Rationale - Work Sample Scoring Guide

Criteria / Meets Expectations / Exceeds Expectations / Needs Revision
Overall Rationale
Why is this unit being taught? /
  • Provides a generalized reason for the presence of this unit in the curriculum.
  • Additional details are provided in support of the generalized reason.
  • No reason is provided.

Relationship to the Curriculum
How does this unit fit with the rest of the curriculum? /
  • Clearly links the unit to other parts of the curriculum.
  • Identifies the sequence of the curriculum involving this unit.
  • Elaborates on ways that the unit depends on, interacts with, and supports other parts of the curriculum.
  • Discusses sequencing in terms of conceptual development or possible alternative sequences.
  • Links do not exist or do not make sense.
  • There is no mention of sequence.

Needs of the Learners
In what way will this unit fill the needs of the students? /
  • Identifies concepts and/or skills that the students will gain.
  • Sets these concepts and/or skills in the context of the students’ academic learning.
  • Sets these concepts and/or skills in the broader societal context of the students’ lives.
  • Greater specifics in identification of concepts and/or skills, possibly with linkage.
  • Is especially clear in establishing the context of learning both in and out of school. Gives clear examples that illuminate the principles.
  • Does not adequately identify concepts and/or skills.
  • Concepts and/or skills are trivial or irrelevant.
  • No mention or inadequate mention of learning in the context of the students’ academic experience.
  • No mention or inadequate mention of learning in the broader societal context of the students’ lives.

Unit Goals and Lesson Objectives - Work Sample Scoring Guide

Criteria / Meets Expectations / Exceeds Expectations / Needs Revision
Lists enduring understandings. (see Understanding by Design p.56-65) There may be subcategories, but these are not required. /
  • Items are meaningful for students as well as to the discipline
  • Items relate to big ideas in unit.
  • Items support students’ conceptual and procedural understanding
  • Items align with other EQs and goals.
  • Items clearly focus students on big ideas in unit.
  • Items support students’ conceptual and procedural understanding
  • Items align with other EQs and goals.
  • Invalid enduring understandings.
  • Enduring understandings vague or unclear.
  • Items untenable in unit according to EQs or goals.

Lists Oregon & National Standards, /
  • Clearly articulated parts of standards applicable to unit.
  • Standards partially align with EU, EQs and goals.
  • Standards clearly align with EUs, Eqs, and goals.
  • Standards are missing or do not legitimately apply.

Provides a numbered list of essential questions (Understanding by Design p.105-115). There may be subcategories, but these are not required. /
  • Proposed EQs relate to the Enduring Understandings for the unit.
  • EQs cover at least 2 different levels of cognitive demand.
  • EQs clearly align with EUs and goals.
  • EQs pose plausible questions to be answered by students.
  • Proposed EQs are either trivial or over-generalized.

Lists all learning outcomes / objectives /
  • What students will know, understand, and be able to do is clearly stated.
  • Learning objectives focus on learning rather then student or teacher activities.
  • Learning objectives partially align with EUs and EQs.
  • A thorough listing is given of what students will know, understand, and be able to do.
  • Objectives clearly align with EUs & EQs.
  • Few learning outcomes and objectives givenare teaching or student activities.
  • Objectives are not stated.