ASCC A&H2 Panel

Approved Minutes

Wednesday, November 1, 2017 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

110 Denney Hall

ATTENDEES: Bitters, Fletcher, Kaylor, Knapp, Savage, Vankeerbergen


1.  Approval of 10-18-17 minutes

·  Savage, Knapp, unanimously approved

2.  History 3708 & Pharmacy 3708 (return; new cross-listed courses with GE Historical Study)

·  Exceedingly well-conceived course. Topic is highly important and its inherent interdisciplinarity is honored throughout.

·  P. 9: There are two disability statements. Request to remove one of the disability statements; make sure to use the one recommended by SLDS (with full contact information for SLDS)

·  Savage, Knapp, unanimously approved with one recommendation (in italics above)

3.  History 2720 (existing course with GE Historical Study; request for 100% distance learning delivery)

·  Distance learning syllabus: p. 9: Remove one of the disability statements. Keep the one that is recommended by SLDS

·  In-class syllabus (1) uses outdated pre-semester conversion GEC goals and expected learning outcomes (request to use the correct GE Historical Study language included in the distance learning syllabus) & (2) includes two plagiarism statements on pp. 7-8.

·  Knapp, Savage, unanimously approved with recommendations (in italics above)

4.  History 3724 (new course; requesting GE Historical Study & GE Diversity-Global Studies)

·  Very interesting course.

·  Savage, Knapp, unanimously approved

5.  Hebrew 3350 (new course; requesting GE VPA)

·  Request to seek concurrences from

Dept of English (they offer an undergraduate minor in popular culture and teach courses in comics studies)

Dept of Comparative Studies (they offer courses and a major in religious studies).

·  If the course can count in one of the undergraduate majors offered by NELC (even as an elective), please provide updated curriculum map(s) of the major(s).

·  P. 5 of syllabus: D- is not a grade at OSU. Request to adjust the grading scale.

·  P. 6: The disability statement is outdated. Request to use the one recommended by SLDS (with accurate physical address):

·  GE assessment plan also includes assessment of course goals. Recommendation to fully roll the course goals assessment information under the GE ELOs assessment information when implementing the assessment plan and eventually writing a GE assessment report. Indeed, the Assessment Panel will solely be interested in GE ELO assessment & will not want to see discrete information/data for the various course goals.

·  Knapp, Savage, unanimously approved with contingencies (in bold above) and one recommendation (in italics above)