Section 4

E2C2 Moves

There are six different ways to process moves in OPUS:

a) Move Household to Unknown

b) Move Client (s) to Unknown

c) Move Household to New Residence

d) Move Household to Existing Residence

e) Move Client (s) to a Residence

f) Merge Household with another Household

In the following task examples, we will demonstrate move scenarios using two households, the McClient and Winds families.

Move Household to Unknown

Birdy and Rosey Winds have submitted their application for assistance. We have searched both Birdy and Rosey's SSN#s, and found they were not in the database. Next, search their current address at 229 Road Drive, in Salem, to see whether it is in the database.

Setup: You are on the Client View screen.

1 On the Search Client screen, enter address: 229 Road Drive

2 Click Search button.

3 Another household, Tester McClient, is displayed for this address.

4 You will need to move this Household family out of this address because the Winds

family moved in. In the results section, click Tester McClient’s SSN to see the

Household View screen.

5 Since the McClient household needs to move out, you can scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and click the button named "Move Entire Household to Unknown" (see Figure 3-20). A message will popup asking if you really want to do this, Click the Yes button.

Figure 3-20: Household View screen

Once the household has been moved out of the residence, the McClient household will redisplay with an "UNKNOWN ADDRESS" in the address section. It will stay this way until the record is updated in the future. You can proceed to move the Winds Family into this address by following steps in Topic - Move Household to Existing Residence.

Move Client(s) to Unknown

There may be times when you need to update a household by moving a specific person out of the household. In the next exercise, a new family is introduced, the Kong Household.

Setup: You are on the Client Search screen.

1 Search the applicant's SSN/SYS#

(Donkey Kong).

2 Click on Donkey’s SSN# link to view his Household screen.

3 On the Household View screen, select the checkbox next to Candy's name under the "R" column, under the client information section (see Figure 3-21). Scroll down to

bottom of screen and click the button "Remove Client(s) from Household".

4 A message will popup asking "Are you sure you want to remove client from

household", click the Yes button. The Household View screen will re-display without

Candy 's name listed under the top Household section.

Figure 3-21: Household View – Donkey Kong Household

Move Household to a New Residence

The Winds family has a new address (229 Road Drive, Salem). The family needs to be moved to this residence in the OPUS database.

Setup: You are on the Client Search screen. Search the new address to see if it might be in the database.

1 In the Address box, type a street number and street name (with a space between them).

If you don't have a street number, use a "%" in front of the street name, such as % Road


2 If you have a unit # (an apartment #), in the box, type a "unit type" such as Apt and the

unit # with a space between them.

3 Enter a city and zip code in their,respective boxes.

Note: Search results display with any,records that match the criteria you,entered. A,search will return only 100,results, arbitrarily. Provide as much,search criteria as possible, and your results will narrow down more efficiently. If the residence is found in the system: the address, city and zip code will be displayed in the results. We searched the new address, and did not find it in the database, so we need to create the residence record first and then move the Winds household into it.

4 On the Left Nav bar, click the Residence New link.

5 Select the Move HH to Residence screen from the left Nav Bar. This screen is a "search" screen that you enter criteria to search; on the left side (enter a household by SSN#), and on the right side (enter a residence address). Click the Search button (see Figure 3-22). In the Household Search results , you'll find the SSN# and applicant first and last name, and on the right side, you'll find the residence fields to enter.

6 When both households are found successfully, they will appear in the results section. To complete the move, select both sides under the "M" column, next to the Client name and address. At the bottom of the screen, click the button "Move Household to Residence" at bottom of screen. A message will popup asking "Are you sure you want to move the selected Household?" Click the Yes button.

Figure 3-22: Move HH to Residence screen.

The Household View screen will appear next with all household members listed in the new residence. Note: The Address section has a "M" (mailing) and "P" (physical address)

address areas. The physical address, "P", is the new residence address they moved to.

You will update their mailing address, "M", to be the same as their physical address.

7 On Left Nav bar, click the Mail/Ph Update link (see Figure 3-24). The Household Info Update screen will appear (see Figure 3-25).

This Household Info Update screen allows one to update ALL clients in the household, at one time, with one mailing address and one phone number. This screen is most helpful after processing "a move or merge" household. It saves time for the intake worker so that they don't have to manually update the mailing address and phone number for each individual client in a household.

Note: This screen will update everyone in household. If there is one client in the household that has a different mailing address than others, you will need to edit their mailing address on the Client Edit screen.

8 Select the RES - 229 Road Drive address, to make the mailing address be

the same as the residential address.

9 Select the HOME - phone number to be the same for all clients in household.

10 Click the Update Changes button.

The Household View screen will re-appear with the changes made.

Figure 3-23: Address Unknown (M)

Figure 3-24: Left Nav Bar - Mail/Ph Update link

Figure 3-25: Household Info Update screen.

Notice that there is a "B" (Both) under the addresses section; meaning the physical and mailing addresses are the same addresses at 229 Road Drive in Salem, Oregon 97302.

Figure 3-26: Household View - Addresses Updated for all Household members.

