Legal Basis – Industrial Development Act 1998, Section 7

Commission Regulation No. 1998/2006 de minimis

Company Name
Promoter’s Name (if Individual applicant) / Co. Reg No.:
PPS No.:
Business address: / Tel. No.:
Fax No.:
Principal Business of the Applicant: / E-mail address:
Web address:
Co. Contact Name: / Job Title:
Is the Applicant part of a group structure / Yes / No
Purpose of Feasibility Study:
(summary) / Investigate the feasibility of [1]
Start Date of Study[2]
Completion Date of Study
Promoters Profile/Team Profile, track record and domain knowledge (max 40% of awarded marks)
·  State qualifications, previous work history, domain knowledge and other relevant details of promoter and wider team associated with the proposed project
·  What is the promoter(s) current employment status?
·  Which promoter(s) will be working full time and/or part time on the project?
Specify details of Directorships (past or present) held with other companies together with details of shareholding in other companies.
Customer Demand & long-term potential of the Business (max 30% of awarded marks)
Prompts/questions are provided below and should be used as a guide to ensure all relevant information is captured.
·  What is the customer problem your proposed solution is addressing or the niche market which you are targeting? Give evidence to support this.
·  What is the specific target market/geography to be addressed? How was this identified? Comment on the target market with reference to market size, growth and structure.
·  What customer research have you carried out to validate the need for your product/service? Summarise the feedback.
·  Who are your main competitors by country and size (include weblinks using a URL shortener if necessary)?
·  What is your proposed unique selling proposition?
·  What is your long term vision for this business?
Innovation level of proposed product or service (max 30% of awarded marks)
Prompts/questions are provided below and should be used as a guide to ensure all relevant information is captured.
·  What is innovative about your proposed solution? For example, a new or significantly improved production or delivery method, holding relevant Intellectual Property or working with third level institutions on product/service design or development etc
This should detail how the company or individual will investigate the viability of manufacturing a new product or process, develop an innovative technology or a new internationally traded service.
Brief description and objectives of the study:
List the key tasks to be undertaken during the study and indicate how the Key Tasks relate to the ‘Detail of Work & Expenditure’:
(please use bullet points)
The potential benefits from this feasibility study will be …
(A key task must include a written report or business plan which should be submitted on completion of the study. The format of the report/plan should be discussed with your Development Advisor)

Enterprise Ireland will not release any information received as part of this application except as may be required by law, including the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003. In the event of a FoI request, the client will be given reasonable advance notice in order to contest such disclosure.

Give your best estimates of the additional sales, exports and employment expected from the PROPOSED PROJECT.
Year End / Year 1
…/…/… / Year 2
…/…/… / Year 3
Project Sales €000’s
Project Exports €000’s
Project Employment
Existing companies MUST provide latest Audited/Management Accounts directly to their Development Adviser
Salaries and Overheads:
Maximum salary support of €1,000 per week (€200 per day) for a maximum of 12 weeks (60 days) per employee.
Only time spent on the proposed project by employees of the company can be applied for.
Support for external consultants must be applied for in the Consultancy Fees section.
Employee time spent attending Trade Fairs is ineligible.
Overheads of up to a maximum of 30% of eligible salary costs can be applied for.
Name / Function / Cost per week / No. of weeks

Salaries Sub-total

Overheads: (may not exceed 30% of the Salary)

Total Salaries and Overheads

Foreign Travel and Subsistence:
Only Travel and Subsistence costs for overseas trips related to the proposed project are allowed.
Foreign Travel and Subsistence costs must be for company employees.
Subsistence rate is to cover all out of pocket expenses including hotels, meals, taxis local fares, incidentals etc.
If Foreign Travel and Subsistence is for Trade Fairs is it limited to 5 employees.
Eligible Travel Costs:Economy Air/Ferry or Rail Fares, Mileage (60c per kilometre) or Economy Car Hire (note mileage cannot be claimed on Hire Cars)
Eligible Subsistence Rates: Overnight Rate - 24 hr period, max €200 per Day rate, < 24 hours €60.
Name / Country & Purpose of Trip / Travel Costs / Subsistence
Costs / Total Travel + Subsistence

Sub-total Foreign Travel and Subsistence

Consultancy Fees:
Max. consultancy rate: 1 – 20 consultant days is €900, 21– 30 consultant days is €700
Max. 30 days per consultant. Where more than one consultant is being used from the same firm the daily rates will apply to the firm.
The Daily rate is to be inclusive of consultant’s time and all associated travel, subsistence and out of pocket expenses.
Name / Function / Cost per day / No. of days
Sub-total Consultancy Expenditure
Prototyping Expenditure:
Prototype materials, specialised software tools, hire of equipment or facilities and other sundry costs relating to building a prototype are eligible.
Where consultants/contractors are being used to input into the prototype design/build, the costs should be entered in the Consultancy Fees section of the application form. Employee time should be entered under the Salaries and Overheads section. Capital items/equipmentcosts such as laptops, servers are not eligible under this expenditure item.

Sub-total Prototype Expenditure

Trade Fair Details and Expenditure:
Only the cost of a company's first-time participation in a particular Trade Fair/Trade Show in any one country is eligible.
Maximum of 5 people can be supported. Attendees must be company employees.
Name of Trade Fair:
Date of Trade Fair:
List Name of Person(s) Attending and Position in the Company *
Trade Fair Expenditures / Cost / EI Office Use
Entry Fees
Stand/Exhibition Space Rental Fees
Stand Set-up and Installation Costs:
§  This can include transportation costs for products/exhibit, installation costs at the event (excluding own employee labour). Rental cost of equipment/ICT for the stand e.g. Lighting, Projectors, Laptops, Display Monitors etc.
§  Note Purchase of equipment/ICT is not eligible
Trade Fair Overheads/Sundries:
§  Maximum expenditure of €500 is allowable towards the cost of trade show related promotional material, brochure design/printing costs, translation costs etc
Sub Total Trade Fair Expenditure
Total Feasibility Study Expenditure
An authorised Officer of the Company or the Promoter should complete this Declaration
I confirm that the Company/Promoter: / Yes / No
Is a Small Enterprise (SE):
Is a Medium Enterprise (ME):
Is a Large Enterprise:
Is part of a Group Structure:
Has been granted DE MINIMIS AID within the last three years:
IF YES, please provide details of each grant.
Note: A false declaration by a company/group resulting in the threshold of €200,000 being exceeded could later result in the aid being recovered with interest.
Type / Amount / Date
Are you legally required to produce Annual Audited Accounts?
IF YES, have you submitted your most recent Audited Accounts to your Development Advisor?
Note: Your application will not be processed if the accounts have not been submitted.
Have you submitted Management Accounts no more than 3 months old to your Development Advisor?
·  Your application will not be processed if the accounts have not been submitted
·  This is not applicable to pre-trading companies
I confirm that the Company/Promoter has not and will not seek aid from any other State Agency in respect of this expenditure.
Name of Company’s Authorised Officer/Promoter: Date:

Please return the completed Application Form via e-mail to:

End Notes

June 2012

[1] Describe the project to be investigated in one sentence. This must involve the investigation of the viability of: manufacturing a new product or process; an innovative technology or service offering; for example:

“….. the feasibility of manufacturing commercial waste handling equipment and systems”

“…… the feasibility of manufacturing salad dressings and marinades for the catering industry”

“…… the feasibility of developing software for the financial services industry”

[2] Give the dates that the study will begin and end. Any expenditure incurred prior to the start date is ineligible for support. Start date cannot be before call close date.