Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the Danube eRegion
Cross-border eSolution/eService Prototype Development Proposal
Presentation event: Italy-Slovenia Cross-border eCollaboration Workshop in Ljubljana…
Prototype title:
Cross-border identity correlation in the Danube region
Short description of the prototype:
In the Danube region (more specific: SEE or former Yugoslavia countries) there are quite some problems in relation to cross border identity management. Region suffered war with its horrible consequences in terms of mass displacements and devastation. In years after disintegration of Yugoslavia, most of the new states implemented their own identity management initiatives with new citizen’s registries and identity management systems which replaced former common citizen registry and identity number.
Social security systems in the region (especially pension and invalidity insurance systems) have strong cross-border and international component, since significant part of the secured persons has some insurance periods in other countries in the region. According to provisions, international agreements and EU regulations, the social pension and invalidity insurance institutes are obliged to pay benefits abroad under conditions as well as the entitlements from pension and invalidity insurance can be claimed on the basis of international agreements on social security. In both cases it is of vital interest of the social security institutions in the region to be able to correctly and accurately correlate identities of those persons and regularly and promptly electronically exchange relevant data (e.g. date of death) between all involved countries. Since there is currently no ICT systems or services, the majority of activities are running on the level of involved institutions, case by case, institution by institution, which is, of course, inadequate way to address such multilateral issue.
The solution should provide the following:
1. Legal basis and exchange of relevant data of persons with insurance periods, claims or benefits in specific countries and correlation of their identities (identity numbers) in different countries
2. Implementation of web services and web user interface for both view and automatically retrieve (by the applications) necessary data of persons, based on correlated identities
3. Implementation of fully automatic data (messages) interchange between the involved institutions of the relevant data of persons for each institution to exchange changes (e.g. date of death).
4. Implementation of security and audit trail system, which will protect personal data according to provisions in all involved countries and EU and keep audit trail
5. Implementation of web portal with secure e-services for insured persons and beneficiaries in involved countries based on the correlated identities and PKI to ensure them information about the claim status, insurance periods and payments.
For the prototype phase only two to three partners are planned to be involved and limited functionality is planned to be implemented (1 and 2).
Main benefit of the proposed solution should be significantly reduced cost of overpaid benefits on fraud, mistake or death in all countries in region.
Related projects in EU are EESSI and Stork. In the future, the prototype could be expanded to other countries with similar circumstances (disintegration). On the other hand, the prototype could, due to similar concepts, help to close non-memberstates to the relevant EU initiatives (Stork, EESSI).
During the comprehensive renovation of its ICT system in recent years, ZPIZ strongly emphasizes development of its electronic commerce and e-services. We implemented policy of secure electronic commerce and developed sophisticated framework and system for secure and technically advanced e-commerce with our main target groups: citizens, businesses and public administration. ZPIZ electronically exchanges several millions of documents yearly and provides secure electronic services to citizens (awarded portal e-ZPIZ) and businesses (BiZPIZ). Our proven concepts, expertise and ICT resources are key reference for success of the ICT part of the proposed prototype.
ICT requirements for the prototype deployment:
Solution will be base on SOA, open standards and W3C recommendations. Applications will be developed in java. ICT infrastructure, frameworks, systems and knowledge of involved institutions will be used.
Proposer - contact person
Name, family name Edmond Pajk Position CIO
Organization ZPIZ – Pension and Invalidity Institute of Slovenia
Postal address SI-1000 Ljubljana Country Slovenia
E-address Web address
Telephone +38614745602 Mobile
Existing partners (representative, position, organization, country):
Corresponding representatives of the Pension and invalidity insurance in the region (to be detailed after confirmation)
What type of partners are we looking for?
Social security system institutions in the region, ministries, responsible for social security and citizens registries in the region, ICT partners (optional)