Washington Parish Council

Regular Meeting

Washington Parish Courthouse

Council Chambers

November 23, 2015

Monday – 6:00 PM

Item No. 1 - Call to order – Chairman Fussell called the meeting to order.

Item No. 2 - Invocation – Councilman Route gave the invocation.

Item No. 3 - Pledge of Allegiance – Councilman Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Item No. 4 - Roll Call – Council Clerk Sarah Cook called the roll. Present were Michael Fussell, Andre’ Johnson, Charles Nassauer, Greg Route, Pete Thomas, Ken Wheat and Aubrey Posey.

Item No. 5 - Approval of Minutes – Approval of Minutes dated November 9, 2015.

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 9, 2015.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey and Wheat

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 6 Kendrick Stewart – Nomination of Washington Parish Planning


Councilman Nassauer recommended Kendrick Stewart to be appointed to the Washington Parish Planning Commission. “Looking at his resume, he has a lot of experience and qualifications. I think he will do a good job. I would appreciate everyone’s support.”

Councilman Johnson offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Nassauer to appoint Kendrick Stewart to the Washington Parish Planning Commission.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey and Wheat

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 7. – An Introduction to Ordinance No. 15-604 – An ordinance to adopt the 2016 annual operating budget and the capital outlay budget for the Washington Parish government.

Chairman Fussell- There will be a public hearing at our next meeting on December 14, 2015 at 5:45 pm.

Item No. 8. - Public Participation - Chairman Fussell asked if anyone from the public would like to speak.

Peggy Harris resides at 20438 Hwy 25, Franklinton. “I went on a cruise last week, dinner time was open seating, and therefore, I sat with different people each time. Everyone knew about Washington Parish Free Fair. I thought that was fantastic. They were form West Virginia, Oklahoma, Washington DC, Missouri and I said, goodness folks, we are doing something right. What they talked about the most was Mile Branch, along with the hand outs they received which gave details on our Fair. I thought this was really great news and I had to share it. Thank you.”

Chairman Fussell thanked Mrs. Harris for the great news. Chairman Fussell asked if anyone else would like to address the council.

Kristina Knight works at 1900 Main Street, Franklinton, LA. “I am the Community Outreach Director at Riverside Medical Center. I wanted to make an announcement that we will be having a replacement blood drive for Jett Self who at birth was diagnosed leukemia (ALL). To be cured, a bone marrow transplant will take place in the very near future. Ongoing chemotherapy is being administered to eradicate cancer cells, but chemotherapy also affects his healthy cells. As August 1, 2015, Jett has received twenty-five blood transfusions. Jeff Self is the son of Franklinton, La residents Tylan and Brittney Self. The bus will be at Riverside Hospital from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on Tuesday, November 24, 2015”.

Chairman Fussell asked if anyone else would like to address the council.

Leo Lucchesi-Public Works Director introduced Bill Barse who will be a big help to us with the Animal Shelter. Mr. Barse moved to Washington Parish and brought this program to share with us in our parish.

Bill Barse- Represents a company called Doggone Express Program:

DoggoneExpress, Inc. was started to helpsouth Louisiana'sshelter dogs in the following ways:

·  Dog training programs in Louisiana prisons and jails, which will benefit both the dogs and the inmates who train them. Dogswith basic training have a much better chance of being adopted either locally or out ofstate, thereby saving the lives of dogs slated for death in overcrowded shelters and parish agencies. Short-term inmates also receive skills they can use upon release to get meaningful employment. Working with dogs may also provide some of them with an opportunity to bond emotionally with another living creature in a way they had not previously done,which can be life-changing as well.

·  Weekly dog training programs that engage juveniles who might be having a trouble at school or home.

·  Training service dogs to help those with physical or emotional disabilities, including war veterans who suffer from PTSD.

·  Providing transport to shelter dogs both for adoptions and evacuations during

The Big House to Your House:

Creating lasting benefits for shelter dogs and the individuals who train them.
The big house to your house establishes dog training programs instituted in correctional facilities across southern Louisiana. Dogs with basic training have a better chance of being adopted, and short-term inmates receive skills they can use upon release.

Those selected for the training program are called C.A.T.S. (Canine Assessment Training Staff), and they are responsible for their dog 24/7. One of the program’s main requirements is providing daily written assessments of their dog’s journey and training progress.

Program Highlights

·  Inmates selected for the training program are called C.A.T.S. (Canine Assessment Training Staff)

·  To become a Master C.A.T., the participant needs to be in the program for 6 months. They train 3 new C.A.T.S. and must have trained at least 3 different dogs.

·  During the 6 week program, C.A.T.S. are responsible for their dog 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They must provide daily written assessments of their dog's behavior.

