

The Student Bar Association


Widener University School of Law, Delaware

~~ Amended October 2009


WE, the students of Widener University School of Law, in order to secure to ourselves the right to discuss and formulate our own policies, demonstrate our concern for the students of our Alma Mater, and provide the fullest degree of self government possible under the constitution and laws of the states of Delaware and Pennsylvania, and of the United States of America, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution to be the fundamental law governing ourselves and our successors.

Article I.  Name, Purpose, Membership, and Definitions

Section One: Name

This organization shall be known as The Student Bar Association of Widener University School of Law, Delaware.

Section Two: Objectives

1.  To be the official representatives of the students of Widener University School of Law to the law school administration, faculty, community, and other persons and organizations.

2.  To coordinate student activities in the Law School.

3.  To further academic achievement through participation by law students in the development and revision of legal education.

4.  To become involved with and participate in the organized bar at all levels.

5.  To promote professional responsibility in the Law School and legal profession.

6.  To promote and protect the legitimate interests of all students at the Law School.

Section Three: Membership

All persons registered as students at the Law School are members of the Student Bar Association. Such members shall be entitled to vote in the general elections, special elections, and referenda of the Student Bar Association.

Section Four: Definitions

In this constitution, the following words have the meanings indicated:

1.  “SBA” means the Student Bar Association of Widener University School of Law, Delaware;

2.  “SBA member” means a student maintaining current enrollment at Widener University School of Law;

3.  “Board” and “Executive Board” means the Student Bar Association Executive Board;

4.  “Law School” means Widener University School of Law.

5.  “Assembly” means the representative of each organization and all Class Representatives.

6.  “General Meeting” means a meeting of the Executive Board, Assembly and any Student Bar Association member.

7.  “Elected office” means a position on the SBA Executive Board or Class Representative.

Section Five: Accessibility of Constitution

Official copies of this constitution shall be kept in the official SBA files and in the Office of Student Affairs. The constitution shall also be kept in an easily accessible manner online.

Article II.  Officers

Section One: General

Subsection A:

All executive power is vested in the office of the President; with the Executive Board acting as an extension of those powers.

Subsection B:

The Executive Board shall be the governing body of the SBA. It shall have the power to formulate its policies, manage its affairs, exercise all powers prescribed that are necessary and proper for executing this constitution, and oversee the functioning of the SBA..

Section Two: Composition of the Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be composed of:

1.  President;

2.  Vice President of Academics and Community Service;

3.  Vice President of Student/Alumni Relations;

4.  Treasurer;

5.  Corresponding Secretary;

6.  Recording Secretary;

7.  Evening Division Liaison;[1]

8.  American Bar Association Representative/Law Student Division.

Section Three: Duties

The duties of the Executive Officers shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

Subsection A: President

The President is the chief enforcer of the provisions contained within this constitution, and shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed and that the affairs of the government be properly administered.

The President shall:

1.  Serve as the Chief Executive Officer and official spokesperson for the SBA;

2.  Preside over all general meetings and meetings of the Executive Board;

3.  Appoint the Chairperson of the Standing Committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Board;

4.  Act as a member of the Budget Committee;

5.  Review and approve the Budget Committee’s proposed budget prior to its submission to the Board for final approval;

6.  Establish financial priorities and approve all rules related to the finances of the SBA;

7.  Appoint three (3) students to act as Representatives for the 3RD and 4ED classes;

8.  Prepare and promulgate the agenda for meetings prior to the meetings;

9.  Have authority to co-sign checks or warrants for money from the SBA account;

10.  Attend the ABA Annual Meeting and vote on behalf of the student body with the ABA/LSD Representative; and

11.  Have authority to issue memoranda of compliance to Executive Board members. A memorandum of compliance is written to a Board member that is not performing their Constitutional and/or assigned duties. The memorandum lists the Board member’s violation, and lists the expectations of the Board. The violating Board member has between fourteen (14) and thirty (30) days to come within compliance with the expectations. This memorandum is kept between the President and the violating Board member, unless the information is required for removal proceedings.

Subsection B

The Vice President of Academics and Community Service[2] shall:

1.  In the absence of the President, be President Pro Tempore;

2.  Coordinate and execute events such as academic lectures, symposia and continuing legal education classes for the Law School community and general public;

3.  Coordinate and execute community service events between the Law School community, public interest organizations, and the general public;

4.  Work with the Vice President of Student/Alumni relations to coordinate and execute social events for the student body;

5.  Work with the Evening Division Liaison to coordinate and execute academic events for the evening division students; and

6.  Perform such other duties as might be requested by the President.

Subsection C:

The Vice President of Student/Alumni Relations[3] shall:

1.  In the absence of the President and the Vice President of Academics and Community Service, be President Pro Tempore;

2.  Coordinate and execute student events, such as mentor programs, social events (including the Halloween Party, Barristers’ Ball and 50 Day Luau), and study breaks for the student body;

3.  Coordinate and execute professional networking events for students and alumni;

4.  Work with the Evening Division Liaison to coordinate and execute social and networking events for the evening division students; and

5.  Perform such other duties as might be requested by the President.

Subsection D:

The Treasurer shall:

1.  Have the authority to co-sign with the President, or either Vice President in the absence of the President, checks or warrants for money from the SBA account;

2.  Be responsible for the maintenance of all financial transactions of the SBA;

3.  Submit written financial reports to the Board each semester and interim reports as requested by the Board;

4.  Submit written reports of the student organization’s financial transactions to the treasurer of each organization once per month.

