Year: 11 Preliminary HSC 2014

Teacher Diane Kennaugh

Unit: Nature of Religion and Beliefs

Duration: 16 hrs Edited by M. Landrigan & D.Kennaugh Term 4 2013

Unit Overview: The focus of this study is the nature of religion and beliefs including Australian Aboriginal beliefs and spiritualities, as a distinctive response to the human search for meaning in life.
Unit Outcomes: By the end of this unit students should be able to:
P1 describes the main characteristics of religion and belief systems
P2 identifies the influence of religion and belief systems on individuals and society
P6 selects and uses relevant information about religion from a variety of sources
P8 uses appropriate language and terminology related to religion and belief systems
Catholic Values addressed in this unit:
-  Awe and Wonder
-  Community
-  Courage
-  Cultural critique
-  Stewardship of Creation / Key Competencies addressed in this unit:
□ KC1: Collect, analyse and organise information
□ KC2: Communicate ideas and information
□ KC3: Plan and organise activities
□ KC4: Working with others in teams
□ KC5: Using mathematical ideas and techniques
□ KC6: Solving problems
□ KC7: Using technology / Literacy Perspectives addressed in this unit:
-  Response
-  Explanation
-  Report
-  Paragraph
-  Vocab scaffold
ITC Perspectives addressed in this unit:
□ Computer operations
□ Word processing
□ Spreadsheets
□ Databases
□ Graphics
□ Multimedia
□ Email
□ Internet / Cross-Curricular Perspectives addressed in this unit:
□ Civics & Citizenship
□ Multiculturalism
□ Gender
□ Numeracy
□ Subject Specific Terminology
□ Aboriginal & Indigenous Perspectives / Work, Employment and Enterprise Perspectives addressed in this unit:
□ Learning
□ Technology
□ Teamwork
□ Enterprise
□ Planning and organising
□ Self Management
□ Communication
□ Problem solving
□ Personal attributes

Glossary of Key Terms

analyse / Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications
describe / Provide characteristics and features
explain / Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how
identify / Recognise and name
outline / Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of
recommend / Provide reasons in favour


Glossary term / Definition/Description
Dreaming / Term used to refer to the concept, which underpins all beliefs and practices in Aboriginal communities. The Dreaming is inextricably linked to the land and determines all relationships and responsibilities for Aboriginal people.
Metatemporal / A concept which incorporates the past, present and future reality as a complete and present reality.
Sacred sites / Certain parts of the land, which have special significance for certain Aboriginal groups, as it is believed that different aspects of the Dreaming story took place at the site.
Totem / They are the embodiment of each individual in his or her primordial state, and hence represents an individual’s contact with the Dreaming.
Ethics / Reasoning behind moral decision-making.
Immanent worldview / Belief that supernatural powers or beings dwell within the individual.
Monotheism / Belief that there is only one god.
Polytheism / Belief that there is more than one god.
Supernatural dimension / Belief in a divine being or power greater than humankind and the natural world.
Transcendent worldview / Belief in divine power/s or being/s beyond the human.
/ a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
/ of or pertaining to a god, esp. the Supreme Being.


Outcome / Students Learn About / Students Learn To / Suggested Teaching & Learning Strategies / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Evidence of learning / Register
P8 uses appropriate language and terminology related to religion and belief systems / The Nature of Religion
- religion as a worldview that:
-acknowledges the supernatural dimension.
-has a belief in a divine being or powers beyond the human and/or dwelling within the individual. / - define the supernatural dimension. / Understanding what is a world view:
Pre Benchmark Quiz
Commence a glossary of terms.
Class discussion focussing on how humans make sense of the world and life.
Then construct a mind map showing the responses raised during the discussion.
Introduced the students to the Year 11 SOR Wiki.
Students look at the big questions of life that have been asked throughout the ages. Students then have to construct big questions that are relevant to their lives.
They are then to answer one of their questions and one of the big questions to the best of their ability. These responses will be followed up with a class discussion.
Mind map- In what ways does religion impact on their lives? Focus on significant occasions when they reflected on religious aspects.
Discussion what place has religion played in helping humans make sense of the world. Look at how religion has helped with some of the big questions raised during the class before.
Using a range of artworks & media discuss the meaning of life and compare and contrast the different perspectives from both secular and religious views. response
Awe and Wonder, Cultural Critique, Structural Change, Time, Change & Continuity, Diversity, Heritage and Culture /
Spotlight p13
Worksheet/ The Big Questions / Glossary list photocopied and given for LP
SQ3R on science view on the beginning of the earth.
SSTs issued to students after they were required to write down possible words based on the brainstorming of unit.
Comparison response / Date started:
Date finished:
Work samples:
Formative Evaluation:


