- PRESENT:-Nigel Hallam (Chairman)Cate Starr
John Flinders Mary Vukajlovic
Barry Wood Jane Wharton (Practice Manager)
Lesley Hall Dr.Jayne Lynas
Vic Hall
2. APOLOGIES: -David Howe and Mary Shaw
3. Welcome and Introductions.
Nigel welcomed all those attending and particularly the four new members who he hoped would find the meeting interesting.
4. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 26thNovember 2012
The accuracy of the minutes taken from the meeting was agreed by all members present.
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
- Nigel confirmed that he had written an E-Mail to Terry Whittaker acknowledging his resignation from the PPG due to his new role and thanked him for his work with the Group. It was confirmed that this had also been sent by post as previous difficulties had been experienced in getting E-mails to Terry.
- John confirmed that the Message in a Bottle posters had been distributed to Kelvingrove and Brooklyn Surgeries
- Jane confirmed that the Hearing Loop was now advertised on Website and in the Surgery
- Jane confirmed that the Minutes and Questionnaire had been distributed to the Virtual Group. Jane explained that some of the E-Mail addresses provided by Virtual Group Members were no longer operating. Following a brief discussion it was agreed to send a copy of the Survey Report to the Virtual Group Members and update the Virtual Group list and advertise the opportunity to become a member. It was also agreed Nigel would write a letter to accompany the Survey Report. Action Points Nigel and Jane
- Jane confirmed that she had fed back the transport booking problem highlighted by John to the Commissioning Group. It was acknowledged that there were a few set up problems, but the feeling was that things had improved. She was not aware of any recent issues, but will bring the matter up at the monthly Managers meeting being held on Thursday. Helen Jones attends that meeting and feeds back directly to the Commissioning Group.ActionPointJane
- It was confirmed that the Joint Meeting would take place on Monday 4th March 2013 at 7.00pm. Jane indicated that the other Practices had requested that the Park Surgery host the event which was agreed. The presentation would be by John Floyd from Derbyshire Health United which provides the “out of hours” doctor’s coverage.
It was agreed that Nigel would compile an Agenda for the Joint Meeting.
6. To receive and consider Draft Survey Report for week commencing
7th January 2013.
Jane confirmed that the Questionnaire had been considered by both Doctors and Nurses prior to its use during the Survey week and no amendments had been requested.
Discussions took place regarding the following activities;
a). Coverage.
It was confirmed that due to illness and unavailability only three members had been able to attend the Surgery sessions. This resulted in members either undertaking two or three sessions each. It also resulted in no coverage on Thursday 10th January.
b). Data Analysis.
Barry and John provided a brief outline of some to Data Analysis issues which had arisen. It was agreed that the data analysis was a lengthy and large piece of work.
c). Virtual Members and Home Visits
Jane confirmed that 3 forms had been identified as having been returned by E-Mail from Virtual Members Group members which were given to John to include in the overall Survey results. Jane explained that only five Nursing visits took place that week and although Questionnaires were left none had been returned. ActionPointJohn
d). Content of Draft Report.
Nigel went through each page of the “Draft Report” with members to confirm agreement and add any additional comments and content. It was agreed that Nigel would update the narrative in the report once the new data charts had been updated and sent to him. Thereafter Nigel would circulate the final report to members for any final comments prior to public distribution. ActionPointNigel
e). How did it go?
A brief discussion took place about how the survey had gone during the week and there was an exchange of experiences. It was overwhelming found that the Patients approached had been very co-operative and supportive of the Survey.
It was noted that a total of 334 Questionnaires had been completed over a l week period compared to 379 over 2 weeks in 2012. It was agreed that future surveys should be held over 1week and if sufficient PPG members could attend that 2 member’s cover the sessions on Monday and Tuesday mornings which appear to be the busiest sessions generating the largest number of forms.
f). Follow Up Actions.
Members concluded that the Survey disclosed a number of key issues which would be set out in the Report namely that a large number of Patients had limited or no knowledge of the Nursing Services available at the Practice which was reflected in the responses. The highest number of responses suggesting changes were to bring the “blood tests in house” rather than at HeanorHospital.