5.  Serve as Chairperson of the Budget Committee;

6.  Appoint one to three (1-3) members to the Budget Committee;

7.  Maintain copies of the Financial condition of the SBA in the SBA office and in the Office of Student Affairs; and

8.  Perform such other duties as might be requested by the President.

Subsection E:

The Corresponding Secretary shall:

1.  Be responsible for advertising and promoting all events organized by the SBA;

2.  Be responsible for all written communications between and among the students, Faculty, Administration, members of the legal community, and any other correspondence which may affect the SBA;

3.  Work with the law school’s Director of Public Relations to promote events and awards received by the SBA and all student organizations;

4.  Serve as Chairperson of the Election Committee;

5.  Be responsible for setting election rules and election dates;

6.  Create and submit the Election Report to the Board; and

7.  Perform such other duties as might be requested by the President.

Subsection F:

The Recording Secretary shall:

1.  Record the minutes of every regular and special meeting of the SBA;

2.  Publish the minutes and make them available for public viewing, excepting such parts as may, in the Board’s judgment, require secrecy in order to protect the general welfare of the student body;

3.  Be responsible for ensuring that the Board has copies of the most recent meeting minutes within forty-eight (48) hours of that meeting, unless another timeframe is permitted by the President;

4.  Be responsible for making all arrangements regarding general meetings;

5.  Maintain all files and records of the SBA and its committees;

6.  Maintain a permanent file of SBA activity in the Recording Secretary’s office and President’s office; and

7.  Perform such other duties as might be requested by the President.

Subsection G:

The Evening Division Liaison shall:

1.  Maintain enrollment as an evening division student for the entire term in office;

2.  Work with both SBA Vice Presidents to coordinate and execute academic, networking and social events for the evening division students.

3.  Receive and respond to the questions, comments and concerns of evening division students;

4.  Represent the interests and concerns of the evening division students at SBA meetings;

5.  Work to resolve any issues of the evening division students; and

6.  Perform such other duties as might be requested by the President.

Subsection H:

The American Bar Association/Law Student Division Representative shall:

1.  Receive, respond to and relay information from the American Bar Association (ABA) on behalf of the Law School community;

2.  Foster ABA membership among the Law School student body;

3.  Plan events and programs that the ABA has designed for law schools across the country such as Work-a-Day and Diversity Day/Week;

4.  Attend the ABA Annual Meeting and vote on behalf of the student body with the SBA President;

5.  Plan and coordinate the student mentor program with the Vice President of Student/Alumni Relations;

6.  Serve as Chairperson of the ABA Committee; and

7.  Perform such other duties as might be requested by the President.

Subsection I:

The Section Representatives shall:

1.  Be the spokespersons and act on behalf of the members of their respective classes;

2.  Report questions, comments and concerns of the members of their respective sections to the Executive Board;

3.  Report back to their respective sections responses to the questions and/or concerns, and upcoming events;

4.  Report back to their respective classes all action taken by the SBA at each meeting;

5.  Be voting members of the Assembly; and

6.  Perform such other duties as might be requested by the President.

Section Four: Voting

Subsection A:

A decision of the Executive Board shall be by a majority vote of all members of the Executive Board present except where otherwise expressed within this constitution. All members of the Executive Board must vote in the decision making process except in times of emergency where no less than three members shall vote, one of which must be the president.

Subsection B:

In case of a tie in voting, the decision will go to the side supported by the SBA President.

Section Five: Interpretation

The Executive Board shall be the final interpreter of this constitution. Issues concerning the interpretation of any and all rights and obligations granted or imposed by this constitution shall be decided by a majority vote of the Board.

Section Six: Bylaws

The Executive Board may enact Bylaws consistent with this constitution where necessary.

Section Seven:

All members of the Executive Board shall deliver to their respective successors all materials pertaining to the office they hold.

Section Eight:

All members of the Executive Board must ensure that their behavior at all times is in accordance with the policies of the Law School; and while on campus act in a manner that does not shame, embarrass or bring disrepute to the SBA.

Article III.  Assembly

Section One: Proceedings and Rules of the Assembly

Subsection A:

Each class representative receives one vote in the Assembly. Each student organization receives one vote in the Assembly. Membership for student organizations is determined by the number of approved organizations that are funded by the SBA.

Subsection B:

If a person attends a meeting on behalf of a student organization, it is assumed they also are authorized to vote on behalf of that organization.

Subsection C:

A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum to do business.

Subsection D:

The Executive Board shall keep a record of the proceedings, publish the same and make it available for public viewing, except such parts as may in its judgment require secrecy in order to protect the general welfare of the students. The yeas and nays of the members on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the record.

Subsection E:

The meetings of the Assembly shall be open to the student body, unless when the business is such that two-thirds of the Assembly deems it necessary that a meeting be closed.

Section Two: Scope of Legislative Power

The Assembly shall have the power:

Subsection A:

To faithfully represent student views and promote student interest to the SBA, administration, faculty, alumni and surrounding community in consideration of issues involving academic, social, administrative and community affairs; subject to limitations set by the SBA Executive Board.

Subsection B:

To recommend bylaws and constitutional amendments, subject to limitations in this Constitution.

Subsection C:

In no case shall its authority extend to matters involving appropriations or budgetary decisions by the SBA Board, or decisions that are within the judgment of the SBA Board. This provision is to be interpreted with great deference to the SBA Board.

Article IV.  Meetings

Section One: General

The President shall have the discretion to set the date, the time, and place of all Executive, General and Special Meetings. There shall be at least one Executive Board and one General meeting per month. The President shall preside at all meetings.

Section Two: Incoming President

The incoming President shall take office on the first Monday of April and call at least one meeting of the new Executive Board and one General Meeting before the end of that academic year.

Section Three: Notice

Notice shall be posted at least seventy-two hours prior to any General Meeting.