Outcome / Students Learn About / Students Learn To / Suggested Teaching & Learning Strategies / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Evidence of learning / Register
P8 / acknowledges the supernatural dimension / define the supernatural dimension / Acknowledging the supernatural dimension:
Students brainstorm the elements of the natural world and record their answers in the form of a brainstorm diagram.
Students then using their brainstorm construct a definition of Supernatural, using examples to help support their definitions.
This is followed by a class discussion.
Incorporate prayer/meditation on the supernatural dimension of life, including the universe, creation. For example, based on Psalm 104 and/or the miracles of Jesus.
Using extract from the text take notes and answer questions relating to the Supernatural.
Awe and Wonder, Heritage and Culture, Diversity, Culture / Spotlight pp1 & 2
Living Religion pp15-17. / Brainstorm
Response to Q’s / Date started:
Date finished:
Work samples:
Formative Evaluation:


Outcome / Students Learn About / Students Learn To / Suggested Teaching & Learning Strategies / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Evidence of learning / Register
P8 / has a belief in a divine being or powers beyond the human and/or dwelling within the individual / discuss a transcendent religious worldview which has a belief in a divine power and/or powers beyond the human
discuss an immanent religious worldview
which has a belief in a
divine being or powers dwelling within the individual / Believing in a divine being or powers beyond the human and/or dwelling within the human:
Students have to research the definition of ‘transcendence’.
Then they discuss the different aspects of transcendence.
Students were given a mix & match activity and responses were explained.
Students examine one transcendent religious worldview (Christianity). In pairs, students outline the various aspects of that religion, which illustrate transcendence, e.g., Divinity, angels, salvation and hell.
Descriptions- of types of religious traditional beliefs about healing, heaven & hell, life after death.
In groups, students describe what a religion would be like if its believers understood that the divine dwelt within each of them. Aspects such as prophecy, healing and spiritual gifts can be discussed.
Awe and Wonder, Cultural Critique, Dignity of each human person, Critical Analysis
REVIEW / Laptops
Internet/ laptops
Wiki Powerpoint Review / Definition√
Outline / Date started:
Date finished:
Work samples:
Formative Evaluation:


Outcome / Students Learn About / Students Learn To / Suggested Teaching & Learning Strategies / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Evidence of learning / Register
P8 / characteristics of religion:
- beliefs and believers
- sacred texts and
- ethics
- rituals and ceremonies / define the characteristics of religion
explore the ways in which these characteristics interact to create a dynamic, living religion / Defining the characteristics of religion:
Students summarise the content of textbooks on this material: Living Religion pp18-20; Studies of Religion pp1 - 5.
-  beliefs and believers
-  sacred texts and
-  writings
-  ethics
-  rituals and ceremonies
Discuss the characteristics and how they interact using Christianity as a case example.
In groups students create their own religion. Teacher draws from group presentations to demonstrate the characteristics of religion. This is to be displayed via a PowerPoint or mind-maps addressing the characteristics of a religion.
Writing task: Describe the relationship among the characteristics of religion with reference to one religious tradition.
Cultural Critique, Faith Community, Culture, Heritage and Culture, Values and Attitudes, Cultural Identity / Living Religion pp18-20;
Studies of Religion pp1 – 5
Spotlight pp 6-7
Wiki Powerpoint –Characteristics of Religion.
laptops / Notes√
Response / Date started:
Date finished:
Work samples:
Formative Evaluation:


