Please fill in all fields. You may copy and paste tables if you have more than 03 national or international partners.

Name of school / GGHS Depalpur
Your school’s government reference number / 39310051
Contact details
Your name / Nusratparveen
Your role / Head teacher
School address / Main sadar bazaar Depalpur
Email address /
Phone number / 0347-5984565
Activity no.7
Activity Title / Physical education
Time line / One Month ( 01-02-2017 to 28-02-2017)
Subjects covered / Art & design / One of these needs to relate to the use of language.
 / Citizenship
 / English
 / Physical Education
Religious education
Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here)
Languages used / English and Urdu
Partner schools(s) / Which schools joined you in this activity?
Ages of pupils or young people / <5 / Give numbers of pupils for each age range.
7-8 / 10
11-12 / 15
13-14 / 20
15-16 / 10
Describe the activity in more detail? Please list complete plan for this activity (aims, objectives, how the activity will be performed) Max (300 words)
To develop a sound character.For the emotional ,mental and physical growth.For the development of body strength.Better utilization of spare timeThis activity was performed by yhe students of age about 7-8 years.different type of exercises activities was performed including jumping, running,drumbeating,discipline,making queue of different patterns.all these activities enhanced the stemna ,sports manship.physicalstrength,consistency,communicationskills,advanced mental approach,self control etc…..
What impact will this activity have on your students, teachers and the whole school?
The students made sure that “sound body has a sound mind” .They perceives this activity a source of learning in many perspectives like attitude development,make a strong connection with fellows or even with their society