
Timco Engineering, Inc.

Guidance on Requirements for Industry Canada Product Certification

DRAFT 1, 14 JANUARY 2004Page 1 of 16

M:\Master Documents\TOOLS - How to etc\ICapplicationUserGuide_150317.doc



This document provides guidance for applicants on how to gain certification on Radio Apparatus when using Timco Engineering Inc. as the Certification Body. This guide is only applicable for gaining certifications on Radio Apparatus intended for the Canadian market.

The actual requirements specified by Industry Canada for certification are contained within document CB-03 (Requirements for the Certification of Radio Apparatus to Industry Canada’s Standards and Specifications). To aid applicants with the certification process Timco has created this guidance document based on CB-03 although it should be noted that CB-03 is the base requirement and will always take precedence.

Any comments or suggestions regarding this document would be welcomed. Please forward your comments to:

Quality Assurance Manager

Timco Engineering, Inc.

849 NW State Road 45

PO Box 370

Newberry, FL 32669 USA

Alternatively you may send e-mail to .


Introduction...... 2

1.Company Profile...... 4

2.Eligible Products...... 4

3.Test Facility Requirements...... 4

4.Certification Fees...... 5

4.1Fee Schedule...... 5

4.2Methods of Payment...... 5

5.Application Procedures...... 5

5.1Documentation requirements...... 5

5.2Guidance on completing your application...... 6

5.3Format of application...... …12

6.The Certification Process...... 12

6.1Preliminary Evaluation...... 12

6.2Service Level...... 12

6.3Confidentiality...... 13

7.Certification Number Format...... 13

8.Modification of certified equipment...... 14

9.Certification retention and audits...... 14

9.1 Continuing compliance...... 14

9.2Transfer of certificates...... 14

10.Withdrawal of certification...... 14

11.Appeals...... 15

12.References...... 15

1.Company Profile

Timco Engineering, Inc. is privately owned and incorporated in the State of Florida. Timco offers EMC testing and certification services to customers worldwide.

Our knowledgeable engineering staff has over 65 years of combined experience in EMC testing. Company representatives in China and Korea help us to serve our international clients in an efficient manner.

Timco’s accreditations include ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC 17065.

2.Eligible Products

Industry Canada separated Radio Apparatus into two categories depending on whether certification is required or not. All Category I apparatus must be certified.

Radio Communications Equipment is subject to the applicable requirements of the Radio Standards Specifications (RSS) or Broadcasting Equipment Technical Standards (BETS) standards on the Category I equipment Standards List. Note that Radio Communications Equipment imported only for demonstration or trial does not need to be certified. However, it does require an experimental radio license. Refer to Industry Canada publication RIC-66 (Radio Communication Information Circular 66) for details of Industry Canada offices. The office closest to the demonstration or trial site should be contacted.

The Category I standards list is published on the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications section of the Industry Canada website.

The list is subject to change without notice.

3.Test Facility Requirements

The certification and testing departments are operated separately within Timco Engineering, Inc. This is to ensure that all applications with test data provided from any acceptable test facility are processed equally.

Test laboratories are considered to be competent to perform the required measurements if:

1)The laboratory testing the EUT meets our requirements. If you are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 there are no further requirements. If you are not accredited to 17025 then you must prove to us that you are capable of testing & preparing the report for the EUT in question.

2)For measurements where an OATS is required, the laboratory must have their OATS listed with Industry Canada.

4.Certification Fees

4.1Fee Schedule

Contact us for a Price for Certification.

4.2Methods of payment

The following methods of payment are acceptable

  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
  • Check or Money Order (made payable to Timco Engineering, Inc.)
  • Wire Transfer to the following account:

*Contact us for current wire transfer information

Payment is to be in United States Dollars drawn on a US Bank.

5.Application procedure

5.1Documentation requirements

The following documents shall be submitted with the certification application depending on the Type of Certification Service(s) listed at the bottom of the table. Please review the details below the table for guidance.

REQUIRED EXHIBIT / Type of Service
Application Cover Letter: A letter with explanation of the type of Certification Service requested and brief description of the radio equipment. / All
Timco’s Certification Application Form (Appendix I & II Form)
RSP-100 Annex A: A completed and signed copy required.
RSP-100 Annex B: A completed and signed copy required. / All
RSS-102 Annex A/B or C: A completed and signed copy of Annex A and B or C of RSS-102 ─Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of Radiocommunication Apparatus (All Frequency Bands) / All
Canadian Representative Letter: The applicant-Canadian Representative agreement signed by the Canadian Representative. / All
Agent/Authorization Letter: If the applicant has authorized another entity for legal representation on their behalf, this agreement shall be submitted. / All
Certificate: If a new or revised certification certificate has been issued by a CB for the product(s), a copy of the issued certificate shall be submitted. / All
RSP-100 Annex D: A completed and signed copy required for only modular certification. / All*
Radio Test Report: A detailed test report meeting the technical requirements of the applicable Radio Standards Specification (RSS) and/or BETS. / All*
RSS-102 Compliance: SAR Test Report or RF Evaluation for the product. / All*
Photos: Internal and External photos of the product versions in the application. / All*
Manual: Product manual with applicable user notifications and operational description. / All*
Schematics and Block Diagrams / All*
Product Label: Actual label & label location photo(s) or illustration of the product label. / All*
Confidentiality Request: A letter stating the confidential documents. / All*
Family Certification Information: A letter/diagrams/photos explaining/showing the
similarities and differences between the versions of the product. May include schematics/diagrams/photos if necessary. / 2, 3
Modification Information: A signed letter explaining/showing the changes to the existing
version of the product. May include schematics/diagrams/photos if necessary. / 3, 4
Original Applicant Authorization: A letter signed by original applicant authorizing new Applicant to certify the product for Multiple Listing or Transfer of TAC. / 5, 6

