2017Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken
Registration/Parental Consent and Release Form
Mail to:
PO Box 877
Mattoon, Illinois 61938
Participant’s Last Name: ______Participant’s First Name: ______
Address: ______City: ______
Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______Work Phone: ______Email: ______
Date of Birth: ______Age: (circle one) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Determine age on April 30th of current year
Shirt Size: (circle one) Y Small Y Medium Y Large Y X Lrg Adult Small Adult Med Adult Lrg Adult XLrg Adult XXLrg
Positions Played: (circle all that apply) 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Pitcher Catcher Outfield
Participant’s Birth Certificate is required for all first time players in Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken.
Birth Certificate verified: Yes or No By: ______
As the undersigned, being either parent or legal guardian of the above listed participant, do hereby give my consent for that person listed above to be assigned to a team with the Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken. The above participant will actively participate in all the said activities such as fundraising and traveling to and from activities to ensure the continuation of Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken.
Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken is a non-profit organization set up to promote good sportsmanship through baseball competitions with a fair treatment of all young people regardless of their athletic ability.
I as the undersigned parent or legal guardian do further hereby release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless the Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken, Mattoon Parks Dept., City of Mattoon; the organizers, sponsors, supervisors, coaches, and all other volunteers from any liability which may be incurred as a result of participation in any activity associated with the operation of Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken.
In case of an injury, I do hereby waive all claims against the organizers, sponsors, supervisors, coaches, and all other volunteers appointed by Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken. I likewise release from responsibility any person transporting the above listed participant to and from any such activities deemed necessary to the continuation of Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken. I agree that the additional accident insurance provided by Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken is a supplement only to my own coverage on the above listed participant.
All league players are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship towards their own team, the opposing team, coaches and umpires. Failure to participate with good sportsmanship will result in disciplinary action. Examples of poor sportsmanship that will not be allowed include, but may not be limited to:
1. Use of profanity or abusive language towards other players, coaches, or umpires.
2. Throwing of equipment
3. Degrading comments or actions made toward other players, coaches, or umpires.
Registration Fee is $50.00 per participant and $25.00 for siblings of the registered participant. Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken cannot guarantee participation into the league if registering after March 31st, 2017. A $10.00 late fee will be applied to ALL late sign ups after March 31st, 2017
Payment Received by: Cash Check# ______
I understand that Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken expects league participants to participate with good sportsmanship towards other players, coaches, and umpires. As a participant, I will conduct myself in a manner that reflects good sportsmanship at all times. I understand that failure to do so could impact my participation in Mattoon Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken.
Parent/Guardian’s Printed Name: ______Signature: ______Date:______
Participant’s Printed Name: ______Signature: ______Date: ______