Library Curriculum Connections At-A-Glance Check the Planner for Unit Plans and Critical Lists for Vocabulary IC OI: Physical Science
Grade 3 Unit 2 ELA Theme: Neighborhoods and Communities How do community members work together? Unit 2: Theme Related Library Resources
Write Source / IC
Essential Questions and Understandings / 2nd OI:
Physical Science
Boom Town
by Sonia Levitin
Illustrated by
Cat Bowman Smith
Birth of a Town / Main Selection
Literary Text/ Historical Fiction
Paired Selection
Informational Text/ Expository /
McGraw-Hill Treasures TE,
P 281 I,J
search engine
keyword, cite, URL
ELA LT I can sequence and summarize the plot’s main events…
SEE Unit 2: Theme Related Library Resources linked rt., above the bar formapsof early Plano
SEE TE for Treasures, Unit 2, End of Week Assessment, pp281I-L for Media Literacy, Computer Literacy, and Theme Project info:
Digital Media and Language
Media genre—how does communication look different in an online news inDiscovery Techbook,
in an email.. twitter?
Who’s the audience for email, for a news article?
Searching the Internet
Using citations
(use an online encyclopedia for information on Columbus Day (Oct 12) and create a citation)
ELA Reading: Collecting Data from Online sources
Comprehension strategies / genre include
--Author’s Purpose
--personal narrative
What kinds of text features are found in textbooks? NF? Use an index, a table of contents, a glossary, map, photo caption, diagrams
ELA LT I can…follow a research plan to collect data from online sources:
The ELA Theme project asks students to ‘research a job in your community’ —this is presented orally:
ELA LT final week—
‘I can …present and evaluate an oral report’..
ELA LT I can…
use a thesaurus… / Genre
Historical Fiction, Expository
ELA LT I can.. understand the characteristics of realistic fiction / Charts and Maps
ELA LT I can.. sequence the main events in the plot of a story / Write Source
Writing Process/ Narrative Writing: Narrative Paragraph, Personal Narrative
Skills: verb tenses, adjectives, time order transition words /
See ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS AND UNDERSTANDINGS in Unit Plans on Planner / This unit should begin on September 15, 2014
Physical Science
Matter Unit(12 days)
Observe and record: collect, record,
describe, classify, analyze data
Physical properties --solids,
liquids,gasses, size, shape,
Classifying / measuring matter
*Matter has physical properties that
can be measures and observed using
*Classifying matter based on physical
properties helps to organize and
understand the world.
*Characteristics of objects make
them useful
*Different factors effect change in
*Matter can be changed or
manipulated, but not created or
*Methods, models, & conclusions
change with new observations; *Repeated investigations increase
reliability of results
solids—definite shape
gas / liquids take container shape
no 2 substances have same set of
Substances in mixtures keep own
Mixtures have large, separate parts
or small, well-mixed parts
Melting, Freezing, Boiling
Engineers—designing water filters
environmental engineers
Heating and cooling, condensation:
predict, observe, record (RED
Floating / sinking
Forms of Energy Unit (8 days)–
Cycles, Patterns , and Systems are observable within various forms of energy
vibration, waves, mechanical energy, heat/thermal energy, sound, heat, light
Celsius thermometer
Force and Motion Unit(10 days)
Apply scientific inquiry methods and use tools to design an experiment to test the effect of force on an object
work, gravity, push and pull
2014 IC Calendar
Sept 15-Oct 15 Hispanic Heritage Month
Sept 30 History Fair Chairperson Training
3:30-5, TBD
Oct 2-17 Geography Posters due Oct 17
on campus
Oct 24 Geography Posters due to
Texas Alliance Headquarters
Oct 14 Sci Fair Chairperson Training
Oct 5-11 National Fire Prevention Week
Oct 13 Fire Prevention Poster Contest
posters due to
Mary Swinton @Admin
Oct 29 5:30 PM
Citywide Fire Prevention Poster
Contest Awards, Plano City
Council Chambers
Home-Grown Butterflies
by Deborah Churchman
Local Business /
Main Selection
Informational Text/ Expository
Paired Selection
Literary Text/Poetry / GenreExpository, poetry
Strategy Monitor Comprehension
Draw Conclusions
ELA LT I can.. draw conclusions from text evidence… connect ideas between texts / Personification
and Assonance /
Write Source
Narrative Writing: Personal Narrative (Prewriting, Drafting)
Skills: Transitions, Prepositions, possessive pronouns, adverbs
Go West!
Time For Kids Informational
Communities / Main Selection
Informational Text/ Expository / Genre Nonfiction
StrategyMonitor Comprehension
SkillMain Idea and Details LT
Draw Conclusions
LT / Using the Parts of a Book
ELA LT I can… use text features in a book to answer questions… identify details that support the main idea /
Write Source
Narrative Writing: Revising
- Skills: Verbs, Subject-Verb Agreement, Combining Sentences
Here’s My Dollar
by Gary Soto
Working together / Main Selection
Informational Text/ Expository
Paired Selection
Literary Text Poetry /
Genre Literary Text, Folktale, Expository, Poetry
StrategyMonitor Comprehension
Author’s Purpose
Main Idea / Details
/ Rhyme Scheme
and Repetition
ELA LT I can understand the characteristics of poetry…locate the author’s stated purpose …connect ideas between texts /
Write Source
Personal Narrative: Editing
Skills: Complete Sentences, Verb tense, Coordinating
Compound Sentences
A Castle on Viola Street
by DyAnne DiSalvo
Building Homes /
Main Selection
Literary Text/ Fiction
Paired Selection
Informational Text/ Expository /
GenreExpository, Fiction
StrategyMonitor Comprehension
Skill Theme, LT
–I can paraphrase the theme of the story
Author’s Purpose
ELA LT I can use text evidence while I think and compare /
Features in a
Sciencesaurus? /
Write Source
Narrative Writing: Writing Across the Curriculum (Social Studies)
- Skills Conventions in Letter Writing, Possessive pronouns
Show What You Know
Review and Assess /
Show What You Know
Literacy activities: comprehension, word study, drama, genre study
/ Genre
Literary Text, Folktale, Expository , Poetry, Fiction
Draw Conclusions
Main Idea / Details
Author’s Purpose /
Review/ Assess
Rhyme Scheme
Maps & Charts /
Write Source
Writing process
Narrative Writing:
Skills: Review Unit Skills
Commas in a Series
McGraw–Hill Treasures, TE Grade 3; Plano ISD Elementary ELA Planner, IC Planner, Write Source