KTP Application Form PART B single project v3.5, March 2009 / Page of 12
/ Grant Application and Proposal Form
Single Associate Project
Part B

Part B Data Collection

Partnership UIN / KTP Programme Number (if a resubmission)

Section 9. To be completed on behalf of the business intending to be the Company Partner in the proposed Knowledge Transfer Partnership.

9.1 / What is the registered name (not the trading name) of the proposed Company Partner?
What is the address of that company’s registered office? / Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Is the proposed Company Partner a registered company? (Please mark with an X) /


/ No
What is the legal status of the proposed Company Partner?
If the proposed Company Partner is a registered company, what is its company registration number?
8 digits
What is the proposed Company Partner’s VAT registration number (if applicable)? 9 digits
What is the Company Partner’s primary standard industrial classification code? 5 digits
If the Company has a Website Address complete the URL.
Where did the company first hear about KTP?
9.2 / Which senior staff member will authorise expenditure by the company on the proposed Knowledge Transfer Partnership?
This person should also be the signatory of the Joint Commitment Statement[1]

First Name


Job Title
Postal Address (do not include company name in Address line 1) / Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Work Telephone
9.3 / Who will be the Company Facilitator that will lead the Company Partners Input to the proposed KTP?
First Name
Job Title
Postal Address (do not include company name in Address line 1) /

Address 1

Address 2
Address 3

Work Telephone

9.4 / Who will be responsible as Company Supervisor?
First Name
Job Title
Postal Address (do not include company name in Address line 1) / Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Work Telephone
9.5 / What is the full postal address of the primary company location where the Associate will be based?
Postal Address (do not include company name in Address line 1) / Address 1
Address 2
Address 3

Work Telephone

9.6 / Insert an X against that which most accurately describes these premises.
Head Office / Holding Company
Branch Office / Subsidiary Company
9.7 / Which is the primary business function that will benefit from the proposed Knowledge Transfer Partnership? (Please mark with an X)
Research and development
Sales and marketing
Supply chain
Human resources
Business management
Information and communications technology
Logistics and distribution
Manufacturing process and operations
Product development and design
9.8 / How many people does the proposed Company Partner currently employ?
Full time / Part time
9.9 / In what year was the Company Partner set up?
9.10 / If this was within the last six years, please state the exact date.
9.11 / If ownership of the Company Partner has changed in the last six years, please state when this happened.
9.12 / What is the Company Partner’s financial year-end date?
9.13 / What is the financial year-end date of the Company Partner’s most recent audited (if appropriate) accounts?
9.14 / How many months do these accounts cover?
9.15 / What is the Company Partner’s annual turnover in £s (not £k or £M) as stated in its last audited (if appropriate) accounts?
9.16 / What was the Company Partner’s net profit pre-tax in £s (not £k or £M) as stated in its last audited (if appropriate) accounts?
9.17 / What was the value of the Company Partner’s exports in £s (not £k or £M) as stated in its last audited (if appropriate) accounts?
9.18 / What was the Company Partner’s balance sheet total in £s (not £k or £M) as stated in its last audited (if appropriate) accounts?

Section 10. To be completed on behalf of the Knowledge Base Partner

10.1 / What is the name of the institution/organisation applying to be the Knowledge Base Partner?
10.2 / Who will be formally responsible for any grant-related matters connected with the proposal? This person should also be the signatory to the Joint Commitment Statement at Section 13 and the Declaration at Section 14.
First Name
Job Title
Postal Address (do not include KB institution name in Address line 1) / Dept./Office
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Work Telephone
10.3.1 / Who is the Knowledge Base Administrator (KB Admin) who should receive correspondence relating to this proposal?
First Name
Job Title
Postal Address (do not include KB institution name in Address line 1) / Dept./Office
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Work Telephone


10.3.2 / Who will be responsible for submitting Grant Claims (KB Finance)?
First Name
Job Title
Postal Address (do not include KB institution name in Address line 1) / Dept./Office
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Work Telephone


