Geo/SIG Online Support Tools Application
Geo/SIG Name:
Coordinator Name: Coordinator e-mail:
Secondary Contact Name: Secondary Contact Email:
Please check the services you are requesting & complete the sections that apply to your request.
Online Membership
Instant gratification text (person joining will see on-screen as confirmation, as well as via e-mail confirmation):
New member notification e-mail address (will receive an e-mail each time someone joins the group)
By checking here, and as a condition of use, I agree to ensure our Geo/SIG abides by the OAUG Privacy Policy ( Our Geo/SIG will also honor member requests to “opt-out” of receiving e-mail or regular mail.
Web Site Manager(includes hosting)
Current OAUG hosted Web Site URL:
If none, provide requested Web Site URL: (not guaranteed, based on availability)
Please complete the following for each user you want to have access to the system:
Name / Email * / Phone / Desired Username* / Desired Password / Level of access **To add additional contacts, please attach an additional sheet as necessary.
* Email addresses and Usernames Must be Unique
**Webmaster are those individuals who can update content as well as approve content submitted by others. A User is someone what can create content, but it must be approved by a Webmaster before it is published to the site.
My Group agrees to abide by the OAUG Web site terms and conditions ( as well as the Limitations on Use of Service and Service Softwarelisted in agreements section of this document.
Web Site Hosting only(for groups not using the OAUG Website Manager)
Web Site URL (abbreviated Geo/SIG name will be used as first part of the list address):10 Word Description of the Geo/SIG:
Listmaster Name (person responsible for maintaining list):
Listmaster Email (will be used as login id for listserver and listmaster support forum)
Listmaster Password (for listserver and support forum account):
Listmaster Phone number:
Do you want an Open list (where anyone can subscribe), or a Closed list, where the Listmaster must add subscribers:
Website Manager Agreement:
Limitations on use of Service and Service Software
As used herein, "Software" refers to any software incorporated into the Service. Customer will not, and will not permit, assist, or allow others to, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, re-engineer, or otherwise discover, recreate, or attempt to discover or recreate the Software or its source code. Customer will not modify or attempt to modify the Software or sublicense or charge others to use or access the Software or the Service. Customer will not use the Software or the Service in any way not expressly authorized by this Agreement.
If you currently have a site hosted by OAUG, you will be assigned a staging URL until you let us know that you are ready to move your site. If you wish to archive your old site, you must FTP all files prior to giving your permission to overwrite your site. All files will be overwritten during the transition to the new site. OAUG cannot be held liable for files overwritten in any transition.
Website Hosting Only Agreement:
OAUG will provide both public and secured space on its web site ( for affiliated Geographic (Geo) and Special Interest (SIG) Groups under the following conditions:
- The Geo/SIG must be an affiliated group of the OAUG.
- Hosting is free of charge up to 20MB of space on. OAUG will charge Geo/SIGs, on a quarterly basis, for any space utilized in excess of the 20MB, for costs. Groups are required to ensure they request adequate funding each year to pay for the additional costs.
- Each Geo/SIG will have two folders: a public section (for meeting notices and general information) and a private section in the OAUG members-only section (for meeting minutes, membership lists, and other sensitive material). Only OAUG members have access to this section. No additional security (i.e., security specific to a Geo or SIG) will be provided. OAUG will provide an ftp user id and password to each Coordinator.
- The Coordinator (or designee) will be responsible for the preparation, coding, and upload of all material to his/her designated space.
- The Geo/SIG Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that all material appearing on the site meets OAUG membership rules (including those against recruiting) and does not violate copyright or other statutes. OAUG reserves the right to review material at any time and to immediately and without notice remove material deemed to violate these standards.
- The Geo/SIG Coordinator is responsible for informing OAUG of any transitions to new Coordinators, in order that site security can be maintained and passed on to the new Geo/SIG Coordinator.
- OAUG reserves the right to remove the web site hosting service at any time at its own discretion.
Listserver Agreement:
- The Geo/SIG must be a registered affiliate user group with OAUG.
- The Term of Agreement is a minimum of One Year. After one year, your subscription will automatically renew for another year unless written notice is given to the OAUG at to cancel 30 days prior to the date of renewal.
- The cost of the service will be charged to the Geo/SIG and can be paid for with OAUG provided funding. Groups must ensure they request sufficient funding at the beginning of each year to cover listserver costs.
- Pricing Per List: $35 one-time set-up fee, and $15/month (subject to change). Charges will be deducted from your funding account on a quarterly basis. Groups with insufficient funding are subject to cancellation.
- Assigned Listmaster will be the owner of the list and is responsible for all maintenance, monitoring, etc. of the list. Geos and SIGs are responsible for designating their own Listmaster.
- If the Listmaster and/or contact info changes, the group Coordinator must notify the OAUG at immediately so security can be updated.
- OAUG reserves the right to cancel Listserver service at any time at its own discretion.
- Listmaster is required to follow all policies as outlined in the Listmaster Support Forum.
- Listmaster must monitor the list and ensure that subscribers are adhering to the OAUG Acceptable Use Policy, including restriction against using the list for sales or recruiting purposes.
- List information will not be provided to third parties outside of OAUG.
Please initial here in agreement to the above guidelines:
OAUG Application for Online Membership, Web Site Manager, & List Server
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