August 15, 2016
Dear Parent/Athlete:
Prior to participating on a team from Stevenson,athletes must provide the AthleticTraining Department with current address, emergency contact, insurance, medical alert and health history information.To expedite this process Stevenson uses an online data entry system.
This system will be used for Trainer Megan to document injuries, keep your athlete’s doctor’s notes in order, let the coaches know when their playing status changes due to injury, access their digital emergency cards, and eventually this profile/user name and password will be how your athlete will sign in to the Athletic Training Room for services like taping, ice bags, getting injuries evaluated by Amanda etc. This system meets FERPA and HIPAA requirements and is encrypted for your athlete’s safety!
To enter your information, visit
Joining SportsWareOnLine
Instruction / ExampleGo to /
Enter your e-mail address and then click JOIN SPORTSWARE (last blue button on the right) /
Enter your School ID: Beaumont is the School ID
This is required to join the correct school. /
Enter your First Name, Last Name, Email address and click the Send button.Select Group:Stevenson /
Your request to join SportsWare will then be sent to Megan, the Athletic Trainer for review. /
Once your request is accepted you will receive an e-mail with the Subject “SportsWare request accepted”.
Open the e-mail and click the link to continue to SportsWareOnLine. /
Setting Your Password
Instruction / ExampleGo to /
Enter your Email Address and click the Reset Password button. /
You will receive and e-mail with the Subject “SportsWareOnLine Password Request”.
Open the e-mail and click on the link to reset your password.Enter your e-mail address, new password and click the Save button. /
Updating Your Information
Instruction / ExampleGo to /
Enter your Email Address and click the blue Login button. /
At the top of the page is the Menu Bar.
My Info: Update your address, emergency contact and insurance information.
ID: Please enter the athlete’s birthday in this box as well as in the BirthDate box.
Med History: Complete a Medical History questionnaire.
Forms:View/complete required paperwork. Note: SportsWare will also display “You have ? forms to complete/download”.
Print:You don’t have to print anything. /
The boxes with RED STARS (*) are mandatory; the rest are helpful, but not required!
Thank you for your prompt help.
If you have any questions, please Megan at for assistance!
Megan Henahan, MS, LAT, ATC
Beaumont Health/ Stevenson High School