10.4 / Who will be the Knowledge Base Supervisor for this Associate?
First Name
Job Title
Postal Address (do not include KB institution name in Address line 1) / Dept.
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Work Telephone
10.5 / Who will be the Lead Academic/Researcher providing the Knowledge Base Partner’s input to the proposed Knowledge Transfer Partnership?
First Name
Job Title
Postal Address (do not include KB institution name in Address line 1) / Dept.
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Work Telephone
10.6 / Where did the KB first hear about KTP?
10.7 / Where the Knowledge Base Partner is a College of FE, please confirm that the knowledge being transferred is being taught at HND/HNC/NVQ/SNVQ Level 4 or equivalent.

Section 11. The following questions are for non-HEI or FE knowledge based partners only – e.g. Research and Technology Organisations, Public or Private Research Institutes, or KTNs etc that may be acting as the Knowledge Base Partner.

11.1 / What is the purpose of the research organisation?
11.2 / What is the legal status of the organisation?
11.3 / Who owns the organisation?
11.4 / What were the organisation’s three main sources of income in the last two financial years? What was the value of these, and what percentage of total income do they represent?
Source / Value
£’000 / % of total income

Section 12. To be completed on behalf of the Partnership

12.1 / Has the Company Partner applied for or received any UK Government, Research Council or other public sector funding (including from the European Commission) that is directly relevant to the proposed Knowledge Transfer Partnership? (Do not include TCS Programmes or CBP Projects.) (Please mark with an X)
Yes / No
12.2 / If ‘Yes’, please provide brief details
Awarding body no. 1
Reference no.
Purpose of funding
Awarding body no. 2
Reference no.
Purpose of funding
12.3 / Has the Knowledge Base Partner applied for or received any UK Government, Research Council or other public sector funding (including from the European Commission) that is directly relevant to the proposed Knowledge Transfer Partnership? (Do not include TCS Programmes or CBP Projects.) (Please mark with an X)
Yes / No
12.4 / If ‘Yes’, please provide brief details
Awarding body no. 1
Reference no.
Purpose of funding
Awarding body no. 2
Reference no.
Purpose of funding

Section 13 Joint Commitment Statement

Partnership UIN / KTP Programme Number

This Part must be signed by two senior personnel, one from the proposed Company Partner and the other from the proposed Knowledge Base Partner. They must be empowered to commit their organisations to support the proposed Knowledge Transfer Partnership.
We have read and understood the Guidance Notes for prospective Partners completing a Grant Application and Proposal Form, including the statement on data protection. We also agree that if this Knowledge Transfer Partnership proposal and grant application is approved:

a.The Knowledge Transfer Partnership will be carried out in accordance with the proposal contained in this document unless the Local Management Committee (LMC) agrees to change it or changes are required by the KTP Programme Manager, acting on behalf of the Technology Strategy Board, the lead organisation for KTP and acting on behalf of the other funding organisations, or by a Technology Strategy Board official. Such changes can be made before or after the application has been approved.

b.The Associate will be recruited jointly by both Partners and offered an agreed contract of employment by the Knowledge Base Partner. The Associate will work mainly on the premises of the proposed Company Partner identified at 9.4 and follow the normal practices of the Company Partner regarding confidentiality, attendance and leave. Their salary level will be agreed by both Partners. The Associate’s contract cannot be terminated without adequate consultation between the Partners.

c.The Company Partner’s staff member(s) (named at 9.4) will supervise the Associate on a day-to-day basis.

d.The Knowledge Base Partner’s staff member(s) (named at 10.5) will spend, on average, at least half a day a week on the Associate during the period of the Knowledge Transfer Partnership on supervision at the premises of the Company Partner identified at 9.5. Where circumstances require alternative arrangements to be made we confirm commitment to the arrangements shown in Section 7.4.

e.Both Partners will commit all reasonable resources to enable the successful completion of the Knowledge Transfer Partnership.

f.Both Partners have reached, or herein commit to reach, an agreement on intellectual property rights in respect of the proposed Knowledge Transfer Partnership.