Outcome / Students Learn About / Students Learn To / Suggested Teaching & Learning Strategies / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Evidence of learning / Register
P8 / the contribution of religion / appreciate the contribution of religion to:
-  individuals
-  society and culture / Appreciating the contribution of religion:
Controversy Corner ‘Religion contributes to the life of the individual.’
Students are to Choose one religious tradition and find examples of its contribution to the following areas:
-  art
-  music
-  architecture
-  food
-  dress
Students using their extracts from a text and their research construct a mind map illustrating the contribution religion has in today’s society.
Common Good, Community, Cultural Critique, Critical Analysis, Knowledge of How Aust. Society Works / Controversy Corner worksheet.
Laptops/ internet
Living Religion p 22
Spotlight pp11-14 / Worksheet
Mind map / Date started:
Date finished:
Work samples:
Formative Evaluation:


Outcome / Students Learn About / Students Learn To / Suggested Teaching & Learning Strategies / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Evidence of learning / Register
P8 / Australian Aboriginal Beliefs and Spiritualities
– The Dreaming
nature of the Dreaming / outline the nature of the Dreaming in relation to:
- origins of the
- sacred sites
- stories of the
- symbolism and art / Outlining the nature of the Dreaming:
Use of powerpoint from the Wiki on Aboriginal spirituality.
Students are given a definition of the Dreaming. Students are then to write a paragraph explaining what the dreaming means to them.
Discuss the responses.
Students using the internet find a range of source material relating to the concepts of origins of the universe, sacred sites, stories of the Dreaming, symbolism and art. Students then have to write a brief explanation of how their sources reflect the aspects of the dreaming.
Wiki/Guest speaker/ artwork/ video/ stories as a stimulus for discussion.
Students summarise the information from the following extracts. Living Religion pp 23-30; Studies of Religion pp7-11.
Stewardship of Creation, Multicultural Understanding, Heritage and Culture, Identity, Values and Attitudes, Critical Analysis / Wiki Powerpoint on Aboriginal Spirituality
Spotlight pp 16-20
Wiki – Three videos on Dreamtime stories.
Living Religion pp 23-30; Studies of Religion pp7-11. / Explanation-
notes / Date started:
Date finished:
Work samples:
Formative Evaluation:


Outcome / Students Learn About / Students Learn To / Suggested Teaching & Learning Strategies
[Code SCP in bold = F, N, RF, CSV, I, R] / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Evidence of learning / Register
P8 / – The Dreaming
nature of the Dreaming / discuss the diversity of the Dreaming for Aboriginal peoples / Discussing the diversity of the Dreaming for Aboriginal peoples:
Students are to construct a mind map based on an in class presentation of the diversity of the Dreaming by teacher: language differences, geographical determinants, isolation, effect of colonization, urban versus rural situations.
Students write a discussion on the impact and implications of this diversity.
Students complete the Web task from Living Religion p24.
Multicultural Understanding, Cultural Critique, Heritage and Culture, Identity, Values and Attitudes, Contemporary Culture, Critical Analysis / Spotlight pp23-26
Wiki – Video The First Australian.
Teacher notes/ explanation
Living Religion p24 / Mind map-
Web task / Date started:
Date finished:
Work samples:
Formative Evaluation:


Outcome / Students Learn About / Students Learn To / Suggested Teaching & Learning Strategies / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Evidence of learning / Register
P8 / the inextricable connection of the Dreaming, the land and identity / recognise the importance of the Dreaming for the life of Aboriginal peoples / Recognising the importance of the Dreaming for the life of Aboriginal people:
Students discuss the effects of loss of identity on humans and apply such to the importance of the Dreaming for Aboriginal people.
Looked at positive and negative connotation to certain words connected with this topic.
Define refugee, asylum seekers, migrants. Refer to United Nations Declaration of Human Rights at
Students read stories relating to people who have been suffered dispossession. Students write a newspaper report expressing the injustice experienced and suffering experienced.
Use of newspaper articles, visuals or poetry on Aboriginal dispossession, followed by a diary entry.
Living Religion p29. Activity based on visual stimulus.
Multicultural Understanding, Cultural Critique, Courage, Heritage and Culture, Identity, Values and Attitudes, Contemporary Culture, Empathy, Critical Analysis / Spotlight pp25-30
Wiki – Land document
internet, laptops.
Living Religion p29 / Definition
Use Poetry
Reflection. / Date started:
Date finished:
Work samples:
Formative Evaluation: