Indianapolis, IN

January 31, 2006

9:30 a.m.

Ronald J. Stratten, Chairman

Commissioners Present: Jim Bodenmiller, Sandra Clark, Judy Hess, William Hopper, Jeanne Mirro, Lee Marks, Leonard Pas, Ronald Stratten, Steven Tuchman

Commissioners Not Present: India Cruse-Griffin, Joan David, Cindy Frey, Irene Smith-King, Richard Stifel

IAC Staff Present: Jayant Chauhan, Bobbie Garver, Dorothy Ilgen, Monica Peterson, Rebecca Stergos, Emelita Tolentino, Rex Van Zant

IAC Staff Not Present: Robyn Allen, Jennifer Johnson-Wade, L. Pogost

1. Chairman Stratten called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m.

2. Approval of Consent Agenda

Mr. Pas moved and Ms. Mirro seconded to approve the consent agenda. Motion passed.

4. Chairman’s Report

Mr. Stratten reported to the Commission on the hire of Jay Chauhan to the staff. He also discussed the nearing release of PeopleSoft eFinancials, which will go live March 1st, and the progress of the online grants Request for Proposal, with the review of proposals beginning soon. He updated the Commission on the staff meetings with the State PROBE, and he introduced the newest draft of the Strategic Plan.

5. Executive Director’s Report

Ms. Ilgen reported to the Commission that requests have been submitted for the Executive Broad-Banding of three staff positions, including the Deputy Director, with the goal of filling this position in April. Ms. Ilgen also reported on the recent Individual Arts Partners deadline, which yielded applications from 169 artists.

6. Committee on the Future Report

Mr. Hopper yielded to Mr. Tuchman, who chaired the last Committee on the Future meeting in Mr. Hopper’s absence. Mr. Tuchman referred to the financial reports provided by Ms. Tolentino, which reflect an anticipated 7% reduction for the upcoming budget year. Ms. Mirro moved and Ms. Hess seconded to approve the report of the Committee on the Future. Motion passed.

7. Strategic Planning Task Force Preliminary Report

Strategic Planning Task Force Chairman Ms. Clark presented to the Commission the final draft of the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Planning Task Force has completed their work, and the plan is being reviewed by internet surveys and six listening tours throughout the state. Mr. Tuchman commented that the Commission owes its deepest gratitude to Mr. Rab Mukerjea of Purdue for providing facilitation and leadership for the Task Force. The implementation of the Strategic Plan will be delegated to the Committee on the Future, who will form an Annual Action Committee. Mr. Tuchman moved and Mr. Hopper seconded to accept the Strategic Plan in its current draft to be reviewed at the next Quarterly meeting after public input has been considered, with possible future contributions and discussion. Motion passed.

13. Old Business

·  Mr. Van Zant reported on the progress of the Cultural Trust Administrative Board. The updated Cultural Trust legislation is expected to be added as an amendment to an existing bill in the current session of the legislature. The Cultural Trust Administrative Board hopes to have the $50 million threshold reduced to $1 million.

·  Mr. Bodenmiller reported on a local community effort in Lafayette to support the arts, including the work of the Wabash Riverfront Development Committee to justify an increased food and beverage tax, the proceeds of which would benefit local cultural efforts and riverfront development.

·  Chairman Stratten reminded the Commission of the upcoming Arts Advocacy Day at the Statehouse. The event starts at 10:00 a.m. on Monday February 13. He also asked Commissioners to review the advocacy information provided by NASAA at

·  Ms. Clark asked about the progress of getting new Commissioners appointed by the Governor. She also noted that attendance is a concern for some Commissioners and that these regions are not being adequately represented. This issue will be further discussed at the Quarterly meeting in March.

14. New Business

·  Ms. Ilgen reported that the Commission should expect a 5-7% budget reduction in FY2007.

·  Ms. Ilgen reported that the IAC received $8,000 from the NEA for the Indiana Poetry Out Loud competition, which will take place in April. The winner of the Indiana competition will advance to the national competition in Washington DC.

15. Adjourn

Mr. Hopper moved and Ms. Mirro seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 11:42 a.m.