Ryan White and Prevention Providers Present

Bridges, Tiffany – Tutwiler Clinic / Daughtery, Kim - FFL / Knapp, Kirk – St. Jude
Byrd, Marvin - CSA / Davis, Kelli –The Church On The Square / Koepke, Susan – Scared Heart
CaPece, Elokin - PPGMR / Dill, Sarah – Hope House / LaBonte, Michael – Crisis Center
Chandler, Amanda - CCHS / Foster, LaTonya - MHC / Liebbe, Nancy - LeBonheur
Chalmers, Kenyell - CSA / Henderson, Candace – T.M.M.D. / McDermott, Sr. Bettean- SHSM
Cotton, Mia - FFL / Hurd- Sawyer, LaRonia – PEAS Inc. / McFarland, Sheila - CAAP

Others Present

Hardy, Kristie / Montgomery, Martha / Williams, Nataki
Lewis, Kenneth / Taylor, Timkiya / Young, Dorcas


·  Timkiya Taylor welcomed everyone to the meeting and initiated introductions.

PROGRAM, PREVENTION AND QM UPDATE – Timkiya Taylor and Kenneth Lewis

·  HRSA Ryan White Funding Update

The Grantee’s office has not received the final Notice of Grant Award from HRSA. Providers will be notified when we receive this information.

·  Affordable Care Act Update

Arkansas will expand Medicaid in 2014, but Mississippi and Tennessee will not expand at this time. Arkansas will use a federal-state partnership Marketplace, and Mississippi and Tennessee will use the Federal marketplace. Uninsured persons with income at or below 100% federal poverty level are not eligible for cost-sharing options offered by the Marketplace.

Open enrollment for Medicaid and the Health Insurance Marketplace will begin in October 2013. Applications will be available on-line, and assistance will be available to help through the application process. Training for patient navigator will also be on-line and available to anyone. The Federal marketplace will NOT have the option for third party assistance (e.g. Ryan White Insurance Assistance Program) in paying premiums, but third parties can work directly with insurance companies. It is recommended that Outpatient providers work with the State Insurance Commissioners’ offices to ensure participation in health insurance networks.

·  Contracts Update

Contract amendments have been sent to the Purchasing and Contracts departments for processing and the Mayor’s signature. Providers should have been notified about the status of their contract. Call Timkiya or Kenneth if you need to submit any outstanding information or if you need to know the latest status of your contract. Executed copies of contracts will be mailed once they are received from Contracts Administration.

·  QM Agency Assessments

Part-A Quality Management Assessment tools were emailed last week and should be returned to the provider service coordinators on or before April 30th. The program staff will review the assessments and provide training and technical assistance for QM program and plan updates/revisions. Updated QM plans are due June 30th (QM plans should be updated annually).

·  Client Satisfaction Surveys

We will be implementing a TGA- wide client satisfaction survey; training will be provided prior to implementation.

·  RSR Client Viewer & CAREWare Quarterly Data Clean-Up

Martha will present this information at the next Provider meeting.


·  Elokin CaPeace gave an update on the Condom Distribution Program, including information on promotion efforts and total number of condoms distributed to date.


·  Next HIV Prevention Planning Group meeting: April 18th, 12:00 noon, Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library, 3030 Poplar Avenue

·  Next Planning Council meeting: April 24th, 5:30pm at Church Health Center, 1115 Union Avenue.

FISCAL UPDATE – Nataki Williams

·  March 2013 invoices

March invoices have been sent to Purchasing and the fiscal staff is now awaiting PO’s in order to submit payments to providers.


·  Prevention quarterly narratives were due to the State on Monday. Be sure to send a copy of the narratives to your assigned provider service coordinator.

·  Program staff is working on scheduling an ARTAS Training and will forward a date after it is finalized.

·  Eligibility cards and pouches are available for agencies in need; see Timkiya after the meeting.

·  Kim Daughtery: “Dying Out for Life Event” will be held next Thursday at participating restaurants. This is a fund raiser for people living with HIV in our community.

Next meeting: To be determined.

Meeting Adjourned

Provider Meeting April 17, 2013 2