In response please quote AA:MFS

28 September 2017

Dear Community Friend,

Christmas time is almost upon us once again. The stores are getting their decorations ready and children are getting excited about their local Christmas Pageants. It is also a busy time for families and people in the community who like to get together to celebrate the day. This can also be a very stressful time for people in need. This year three of our prominent community support organisations in the area –, Vinnies and The Salvation Army are joining together to host the annual Christmas Cheer program to help make their day special.

These organisations managed to distribute much needed food hampers and toys to over 250 local families and individuals last Christmas and hope that by combining their resources this year, will reach even more people in need. This includes people experiencing homeless, victims of domestic violence, loss of employment, people living with disability or mental health, as well as those “doing it tough” on low incomes.

They could not reach the number of people they do without the much valued assistance they receive from within the community and through people such as yourself and your teams.

Assistance is needed from the community in a few ways:

·  Donation of funds to assist organisations to purchase appropriate food and toys

·  Collection of non-perishable food items (in date please)

·  Collection of toys for children – especially those in the 13-16 age group (unwrapped)

These organisations are able to collect donated goods and would appreciate hearing from you if you feel this is something that you/your organisation may be interested in being involved with.

Monetary donations or cash cards should be provided direct to the charity of your choice who can then provide a Tax Deductible Receipt upon request.

Collected goods can be dropped at the offices of each charity indicated by 12th December.

Please use the attached form when making donations to ensure your contributions are properly accounted for and recognised. Addresses for each agency are provided on back of attached Donation Form.

Thank you, and may you, your staff and your family have a very Merry Christmas.

Michael Sedgman

Chief Executive Officer

Donor or Organisation Name:
Postal Address:
Contact number:
CCP 2565
CCP 2700
CCP 2558
Details of Donation
Donation of Goods: (Please describe the number and type of goods donated. If donating gift cards please identify how many and $ value of each eg: 2 cards @$20 each)
Donations of Cash:
·  Cash should only be donated at the office of the CHARITY selected.
·  Cheques can be sent to the postal address of the CHARITY selected or at their local office.
·  If wishing to make payment by creditcard or Electronic Funds Transfer please contact the CHARITY direct.
Cash / cheque / credit card / EFT / Amount / $
Credit Card Type / o Visa o Mastercard
Name on card
Credit Card Number
Expiry Date & Signature / Exp Date: / Signature
Do you require a receipt? / Yes / no

If requested, Donors will be issued with a tax deductible receipt from the Charity selected. Donors should be made aware that their name and address will be entered into the Charities donor database so an official receipt can be sent, to conduct statistical analyses of the information and provide donors with further information relating to the programs and services of the Charity selected. Charity Licence numbers and contact details are provided below:


Anglican Community Care Incorporated
ABN 53 440 436 445
Charity licence: CCP 2565
Postal Address: / PO Box 1842
Local Office: / 11-21 Kennett Road
Murray Bridge SA 5253
Contact: / 8532 6303Thanuja Hiripitiyage
St Vincent de Paul Society (SA) Incorporated
ABN 73 591 401 592
Charity licence: CCP 2700
Postal Address: / 11 Second Street
Murray Bridge
Local Office: / 11 Second Street
Murray Bridge SA 5253
Contact: / 85324180 John Neagle
The Salvation Army (SA) Property Trust
ABN 45 781 882 681
Charity licence: CCP 2558
Postal Address: / PO Box 196
Local Office: / 3 Fourth Street
Murray Bridge SA 5253
Contact: / 8531 1133 Linda Dorward