Dear HWP members--

Now thank we all our God, with hearts and hands and voices! May God bless you and your family as you thank God for all the ways God has blessed you! Happy Thanksgiving!

ST LUCAS NEEDS SCRIPTURE READERS -So far, only 5 members have said they can be scripture readers for worship. If you are willing to help, please contact Pr Evelyn.

HWP THANKSGIVING WORSHIP:Thanksgiving Eve,Nov 23-Bergen,6:00pmchili supper and7:00pmworship; 7:00pm worship at St Lucas (joint with YMLC). Thanksgiving Day- 9:00am worship at Augustana. All are welcome to thank God for our blessings at any HWP church!

PLEDGES NEEDED FOR INTERNSHIP- The HWP Council has approved inviting a seminary student to spend a year serving as an intern pastor in our churches, beginning summer 2012! To make this possible, HWP members must pledge $20,000 byJanuary 8to cover the extra cost of an intern. Pledge using the bulletin insert or form in the November newsletter.

PLEDGE TOTAL as of 11/23: $4,550.

INTERNSHIP INPUT SESSIONS- Bring your questions or ideas about what would make HWP a great internship site. Help the pastors write HWP's internship application! All are welcome at either session:Tuesday, Dec 6, 7:00 pmat YMLC; orThursday, Dec 8, 7:00 pmat Augustana.


NEWSLETTER ASSEMBLYisMonday, Nov 28 at 9:00 amin theYellow MedicineLutheran fellowship hall. Good conversation and treats provided!

CELEBRATING ADVENT– Jerry Ostensoe fromGranite Fallswill be the featured entertainer at the WELCA Advent Celebration/luncheonon Saturday, Dec 3rdat Yellow Medicine Lutheran at11:00 am. The hostesses are bringing salads and the rest of us bring Christmas goodies of any kind. All are welcome (men, too). Bring a guest!

BERGEN & AUGUSTANA SWITCHworship times on Sunday, Dec 4th-- Augustana at 9am, and Bergen at10:30am, followed by a potluck dinner and Annual Meeting.

LUTEFISK SUPPER –hosted by Shetek Lutheran Ministrieson Sunday, Dec 4, 5:30 pm. Enjoy an evening of Fellowship, sing-a-long, and lutefisk, lefse, meatballs and more - $12. Reservations needed. Call507-763-3567byNov 29.

MILITARY CHRISTMAS PROJECT -9thgrade Confirmation students want to support US military personnel. Here are some ways you might be able to help us:

+ names & addresses of military personnel (HWP, deployed, or recovering)

+ leftover unused Christmas cards with envelopes

+ home-baked Christmas goodies that will ship well

+ monetary contributions to cover postage (checks can be made out to Healing Waters Parish)

Any contributions should be given to us byDec 6. You may give contributions to Pr Evelyn or Pr Steve, or leave at your church-- let them know what you’re giving and where to find it. Any leftover Christmas goodies will be shared by all the Confirmation studentson Dec 14. Thank you!

LIVE NATIVITY –sponsored by Shetek Lutheran Ministrieson Saturday, Dec 10andSunday, Dec 11, 5:00-7:00 pm. Christmas lighting, Christmas music, refreshments. Free will donation. For more information call 507-763-3567 or go to

CHRISTMAS CANTATA– 3 YMLC singers and Pr Steve will sing in the cantata hosted byClarkfieldLutheran! Performances will beSunday, Dec 18, 4:00 pmat Clarkfield Lutheranfollowed by a light supper, and7:00 pmat YMLCfollowed by coffee fellowship.

ALL PARISH WORSHIP ON NEW YEAR’S DAY- You are invited to welcome the New Year by worshiping our new-born King!Sunday, Jan 1, 10:30 amat Yellow Medicine Lutheran Church. Coffee fellowship begins at9:45amin the narthex. Everyone is invited to bring leftover Christmas goodies to share with coffee! If you plan to come, please let a pastor know what Christmas carol you would most like to sing— old favorites, or songs that don’t get sung often enough. Please also pass along any ideas you may have for special music byDec 15.

THE LUTHERANMONTHLY MAGAZINE– yours at a terrific group rate! The award-winning monthly magazine of the ELCA connects with the global Christian community and brings stories of God’s people living their faith. 25 HWP individuals/families signing up to receiveThe Lutheran, lets us receive the low group rate of just $7.95/year. To sign up, send a check made out to HWP for $7.95 to PO Box 134,Hanley Falls, 56245, drop it in the offering plate, or give it to a pastor.

RECEIVE THE NEWSLETTER ELECRONICALLY– if you would prefer to read the newsletter online (and save printing and mailing costs), please emailmailto:.

for widowed, separated and divorced people is offering its Level II "Rebuilding" series for ten weeks beginningJan 16, 2012.TheMonday nightsessions begin at 7:00 pm at the First Lutheran Church on Church and "A" Street inMarshall,MN. Registration is held the first twoMonday nightsstarting at6:30 pm. Registration is then closed for that session. The support group is open to people of all denominations. There is a fee to cover the cost of materials. This series is designed for those who are past the initial pain of losing a partner and are working to put their lives back together. All dialogue is confidential and facilitators are individuals who have suffered a similar loss. If you wish to pre-register or have other questions concerning level participation, contact Karen at507-532-0922email:, Shirley at507-829-3106email:,Gene at507-215-1362or Kathy at507-215-2361.