected.

RC of Cullman

Rotary Club of Cullman is currently working with volunteer organizations here in Cullman: Good Samaritan Health Clinic, Cullman Caring for Kids Food Bank, and a new organization Connecting Cullman, which is a volunteer distribution network. Any other voluntary contributions would be greatly appreciated.

RC of Vestavia Hills & RC of Vestavia Hills Sunrise(Provisional)

Vestavia Hills and the Vestavia Hills Sunrise Club just did a Shrimp Boil forthe Vestavia Hills Firemen and police that was a big success.. One of the fireman lost their home and everything in the storm. We presented that family a check for $1600. they were very happy!

RC of Shades Valley

The one thingSV has done forDisaster ReliefResponse would be the 200+ Cleaning Buckets we assembled on two recent occasions for UMCOR. These were actually not directly in response to the tornados, but were to be put with 1,000's of other buckets (done by other groups)for future disaster relief.A Rotary grant was used to cover the majority of the expense for these 200+ buckets.

RC of Greater Huntsville

Guntersville Club members raised $9,000 which they decided to divide equally to: Red Cross, United Way & Salvation Army

Guntersville Sunrise

Guntersville Sunrise raised money/donated to Red Cross & United Way.

RC of Birmingham

Camp South Hampton, a combination reading and activity-based summer camp for children ages 5-13 at the South Hampton Elementary School in Pratt City, is a joint venture between the Rotary Club of Birmingham and the Birmingham City Schools, working alongside many valuable partners.

RC of Huntsville

The Huntsville Rotary Club is involved in an ongoing fund raising campaign to solicit funds for the tornado disaster relief in Madison County. It is the desire of our Board and this committee to designate funds for a project within our local community. Our Board of Directors assigned five Rotarians to serve on a disaster relief committee to review and research ideas for a project that will provide a need to individuals or families once the "dust settles†. We have currently raised near $17,000 with a goal of $25,000. Once the project has been identified and confirmed, I will forward the details.

RC of Decatur Daybreak

It appears our club sent $3,000 to the DAF, of which $ 1,720 was on direct checks from members that we collected. We had several members deeply involved with the clean-up through churches and organizations.

I am particularly aware of Bill O'Brien who served meals in R?something somewhere and Kim Teehan who spent weeks in Hackleburg.

RC of Athens

We have a little over $15,000 for the tornado disaster/ $2,000 of that came from Rotary Clubs in South Carolina, the rest from our annual fundraiser.

We are using the local United Way Agency to handle this for us. We are trying to present where we stand to our club on June 17th and to let them know the funds are being used wisely. One of my board members, Amy Golden, was a previous director of the United Way and is a big help to us on this, as she knows how they work.

RC of Boaz

The Boaz club donated $5,000 to the Marshall County Disaster Relief Fund in May. Our Board of Directors met the week after the storms and the wishes of the Board was to help in this way.

RC of Tarrant-Pinson

Talked with Gary Liverette, Director of the Alpha Ranch childrn’s home. He told me they were starting back on the shop/storage shed building first. They are living in a local church facility now but need to get their shop and equipment back into place first (i.e. storage facilities and building tools). There are numbers located on this website to reach the ranch personnel and talk with them. Our club is hopefully moving this week to get them some money. We also have helped an elderly widowed gentleman here in the Tarrant area who lost the entire roof on his home. We purchased the roofing for that project and he had help from local people around his home to supply the man-power. Gary (Director of the children’s home) told me another Rotary Club around the Pell City area was trying to help in some capacity with the rebuilding.