It was agreed that the tannoy system announcements continue to be unclear when made by some Doctors. It had been noted by all those conducting the Survey this continued to be a problem for patients hearing their name when call. Cate explained that at previous Practice she had been a patient at displayed names on a large screen to avoid this problem.
Nigel said he had noted that the flow of patients on Monday and Tuesday mornings appeared much quicker than in 2012 when he was involved with the Survey which resulted in reduced waiting time for patients. He shared that some Practices now have a “Patient Commitment” that if the wait is longer than 20 minutes after their appointment time that patients can ask at reception for the reason for delay. This may be something the Practice wish to consider.
Action Points Dr Lynas agreed to share this problem with her colleagues and Jane to explore whether the computer system offers a large screen option.
h). Circulation and Distribution.
It was agreed that the final Report would be distributed to the Practice for consideration by Doctors, Nurses and Staff and the production of an Action Plan. It would also be copied and displayed on the PPG Notice Board in the Surgery, displayed on the Practice website and sent with a covering letter from Nigel to all Virtual Group members.
Action Points Jane and Nigel
7. Items for Consideration Members.
Nigel outlined to members that he had received a number of notifications from Claire Haynes, Engagement Manager, Southern Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). These items had been sent to the Chairs of PPG’s to bring to the attention of their PPG members.
- Public Health Flu DVD. Jane confirmed that the Practice had received the promotional DVD to help increase the number of people coming forward for flu jabs. However there was a good take up at the Park Surgery following the normal and additional Saturday session. Nigel asked if the DVD was being shown in the Surgery Waiting Room as further promotion. Jane explained this was not possible due to technical issues. Nigel suggested inserting the “link” provided for the DVD on to the website which was agreed. Action Points Nigel to send Jane the “link” and Jane to update the website.
- PPG’s had been requested to feedback to the CCG regarding their involvement with the Practice on the Care Quality Commission (CQC).It was confirmed that the PPG had not been involved or approached so far and following a discussion it was proposed by Nigel that the members would be delighted to assist with any issues arising from the process. This was agreed.
- A copy of the leaflet ‘Support Information and Peer Support Services – for people with Dementia and their carers’was distributed for consideration by members and further discussion at the next meeting once it had been considered. A brief discussion took place about the current approach at the Practice to this.
- Nigel outlined that he had received an invitation to attend the next set of Health Panel Meetings being held by the Southern Derbyshire CCG which would be held on 5th March 2013 at the YMCA Derby 9.30am to 12 noon and repeated at the Strutts Centre, Belper. He hoped to attend one of the sessions and would feedback in following the event.
- Nigel outlined the invitation received from the EastMidlandsLeadershipAcademy based in Nottingham to join a Patient Service User and Carer Steering Group. If any member was interested please speak to Nigel who would provide more information.
8. Items from Members.
John’s Wife had come up with the suggestion of a life size nurse to advertise the Nursing Services at the Practice. This would address the issues raised in the survey and would not be easily ignored! This can be considered when we are putting together an action plan as a result of the survey.
Barry raised a concern regarding difficulty faced in getting his Grandson seen as a temporary resident at the Practice. Jane was not sure what had happened as there is no reason why he could not have been registered temporarily. Perhaps lack of appointments available on the day?
Cate asked if there was any possibility of blood tests being carried out at the Practice rather than at HeanorHospital. Dr Lynas explained that blood tests being carried out during consultations would not be the best use of doctors’ time. Unfortunately, at present time we do not have room availability or staff to allow us to provide the service. This may change in the future.
9. Items from Practice Manager
Nothing else to report.
10. Items from Doctor Lynas
Dr Lynas informed the Group that the Walk-in Centre in Ilkeston is closing in February 2013. This may have implications on the workload in the Practice.
In an attempt to improve efficiency and address the issues of waiting times in the surgery Dr Lynas has produced a patient information handout for patients to read whilst waiting for their appointment. This raises a few issues that may help to reduce waiting times. Nigel agreed to review it before it is circulated. It was also agreed to put it onto the Practice Website.Action Jane
11. Determine Date and Time of next meeting and Close
The next meeting would be held as a Joint Meeting with Kelvingrove and Brooklyn on Monday 4th March 2013, 7.00pm at the Park Surgery, Heanor.
It was agreed by Members to hold a short meeting after the Joint Meeting to deal with PPG business for the Park Surgery.