All – The requirement applicable for all 1,2,3,4,5,6 types of Certification Services listed below.

* For all types of applications, if this document is identical to the document with the original filing, the document can be om


1 – New Single Product Certification;

2 – New Family Product Certification;

3 – Add New Product to Existing Family/(C1PC, C2PC);

4 – Modifications/(C3PC, C4PC);

5 – Multiple Listing of Certification;

6 – Full/Partial Transfer of Certification

The application forms detailed above may be downloaded from our website or can be requested from us directly. Please contact us at or 1-800-472-2424 should you require any further guidance on the application requirements.

5.2Guidance on completing your application form

To assist you in ensuring that your application is complete the following guidelines can be used:

  • Cover letter

This should detail the contents of your application with specific attention being made to previous certification numbers if applicable and the product and applicant details.

Appendix I - Certification Application Form

Section 1: Applicant information

Complete all contact information for the Applicant. It should be noted that the applicant maintains all responsibility for the application and the certification agreement. Timco may, if necessary contact the applicant directly. You must already have a Company Number assigned by Industry Canada. If you do not then you must contact Certification Engineering Bureau at Industry Canada directly.

Section 2: Canadian Representative information

What do we mean by Canadian representative? The applicant must provide in writing the identity of a representative in Canada who is capable of responding to inquiries and who can provide post-certification audit samples at no charge to Industry Canada or to Timco. Complete all contact information for the Canadian representative.

Section 3: Manufacturer

Please list the Manufacturer contact information.

Section 4: Customer

Please list the main point of contact information for the application submitted.

Section 5: Certification Number

The Certification Number is made up of the applicant’s company number and the unique product number of their choosing. Details are provided in section 7 of this Guide.

Section 6: Hardware Version Id Number (HVIN)

The Hardware Version Identification Number (HVIN) identifies hardware specs of a product version. HVIN replaces the IC Model Number in the legacy E-filing System. HVIN is required for all products for certification applications.

Please list all model numbers for the device

Section 7: product Marketing Name (PMN)

The Product Marketing Name (PMN) is the name or model number under which the product will be marketed/offered for sale in Canada. The PMN must be provided before the product is listed in REL and made available on the Canadian Market.

Section 8: Firmware Version Identification Number (FVIN)

The Firmware Version Identification Number (FVIN) identifies the firmware version utilized by the product which controls/affects the RF characteristics of the product.

Section 9: Host Marketing Name (HMN)

The Host Marketing Name (HMN) is the name or model number of a final product which contains a certified radio module.

If the device meet the Modular Approval or Limited Modular Approval Requirements please mark this here. Please note RSP-100 Annex D will be required for submission.

Section 10: Description of Product as it is Marketed:

Please list the description of the device that is to be placed on the certificate.

Section 11: Specification Standard

Please list the Standard that the device was tested to. Include the issue number of the Standard as well.

Section 12: Type of Equipment

The Type of Equipment description comes from a list provided by IC, see link. You may also refer to the list in Appendix 1 of this Guide and select the appropriate type of equipment from the list and type it into the space provided. This information will be used when the certification is uploaded to the REL.Type of Radio Equipment

Section 13: Equipment Information

Please mark whether or not this device is a Transmitter or Scanner Receiver.

Section 14: Type of Service (Per RSP-100)

This section specifies which certification services are being requested.

New Certification (Single) - A new single certification may be granted to products (final product or module) provided that the applicant has never been granted certification for the assigned HVIN and IC certification number in the application.

  • The PMN may be identical to HVIN and vice versa.
  • The FVIN must be provided if applicableotherwise please enter “N/A” as FVIN.
  • The HMN is only required for modular certifications when module compliance was assessed in a host.
  • Documents must be submitted as per Annex C.

New Family Certification - A new family certification may be granted to products (final products or modules) provided that the applicant has never been granted certification for the assigned HVIN(s) and IC certification number in the application.

  • At least one field (PMN, HVIN or FVIN) must be unique to identify different version(s) of the product for new family certification.
  • Family certification information document(s) must list the PMN, HVIN and FVIN of all the product versions within the application to explain in detail the hardware and/or software similarities/differences (RF characteristics, circuitry design, function capabilities etc.) between all the versions.
  • If FVIN is the only differentiation between product versions (PMN and HVIN remain identical) within the family certification application then FVIN must be provided.
  • The HMN is only required for modular certifications when module compliance was assessed in a host.
  • Documents must be submitted as per Annex C.

