Stotfold Town Plan Implementation Group (IG)

Action Notes for meeting of 24th April 2012

Present: Kate Elliott-Turner (Town Clerk); Cllr Sheila Bundock; Cllr Anne Clarey (chair); Wendy Craig; Pam Manfield (notes); Glenn Rickwood

1. Apologies: Clare Whitty

2. Matters Arising:

* Neighbourhood Plans: additional info was distributed.

* Toad crossing signs in Taylor's Road have finally been put up.

3. Youth involvement in the Town Council website

* KET reported that she had contacted Nicola King, Aragon Housing Youth Participation Officer and discussed the work being undertaken in Shefford. Shefford have a separate youth section which is managed by NK; includes news/events/projects/pictures. Burgess Hill also has a separate site. NK would be happy to assist Stotfold and already has school links.

* KET outlined the options available and possible problems. If the website was held on the Town Council website, there would need to be discussion about the additional work involved for office staff. There is a security issue about inappropriate content and the possibility of unofficial tweaking. If the site is independent, there will be a cost.

* It was suggested that local schools could nominate children to be involved, but it was important that there was clear community involvement, beyond school websites.

* It was suggested there could be an Open Evening for youth groups to attend and discuss the project.

* Attendance of young people at Town Council meetings was also discussed.

Action: KET to discuss further and report back.

4. Footpath Meeting

* PM informed the group that £3k funding had been obtained for the walks leaflets.

* The Warden Group is working on creation of a definite map of footpaths in the surrounding areas.

5. Planting in new developments

* PM presented a paper requesting town and county council support for wildlife-friendly planting in new developments. Action: PM to circulate to all requesting amendments. SB to present idea to Planning Committee. Action: AC to take amended document to next Enhancement Committee or Recreation, Public Lands and Lighting Committee.

6. Information

* PM had emailed the Co-op Regional Manager in Jan and has not heard back. Action:PM to email again.

* Marcus Lambert of Taylor Wimpey is interested in explaining the Taylor's Road development. Action: AC to invite to discuss recreation equipment, planting and communication with the IG. It was noted that school places are already insufficient for 4-year olds before the proposed new development has ever been started.

* It was noted that there are to be improvements to the High Street, but no information is currently available.

* BABUS had referred to the Town Plan in papers relating to improved services.

* AC reported that following the Statutory Council Meeting there may be a change of chair. She also stated she would be asking committees to look at items the IG should work on.

Action: AC

7. Date of next meeting:. 26th June at 2 pm in the Simpson Centre.