‘Mindfulness and Pain’
A day exploring a mindfulness approach to physical and emotional pain.
Friday November 4th 2016 from 10.30am-4.30pm
Balsall Heath Church Centre, 100 Mary Street, Birmingham, B12 9JU
(only 10 minutes by bus, taxi or bike from main train station)
Cost £60 (a simple lunch will be provided)
Mindfulness based meditation practice can enable us to move towards a greater intimacy with our inner space. It is easy to go through life unaware of the quality of our inner space as it is so often crowded out with a stream of discursive thoughts making comments, judgements and story lines about every aspect of our lives. It can also be awash with emotional responses to life’s demands and pressures.
For people experiencing enduring pain (physical or emotional), our inner space
might appear frighteningand often ‘distraction techniques’ are recommended.
However, by going mindfully into that space we come to know ourselves better, and many people find they are able to work with their pain responses in new ways.
We hope this day will provide a space for a rich exploration of this theme to help us in our own lives and the lives of those we care for.
The day will be facilitated by Emma Louis and Stephen Bushell. Emma and Stephen have both practised various forms of mindfulness meditation for many years.
Emma has worked in healthcare chaplaincy for 16 years and is currently Head of Diversity & Spirituality at Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Emma has a particular interest in using mindfulness in her work in the mental health and learning disability setting, aswell as putting it into practice as a key element of her own spiritual journey. Emma practises with a mindfulness group in the tradition of Zenn Master ThichNhat Hanh and has formally developed her Mindfulness Teacher Training skills to enable her to teach Mindfulness Based Cognitive therapy and other mindfulness approaches in the NHS.
Stephen Bushell is a Jungian Analyst and psychotherapist working in private practice in Buckinghamshire. Meditation is central to Stephen’s spiritual practice and he has learnt from Eastern and Western approaches.
If you would like further information you can contact Emma on 0121 612 8067 or 07779 010438 or To book places please fill in the form below.
Please send your completed form and cheque for £60 byFriday 7th Octoberpayable to CHCC to: Emma Louis, Head of Diversity & Spirituality, BCPFT, Edward Street Community Base, Edward Street, West Bromwich, B70 8NL.
Alternatively please request an invoice. If you do this you will need to supply a purchase order number with your booking form. This will then be sent off to CHCC who will then issue you with an invoice.
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Booking Details:
Trust / Organisation
Full work address
Tel No
Specify any dietary needs
Specify any other needs
Purchase Order Number if requesting an invoice.