Existing Family/ Modification (Add Model, C1PC, C2PC) - If family certification is requested and at least one model in the family has been certified.

  • PMN, HVIN or FVIN may be identical or different from the existing certified version(s) of the product. Additionally, if the application contains two or more product versions, the product versions must have at least one unique field (PMN, HVIN or FVIN) to identify different version(s).
  • The HMN is only required for modular certifications when module compliance was assessed in a host.
  • Any permitted modifications (hardware or software) to the original certified product which may affect the RF must be supported by a test report with full or partial testing.
  • The modifications to the existing certified product shall comply with the requirements of Class I/II Permissive Changes.
  • The documents shall be submitted as per Annex C and shall include:
  • A detailed description of the firmware/hardware changes/differences (RF characteristics, circuitry design, and functional capabilities) between different versions of the product.
  • The changes/differences may be detailed with photographs, block diagrams, schematics and product literature.
  • A brief statement as to how the modifications to the product meet the Class I/II modification requirements and/or family certification requirements.

Modifications (C3PC, C4PC)-

Product Modifications (C3PC) Application

  • PMN and HVIN must remain identical to the existing certified product while a new and unique FVIN must be provided.
  • A detailed information in the “Modification Information” document(s) shall include and not limited to:
  • Detailed description of the RF characteristics and/or functional changes to the certified

product due the firmware change.

  • A brief statement as to how the modificationsmeet the Class III modification requirements.
  • Documents must be submitted as per Annex C.

Product Modifications (C4PC) Application

  • The SAR/RF exposure testing/evaluation in the new host shall be provided.
  • When the module integration affects the RF emissions characteristics, a test report with full or partial testing and updated RF emissions information shall be submitted.
  • HMN must be provided.
  • The documents shall be submitted as per Annex C and the provided information shall include details regarding the module integration including statementsregarding changes to module’s original reported RF emissions characteristics and/or SAR/RF exposure evaluation/testing.

Multiple Listing (Add Applicant) - Multiple listing of a certified model is required when a manufacturer or distributor wishes to list under its name and unique model number, certified equipment of an original equipment manufacturer (OEM). A model of equipment may be multiple-listed to other manufacturers or distributors based upon the approval granted to the original applicant and certificate holder.

  • The existing certificate holder or another entity/company (new applicant) may request a new IC

certification number based on existing certification of a product.

  • The new application shall include a unique IC certification number for which certification has never been granted to the applicant.
  • The selected HVIN, PMN and/or FVIN in the new application may be identical or different from the existing certification provided the applicant has never obtained certification for the selected HVIN, PMN and FVIN combination in the application.
  • The product version(s) in the new application must be identical (C1PC permitted) to the existing


  • The “Application Cover Letter” from the new applicant shall include:
  • Product details (IC Certification Number, PMN, HVIN, FVIN when applicable) from the

existing certification and new application.

  • Declaration that the new product version is identical to the certified product.
  • Declaration that the documents on-file with IC from the original certification, remain unchanged and continue to be valid.
  • The “Original Applicant Authorization” letter from the existing certificate holder shall include:
  • Product identification details (IC Certification Number, PMN, HVIN, FVIN when applicable) from the existing certification and new application.
  • Authorization for the existing certified product to be listed under the new applicant/company.
  • Authorization for IC to utilized documents on-file with IC from the existing certification.
  • Documents must be submitted as per Annex C.

Full Transfer of Certifications (Company Takeover):This application service is applicable when

one company takes over another company.

  • The new company/applicant must assume all of the responsibilities associated with all existing

certifications from the existing certificate holder and shall provide a signed statement with this fact.

  • The new applicant shall submit a copy of a signed letter from the current certificate holder, authorizing the IC Certification Bureau to transfer the certificate ownership from the current certificate holder to the to the new applicant and change the certificate file information to reflect the new certificate holder’s information.
  • The HVIN and IC certification number shall remain unchanged.
  • Documents must be submitted as per Annex C.

Partial Transfer of Certifications (A Product Line Takeover):This application service is applicable when one company takes over one or more product line(s) but not all of the product lines from another company.

  • For the product line(s) being transferred, the new company/applicant must assume all of the

responsibilities associated with the existing certifications from the existing certificate holder and shall provide a signed statement with this fact.

  • If all the certified products associated with the particular Company Number (123A-1234, 123A is CN) are subject to transfer, then the new applicant/company has the option of retaining the existing IC certification number(s) and HVIN(s). Alternatively, going forward, the new applicant/company may assign new IC certification number(s) to all the transferred product lines.
  • The new applicant shall submit a copy of a signed letter from the existing certificate holder, authorizing IC to transfer the certificate ownership to the new applicant and change the certificate file information to reflect the new certificate holder’s information.
  • Documents must be submitted as per Annex C.

Section 15: Is this product subject to TEL listing per Declaration of Conformity Procedures DC-01 (CS-03)?

Terminal equipment that is also a radio apparatus requires certification under the Radiocommunication Act. Notification to the Department of the certification to the applicable Radio Standards Specifications and the registration of the terminal equipment must be performed at the same time.