Elenco pubblicazioni ultimi 5 anni

[1] C. D. Venneri, G. Verardo, P. Strazzolini (2011). Convenient one-pot synthesis of dipeptidyl ureas employing carbamoyl azides of a-N-protected amino acids. Synthetic Commun., 41, 1027-1041.

[2] G. Verardo, C. D. Venneri, G. Esposito, P. Strazzolini (2011). Study of the reaction between carbamoyl azides of a-N-protected amino acids and hydrazine monohydrate. Eur. J. Org. Chem., 1376-1384.

[3] R. Bortolomeazzi, M. Munari, M. Anese, G. Verardo (2012). Rapid mixed mode solid phase extraction method for the determination of acrylamide in roasted coffee by HPLC-MS/MS. Food Chem., 135, 2687-2693.

[4] G. Verardo, A. Gorassini (2013). Sodium borohydride reduction of carbamoyl azide function: a synthesis of N-protected N’-formyl-gem-diaminoalkyl derivatives. Eur. J. Org. Chem., 5387–5397.

[5] G. Verardo, A. Gorassini (2013). a-N-Protected dipeptide acids: a simple and efficient synthesis via the easily accessible mixed anhydride method using free amino acids in DMSO and tetrabutylammonium hydroxide. J. Pept. Sci., 19, 315-324.

[6] G. Verardo, A. Gorassini (2013). Characterization of N-Boc/Fmoc/Z-N’-formyl-gem-diaminoalkyl derivatives using electrospray ionization multi-stage mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). J. Mass Spectrom., 48, 1136-1149.

[7] M. Anese, M. C. Nicoli, G. Verardo, M. Munari, G. Mirolo, R. Bortolomeazzi (2014). Effect of vacuum roasting on acrylamide formation and degradation in coffee beans. Food Chem., 145, 168-172.

[8] M. Baldini, C. Ferfuia, R. Bortolomeazzi, G. Verardo, J. Pascali, E. Piasentier, L. Franceschi (2014). Determination of phorbol esters in seeds and leaves of Jatropha curcas and in animal tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Ind. Crop. Prod., 59, 268-276.

[9] D. Fraternale, D. Ricci, G. Verardo, A. Gorassini, V. Stocchi, P. Sestili (2015). Activity of vitis vinifera tendrils extract against phytopathogenic fungi. Nat. Prod. Commun., 10, 1037-1042.

[10] D. Fraternale, A. Rudov, F. Prattichizzo, F. Olivieri, D. Ricci, E. Giacomini, S. Carloni, C. Azzolini, B. Gordillo, M. J. Jara-Palacios, G. Verardo, M. C. Albertini (2016). Chemical composition and "in vitro" anti-inflammatory activity of Vitis vinifera L. (var. Sangiovese) tendrils extract. J. Funct. Foods, 20, 291-302.