·  Written assessments include:
– Demeanor
– Amount of time to learn skills and commands
– Changes in behavior
– Feeding and bathroom schedule

·  Nearly 150 dogs have been through the program since inception

·  Dogs have been placed with adults and children who suffer from PTSD, Depression, Autism, and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Benefits to Participants Include:

·  Increased self-esteem

·  Confidence

·  Possible job-career opportunity

·  Training skills

·  Communication skills

·  Assessment skills

·  Following instructions

·  Unconditional caring

Bill Barse: “We have a web page; www.doggoneexpress.com and I will leave some of my business cards on the table for anyone who would like to have one. I look forward to working with Washington Parish. Thanks for allowing me to come speak tonight.”

Chairman Fussell asked if anyone else would like to address the council.

No one came forward.

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to close public participation.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey and Wheat

NAYS: (0)



President’s Report –

Donna Graham-Financial Director- handed out a recap sheet of the 2016 budget. “I will have copies of the individual budgets available, if you would like a copy.”

Leo Luchessi- Public Work Director- “We have started the construction on the addition of the Washington Parish Government. The slab will be poured by December 4, 2015. Currently we are working on the Animal Shelter and coming up with new ideas every day.

President Thomas- President Thomas received a letter from the Washington Parish Fire District No. 9 of the resignation Walter Smith of the board.

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to accept Walter Smith’s Resignation from Fire District #9.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey and Wheat

NAYS: (0)



President Thomas received a letter from Fire District #9 to reinstate Colston Martin for 3 years ending December 31, 2018.

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Route to accept Colston Martin to be reinstated on the Board of Fire District #9.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey and Wheat

NAYS: (0)



President Thomas read a Proclamation for Thanksgiving.

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Thomas to accept the Proclamation of Thanksgiving.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey and Wheat

NAYS: (0)



President Thomas-“Washington Parish Government offices will be closed, Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Choctaw Landfill will be closed only on Thanksgiving Day and resume regular scheduled hours on Friday which are 7am – 4:30pm Monday through Saturday. I have some sad news to report; Poole Ritchie Funeral Home will have Claude Anthony Bloom Jr. Claude served here on our Planning Commission and passed away yesterday at the age of 62. Mr. Claude is a good friend and worked hard for this Parish. Claude received his Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University and his MBA from the University of Wyoming. He served in the United States Air Force from 1974 – 1978. He was Vice President of Manufacturing for Gaylord Chemical and also former owner where he retired in December of 2009. He was a member and Past Commander of the American Legion and organized the 4th of July parade for several years. He was a member of the Rotary, a Paul Harris Fellow and a former member of the Washington Parish Planning Commission. Claude was a member of ESM United Methodist Church and served as Chairman of the Trustees. He was member of the Den of Roogaroo and the Magic City Carnival Association, and was also, MCCA King XXXIII. Sending prayers and condolences for Sandy Bloom, who worked for the City of Bogalusa for quite a few years.”

Councilman Route- “I have question for Mrs. Graham. Where do we stand on the Louisiana Community Block Grant, for the Hackley Community?”

Donna Graham – “The application has been submitted to the state for consideration.”

Council Discussion –

Councilman Route – “We have Bogalusa High School and Franklinton High School still in the play offs. Franklinton High School has a really good group of players. I would like to give my condolences to the Bloom family and wish everyone in Washington Parish a Happy Thanksgiving.”

Councilman Nassauer – “I would like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I would like to Thank President Thomas for the Thanksgiving Proclamation. The lord does get involved in things; two examples just from last week. A parish shooting, they had a lady lying on the ground and one of the terrorist came up stuck a gun to her head and it misfired, she got up and ran away. Call it luck, call it a miracle. The same exact thing happened in New Orleans. A guy helped a woman and was shot in the stomach, then the shooter went to shoot him in the head and the gun jammed. Two times in the last week people were saved by guns jamming, call it luck but sometimes we like to think the lord gets involved to protect us. I think that’s a good example, we just need hope that it will continue in the world and the lord intervenes to help us do the right thing.”

Councilman Thomas – “I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, be safe on your travels.”

Chairman Johnson- “Washington Parish have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.”

Councilman Posey- “I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I agree with what Councilman Nassauer stated.”

Councilman Wheat – “President Thomas, thank you for that fantastic proclamation. The words went well with our nation. We have a lot to be thankful for and I do give thanks. Happy Thanksgiving to all.”

Chairman Fussell – “I would like to call Mr. Donald Long to give us an update on the South Carolina Disaster Relief trip.”

Donald Long-“Everything went fine, all the people sent thanks to Washington Parish.”

Councilman Fussell-“I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, have a safe trip if you’re on the road.”

Adjourn – No further business to come before the council, meeting was adjourned on motion by Councilman Posey, seconded by Councilman Route.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas, Route and Posey

NAYS: (0)



Order of Voting:

Michael Fussell Greg Route

Charles Nassauer Aubrey Posey

Andre’ Johnson Kenneth Wheat

Pete Thomas

Next meeting will be held on Monday, December 14, 2015

In accordance with the Americans Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Sarah Cook, Clerk to the Council at 985-839-0105 describing the assistance that is necessary.

(All Ordinances, Resolutions and Attachments in its entirety are available at the office of Clerk of the Council at 909 Pearl Street, Franklinton, Louisiana or at (985)839-0105 or wpgov.org.)

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