Western New York Woodturners Club 1

Newsletter & Minutes of Meeting Held August 06,2015

Maryvale High School Wood Shop Room #120

1050 Maryvale Drive

Cheektowaga, New York 14225

44Regular members present at the start of the meeting.

The meeting was called to order 1902hours by Richard Mialki. There was one guest present, Chris Zaluski as a representative from the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Treasurer’s Report by: Norm Kosmerl.

July 2015 Activity:

Available balance July 01, 2015 $4,118.12


50/50 Club 25.00

Dues (Cole, Snyder) 20.00

Sale of Hats 12.00


Check #249 R. Mialki (T.V. components) 88.56


Balance as of 08/01/15 $4,086.56

Business Items by Richard Mialki & Members:

The 50/50 Club was drawn and $38.00 was awarded to Rich Mialki. Congrats Rich.

Joe Wiesnet reported that there are still a few openings for working the Fair. Please call Rich Mialki, or Joe Wiesnet if you are interested in signing up. Joe also stated he would like more members to do our Club demos. If you are able to give a demonstration, please contact Joe. Remember, each person who does a demo will receive a gift certificate!

Bree Corbett reported that the website has been updated and should be correct and complete to the point of the computer crash. If you discover any missing files please contact Bree at her e-mail address.

Bob Ball advised that our DVD’s are available to members who wish to borrow them. A list of our DVD library is available on our Website.

Rich Mialki reported that he has a new switch box to be installed on our video equipment that will work with each component.

As information, we have Donated to the Woodcarvers $50.00 as a sponsor. This will contribute to the coffee and water that is available for us in their office at the Fair building.

The October meeting will be our Annual Auction meeting. if you have any items to donate please bring them to the meeting. All proceeds will go to our treasury to offset expenses.

Brian Effinger reported that the Pembroke Club is having a Jimmy Clewes all day demo for October 10th, 2015 at the High School. The cost will be $20.00 for the day and lunch will be available. More details on this event will follow.

Chris Zaluski, from the Make-A-Wish Foundation, came to the meeting to Thank us, and all the Clubs for our efforts to their fundraising. Make-A-Wish is very happy to have us as a contributor. He wished us luck and success for this years project.

The toy truck raffle brought in $62.00 for our club’s account. Winners of the drawings were Ward Beaton, and Gene Musial.

Rich stated that he would like to purchase a talon chuck for the new lathe. The motion was approved, and Rich will check for the best possible deal.

There was an additional gift certificate received from the Packard Woodworking Co. that was drawn and awarded to Benny Passantino. Congrats Ben!

Finally, there is a need for a member volunteers to help with clean up and removal of the Fair equipment and material on Monday August 24th, 2015. If you can help please let Rich Mialki know. We can use the additional help. Thank you.

Show & Tell Portion:

The show and tell segment was given by the following members: Tom Brittain, Michael Gotthelf, Bree Corbett, Norm Kosmerl, Pete Campana, Frank Stanko, Mike Todd, Phil DeFranco, Ray Bisonette, and Alan Dick. Gift Certificates were awarded to Norm Kosmerl, and Pete Campana. A great display of items were presented….

Club Demonstration:

There was no demo this month as we all enjoyed refreshments at our pre Fair meeting.

Next Meeting/Scheduled Demos:

Our next meeting will be held on Thursday September 03, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the Maryvale High School Shop. Presently, we have scheduled Dean Cole to demo a 3 legged stool for September. October will be our Annual Auction. November Bree Corbett will

be our demonstrator.

We are always looking for members to do demonstrations or give us some ideas for our programs. If you would like to do a demo for us, have any new ideas, or are just interested in learning something specific, mention it to our Vice President, Joe Wiesnet or send me an e-mail and I will forward it to him for handling.

The meeting was concluded.

Respectfully submitted by,

J. A. Mussari

Secretary 08/20/15


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