Asia Mental Health Conference 2013 (22 Nov 2013)

Pre- and Post-Conference Workshops (20-24 Nov 2013)



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REGISTRATION FEES (Please put a tick (P) in the box(es) as appropriate.)

n  Conference (22 Nov 2013)

Participant [HK$400]
Others (Please tick the box as appropriate.) [Free of Charge]:

Service Users (Local) University Students (Full-time) Presenter and Co-presenter(s) for Parallel Sessions

Co-organizing Representatives (Please specify your organization: )

n  Conference Workshop (20 Nov 2013 - 24 Nov 2013)

Conference Workshop (1)“Cognitive behaviour therapy for people with depression and anxiety”:20 Nov 2013 (Wed)[HK$500]
Conference Workshop (2)“Narrative therapy for people with mental health problem”:21 Nov 2013 (Thu)[HK$500]
Conference Workshop (3)“Recovery and Strengths model for people with mental illness”:23 Nov2013 (Sat)[HK$500]
Conference Workshop (4) “Narrative therapy with families having dyslexic child”: 24 Nov2013 (Sun)[HK$500]

n  Visits to Local Psychiatric Rehabilitation Service (23 Nov 2013):

[Free of Charge] (Preferred Language: Cantonese English Putonghua)
Total (HK$):

METHOD OF PAYMENT (Please put a tick (P) in the box as appropriate.)

By Crossed Cheque: Payable to “HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY”


Note: At the back of your Cheque/Bank Draft, please write your full name, contact information and “ASMHC-2013”.

By Credit Card: VISA MasterCard

Name of Cardholder




Expiry date



Credit Card Number




Security Code



Total Amount (HK$)*




Cardholder’s signature



I hereby authorize Hong Kong Baptist University to debit my credit card account for above-mentioned fees.


Please complete and return the registration form with payment to Conference Secretariat (Miss Stefani LAI) by fax, email or post.
Enquiry hotline : (852)-3411-5561 / Fax : (852)-3411-7145 / Email :
Address : AAB1032, 10/F, Department of Social Work, Academic and Administration Building, 15 Baptist University Road, Baptist University
Road Campus,Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China (Attn: Asia Mental Health Conference Secretariat, Miss Stefani LAI)


1. Fees are neither refundable nor transferable.
2. Registration will not be processed without a completed registration form and accompanying fees.
I wish to register for the Asia Mental Health Conference 2013 and accept the registration terms.
Signature / Name of registrant (in BLOCK Letters) / Date
* Please delete as appropriate.

FOR OFFICIAL USE: Date of receipt: ______Registration no.:______

A.  Pre-and Post-Conference Workshop

1.  Conference Workshop (1)

Date: / 20-Nov-2013 (Wed)
Time: / 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
Venue: / Hong Kong Baptist University
Topic: / Cognitive Behaviour therapy for people with depression and anxiety
(This workshop will introduce advanced model of cognitive behavioural therapywith emphasis on counselling skills demonstration and training)
Fee: / $500
Speaker: / Professor Ng Yat-nam, Petrus, PhD, PsyD, RSW
Head and Professor of Social Work Department, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr. Young Kim-wan, Daniel,PhD, RSW
Assistant Professor, Social Work Department, Hong Kong Baptist University

2.  Conference Workshop (2)

Date : / 21-Nov-2013 (Thur)
Time: / 9:00am to 5:30pm
Venue: / Hong Kong Baptist University
Topic: / Narrative therapy for people with mental health problem
Fee: / $500
Speaker: / Dr.Tsun On-kee, Angela, PhD, RSW
Associate Head, Associate Professor & Fieldwork Director Social Work Department, Hong Kong Baptist University
Director of Centre for Youth Research and Practice

3.  Conference Workshop (3)

Date : / 23-Nov-2013 (Sat)
Time: / 9:00am to 5:00pm
Venue: / Hong Kong Baptist University
Topic: / Recovery and Strengths model for people with mental illness
Fee: / $500
Speaker: / Prof. Song Li-yu, PhD
Professor and Chair, Graduate Institute of Social Work, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Prof. Song is the President of Taiwan's Association for Recovery and Strengths Perspective in Social Work, and she has promoted the use of strengths and recovery model for people with mental illnesses for more than ten years in Taiwan.

4.  Conference Workshop (4)

Date : / 24-Nov-2013 (Sun)
Time: / 9:30am to 5:30pm
Venue: / Hong Kong Baptist University
Topic: / Narrative therapy with families having dyslexic child
(This workshop will demonstrate a four-session multiple families group work with real video-taped episodes to illustrate the application of Narrative collective practice)
Fee: / $500
Speaker: / Dr. Chan Tak-mau, Simon, PhD, RSW
Assistant Professor & Convener of MSocSc in Youth Counselling Programme

B.  Visits to Local Psychiatric Rehabilitation Service

Date: / 23-Nov-2013 (Sat)
Time: / 9:00am to 1pm
Service units to be visited: / Halfway house, Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW), Supported employment, Social enterprise, Sheltered workshop, and / or Long stay care home.
Transportation: / Free transportation will be provided from Hong Kong Baptist University to service units.