Move Household to ‘Existing’ Residence

This example involves the Copper family who moved to a residence, and the database shows another household, the Mappy Family, living in it.

Setup: You are on the Client Search screen. We will perform the following functions:

A Move "old" household into Unknown, and

B Move new Household to Residence

1 Search the Copper Family, by entering the applicant's SSN# (Tod). We find this family in the database with an old address.

2 Next, search the address they need to move to (559 Greenwood Ave), to see if it's in the database. A different household is associated with this address.

3 You will need to move this household (Flappy Mappy) out so that you can move the Copper family in.

4 Click on Flappy 's SSN to view the Household View screen.

5 At the bottom of the household view screen, click the button, "Move Entire Household to Unknown." A message will popup asking, "Are you sure you want to move household to unknown?”, click the Yes button.

Figure 3-26: Client screen – Tod Copper.

Figure 3-27: Client screen - Residence Search

Figure 3-28: Household View - Move Entire Household to Unknown.

6 Flappys’ Household View screen will re-appear with "UNKNOWN ADDRESS" in the Address section. You are ready to move the Copper family to 559 Greenwood Ave.

7 On the Left Nav bar, click the Move HH to Residence link (see Figure 3-30). The Move Household to Residence screen will appear (see Figure 3-31).

8 Enter the Copper Household on the left side of the search, and enter the address the household will move to (559 Greenwood Ave) on the right side. Click the Search button. The household and residence will appear in the results section.

9 On the left side, select the Copper Household under the "M" column, and on the right side, select the address that the household belongs to, under the "M" column.

10 At the bottom of the screen, click the button ‘Move Household to Residence’. A popup message will ask you "Are you sure you want to move the selected household?", click the Yes button.

11 The Household View for the Copper family will display next.

Note: On the Household View screen, the Address section has a "B" (mailing and physical) with the Greenwood address and also a "B" for the previous address they had lived before. You'll need to update this section so the there is only one "B" for the Greenwood address displayed. You'll use the Update HH Ad/Ph screen to update this information quickly for all clients in household.

Figure 3-29: Household in Unknown Status.

Figure 3-30: Left Nav Bar - Move HH to Residence link.

Figure 3-31: Move HH to Residence screen.

12 On the Left Nav bar, click the Household Mail/Ph Update link (see Figure 3-32).

13 The Household Info Update screen will appear next (see Figure 3-33). Select the RES - 559 Greenwood address to update all mailing addresses to be the same as the physical address for all clients in household. Also, select the Home - phone # to be the same for all in the household. Click the Save button.

14 The Household View for the Copper family will re-appear with the address section having a "B" address for "both" physical and mailing addresses as well as all clients in the household having the same home phone number. This completes the steps for moving a household to an existing residence.

Figure 3-32: Left Nav Bar - Mail/Ph Update link.

Figure 3-33: Household Info Update screen.

Move Client(s) to Another Household

This move involves moving an existing client or clients from one household to a different household.

Setup: You are on the Client Search Screen.

The client(s) you wish to move to a residence need to be searched on the Client Search screen to verify whether they are in the database, or not. We will move grandfather Bob Woodworker into Tod Copper’s household.

1 Search for Bob on the Client Search screen to verify if he is in the database.

2 Bob is in the database and we know Tod’s household is in the database from working on it in previous examples of moves.

3 On the Left Nav Bar, click the ‘Merge HH’ link. The Merge Household screen will appear (see Figure 3-34). This screen performs like a search screen. Enter a SSN# or a Name on the left side that will be merging with another household. On the right side, enter a name or SSN# of a client, in the other household being merged to. Select the records to be merged, under the "M" columns. Click the button "Move Client(s) to Household". A popup message will ask you "Are you sure to want to move the selected client(s)?", Click the Yes button. Tod's Household View will appear next with Bob listed under the household information section.

Figure 3-34: Merge Household screen.

4 Notice in the address section that there is listed two separate addresses. You'll need to update this by using the Household Info Update screen to update ALL clients in household with the same mailing address and phone number.

5 On the Left Nav bar, click the Mail/Ph Update. The Household Info Update screen appears (see Figure 3-36). Make the necessary corrections for mailing address and home phone for ALL clients in household. Click the Update Changes button.

6 The Household View screen will appear next, with all addresses and home phone numbers updated for household members (see Figure 3-37).

Figure 3-35: Household View screen - address section.

Figure 3-36: Household Info Update screen.

Figure 3-37: Household View screen - addresses and phones updated.

Merge a Household to another Household

In this example we will merge two households together using the Merge Household screen. We have already determined that there are two separate households in the OPUS database, but we need to move an entire household from an old residence into a different household with existing clients.

1 You are on the Household View screen of one of the households you want to merge. On the Left Nav Bar, click the Merge HH link. The Merge Household screen will appear next (see Figure 3-39). The Merge Household screen performs like a search screen.

2 On the left-side, enter a name or SYSID of a client of the household you want to merge, and on the right-side, enter a name or SYSID of a client in the household to merge to. Click the Search button. In our example, Donkey's family is moving into Tester McClient’s household. Donkey’s name is entered on left-side, and Tester’s name is entered on the right-side.