Advocis Kingston2016 General Meeting

May 11, 2016 at 11:15 am (Practice Management Forum)

Meeting Minutes

1/ Call to Order

31 Attending Members. Quorum confirmed. Motion to call the meeting to order, moved by Ed Bettencourt, 2nd Greg Gies, All in Favour.

2/ State of the Union

Financial Literacy continues to be a key area of focus and point of community contact, with initiatives including the delivery of JA program in public schools and our Funny Money presentation for high school students for FLM receiving local media coverage. This is the jumping off point for our new Chapter website. National is taking notice of our efforts, with coverage in Forum Magazine, and 2015 Inukshuk Award. We are doing well with membership – but we can do better. We are doing well with event attendance and engagement – but we can do better. Volunteer engagement appears to be at an all-time high, as evidenced by the incoming Board of maximum numbers (14). Local Advocacy continues to be strong, with open lines of communication with MPP Kiwala and MPP Hillier. Ed Bettencourt provided an update on 2016 Legislature Day, attended by 6 Kingston members, and reiterated the necessity for all members to share their voice.

3/ 2015 Financial Statement

The Advocis Kingston Chapter operated at a surplus of $1,643.00, and had an Accumulated Surplus of $32,755.03, resulting in a Total Fund Balance of $34,398.03 as of December 31, 2015. Reserve Requirements outlined in Operational Policies are met. David reviewed key spending initiatives in 2015, including Program and our Financial Literacy Month Speaker. The Chapter will continue to operate with a balanced budget and ‘break-even’ mentality. Motion to accept 2015 Financials, moved by Eveline Flint, 2nd Jim Jodoin, All in Favour.

4/ Approval of Board of Directors

Gratitude expressed to Dan Lambert, Debbie Hartzman, and Sue Scott for their service on the Board, as they will be stepping down.

Proposed Slate of 2016/17 Board of Directors, introduced by Greg Gies:

President & Institute Representative –Gregory Gies

Vice President Totem Pole Chair–Gordon (Jim) Jodoin

Treasurer – David James

Secretary – Pamela Mundell*

Membership Chair – Mark Murano*

Program Chair – Edward Bettencourt and Patrick Good*

Advocacy Chair – Will Britton

Public Awareness Chair –Chad Buell*

Professional Development Chair –Tania Ashe

Best Practices Chair - Chris Chard

Sponsorship Chair - David Sutherland

Communications Chair –Sean Cassidy *

Professional Conduct – Jason Howes*

* New to Kingston Board of Directors & Role

Motion to approve the proposed slate of Directors for 2016/17, moved by Pat Murphy, 2nd Sherry Miller, All in Favour.

5/ Additional Business


6/ Adjourn (moved by Sean Cassidy)