g.The Associates will not be diverted from Knowledge Transfer Partnership-related activities, other than to spend approximately 10 per cent of their time on appropriate formal training and personal and professional development activities. These will include the KTP Associate Development Course and completing assignments for the CMI Diploma in Management (Level 5) which is aligned to the National Management Standards.

h.In addition to using their expertise and knowledge to support the proposed Knowledge Transfer Partnership, the Lead Academic/Researcher will provide regular reports to the LMC on the expenditure and commitment of resources for the Knowledge Transfer Partnership.

j.The identified Company and Knowledge Base Partner Supervisors will jointly and formally appraise the performance of the Associate at six-month intervals. They will also attend, as soon as possible after approval of the proposal their respective Associate’s Project, a KTP Supervisors’ Workshop.

k.The Company Partner will pay at least up to the total amount indicated in column 3 of the funding table at Section 8 to the Knowledge Base Partner to offset the costs incurred by the Knowledge Base Partner in taking part in the Knowledge Transfer Partnership and any additional amounts agreed by the LMC.

l.The Knowledge Base Partner will invoice the Company regularly in respect of expenditure that cannot be covered by a grant claim and which has been agreed by the LMC. If the Knowledge Transfer Partnership is terminated prematurely by the Company Partner, the Company Partner will be liable to pay to the Knowledge Base Partner its share of any expenditure incurred or committed by the Knowledge Base Partner (and agreed by the LMC prior to the date of termination) in respect of the Knowledge Transfer Partnership, no matter whether that expenditure was incurred by the Knowledge Base Partner before or after the date of termination. It is understood that any invoice submitted by the Knowledge Base Partner to the company may be subject to VAT (which may or may not be recoverable by the company).

m.The Partners commit to preparing a Final Report on the outputs of the Partnership, whether or not the Partnership has run its full course. The Partners also will make their best endeavours to ensure that the Associate(s) prepares a Final Report on his/her(their) achievements during the Partnership. In addition, the Partners agree to comply with any reasonable request for additional information made by or on behalf of the Technology Strategy Board, for a period of up to five years after the completion of the Partnership, to enable the Technology Strategy Board to evaluate any further outputs achieved by the Partners.

Signed on behalf of the Knowledge Base Partner by the person named at 10.2.

Name / Signature / Date

Signed on behalf of the Company Partner by the person named at 9.2 or, in the case of a LARGE company or GROUP, by the person named in 2.2c.

Name / Signature / Date

Section 14 Declaration

In submitting this proposal I apply on behalf of the proposed Knowledge Base Partner organisation for a UK Government grant of up to £ [2] in support of the Knowledge Transfer Partnership involving one Associate and described in this proposal. I confirm that if a grant is offered and accepted:

a.the Knowledge Base Partner organisation will honour the commitments set out in this proposal;

b.the Knowledge Base Partner organisation will submit within one month of the end of the Knowledge Transfer Partnership a completed KTP Final Report Form giving details of the Knowledge Transfer Partnership’s achievements, the benefits to the participants and final expenditure (correctly attributed to the grant and Company Partner’s contributions).

The KTP Adviser who advised on the preparation of this proposal was:
To the best of my knowledge the information provided in this grant application and proposal form is accurate and complete.
Name and signature of the person identified at 10.2
Name / Signature / Date

Data Collection - Optional

Section 15. Company ethnicity information

Please indicate, by inserting an X, which ethnic groups the majority of the company’s owners, partners or directors belong to. You do not have to provide this information, but it will help us monitor our equal opportunity and diversity policies. It will be used for data monitoring purposes only.
Asian or Asian British
Any other Asian background
Black or Black British
Any other Black background
Chinese or other
Any other
Any other White background
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other mixed background

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Grant Application and Proposal Form(Always send forms as attachments)

Single Associate Project Part B

(Version 3.6 – October 2009)

[1] For a LARGE company or GROUP this should be the same person named in 2.2c

[2] Insert total. This should be the same as the total amount of grant requested set out at the foot of column 2 at Section 8