The Association recognizes exceptional contributions to the home care community on an annual basis via the Home Care Service Award and the Maryellen LaRoche Home Care Public Policy Award.The Association invites members to submit nominations in accordance with the criteria outlined below. Presentations will be made at the Association’s Annual Meeting on June 5 at Church Landing.

Please include the following information in your nominations:

  1. Name of Nominee (individual or organization)
  2. Organizational Affiliation of Nominee, if relevant (e.g., employer)
  3. Name of Person Making the Nomination and Contact Information
  4. Narrative Description of Nominee’s Contribution: describe why you believe they should be recognized through an award.

Please send nominations by May 8 to the attention of Gina Balkusbymail,fax (225-5817) or email ().

Home Care Service Award

This award is presented annuallyto an individual who has made a significant contribution to home health care in the state through their work in education, research, advocacy or leadership. Past recipients have included Monique Malanga, Brad Borbidge, Dr. Robert Friedlander, Senator Susan McLane, Peggy Gilmour, Valerie Acres, Dick Chevrefils, Andi Steel, Richard Skeels, Alida Millham, Charlotte Leavitt, Margaret Walker, Maryellen LaRoche, Margaret Franckhauser, and Susan Young.

Criteria: Recipient may be one or more of the following:

  • CEO, staff or board member of a Provider Member Agency
  • Representative of an Affiliate Member or other organization important to home care
  • An individual otherwise affiliated with a home care agency (Medical Director, consultant)
  • A member of the public-at-large, including caregivers
  • A public official (including government employees)
  • A leader in health care education, or related health care fields

Maryellen LaRocheHome Care Public Policy Award

Granite State Home Health Association (GSHHA) created this awardin 2009 in honor of Maryellen LaRoche, director of Carroll County Health & Home Care Services in Chocorua until her death in early 2009. Maryellen was politically active at all levels of government, and frequently represented home health providers at the NH State House. She believed that being active in public policy was essential to promote and assure the availability of quality home care services for every NH resident. Past recipients have included Laurie Harding and Alida Millham. This award recognizes an individual or organization that has made a significant contribution to home healthcare in New Hampshire through leadership in the public policy arena.

Criteria:Nominees should be individuals or organizations that have shown leadership on legislative and/or regulatory initiatives that advance and support the home healthcare industry. Advocates who have made a significant contribution to home healthcare on behalf of providers, consumers or caregivers are also eligible. Nominees may include, but are not limited to:

  • CEOs, staff or board members of a NH licensed or certified home health agency
  • Individuals otherwise affiliated with a home care agency
  • Members of the public-at-large, including caregivers and consumers, who have served as home care advocates
  • Public officials (including government employees, elected and appointed officials)
  • Organizations that have contributed to the advancement of home healthcare