Social Work Professional Advisory Group Meeting Minutes

1300-1400, 19 Feb

Conference Dial in 605-475-4000 Participant Code: 303955#

1300 Greetings and Welcome from CDR Malaysia Gresham.

Roll Call- email your attendance to LCDR Tricia Booker at

LCDR Booker took roll call of executive leadership team.

Chair / CDR Malaysia Gresham / present
Chair Elect / CDR Sonjia Howard / present
SWPAG Liaison Officer / CAPT Aimee Williams / excused
Secretary / LCDR Tricia Booker / present
Mentoring / LCDR Holly Berilla
LT Israel Garcia / present
Senior Advisor / CAPY Dwayne Buckingham / excused
Policy / Vacant
Membership / CDR LaMar Henderson
LCDR Cara Alexander / Present
Recruitment/Retention / LT Robert VanMeir / present
Awards / CDR Todd Johnson / present
Readiness / LCDR Tyson Baize
LCDR Kari Harris / absent
Career Development / LCDR Monique Worrell
LCDR Monique Richards / Present
Communication / LCDR Justin Peglowski / Excused
SW Month Chair / LCDR Stephanie Felder / Excused

·  CDR Gresham verbalized being excited about leaderships and new year to include a voting membership, thanked all the hard work and thanks those who are deployed. She recognized RADM Peter Delany, who joined the call.

·  Remarks from RADM Peter Delany- He expressed feeling excited about the outreach and excitement in the group. He reminded the group that SWPAG used to be the largest group. Currently, we are important to bring a balanced approached to the USPHS.PADM encouraged others to stay involved and practice your ”elevator talk” about PHS and being a social worker in USPHS.

·  CDR Gresham thanked him for speaking.

Chair and Committee Updates

Chair Elect CDR Sonjia Howard: She recognized RADM Delany and for his participation in AMSUS Conference

SW month 2016- discussed theme and action items:

Social Work Month 2016 - Forging Solutions Out of Challenges

This year’s Social Work month theme is forging solutions out of challenges. As social workers we confront some of the most challenging issues facing individuals, families, communities and society and we forge solutions that help people reach their full potential and make our nation a better place to live. In honor of this year’s theme, our committee will have the following primary goals:

·  To link USPHS social workers with ongoing social work events in corresponding areas to increase the visibility of USPHS social workers.

o  Target Location: Washington, DC

o  Other locations as deemed necessary

·  To encourage local social workers to hold a USPHS Social Work March event in their designated area to establish camaraderie among USPHS social workers and discuss ways to forge solutions given our present day challenges.

·  To disseminate information about the Social Work Grand Challenges

Plan of Action

1.  George Mason University will be holding a Social Work Month Day. They are willing to allow us to be a part of this event. GMU is in the process of reaching out to Dr. Richard Barth. Dr. Barth is President of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (AASWSW) in addition to being the School of Social Work Dean at the University of Maryland. At the Society of Social Work and Research (SSWR) conference Dr. Barth provided the official debut of the Social Work Grand Challenges. We will see if he can present this information at Social Work Day.

a.  LCDR Felder will continue to work on the GMU Social Work Day planning committee

b.  USPHS social workers present their research or special topics panel where officers present on deployments or important topics

2.  Social work point of contacts will volunteer to hold events in their locality to foster camaraderie among USPHS social workers and discuss ways to forge solutions given our present day challenges. The point of contact will develop the social work day event for his or her designated area and send us this information. The point of contact will also need to develop a timeline so we are aware of each locale’s process. Potential regions are the following: Atlanta, Georgia; Fort Bragg, North Carolina; California ;Arizona; Texas

3.  2 SWPAG articles: The information sent by the social work point of contact will be used for an article in the month of March discussing our goals, themes, grand challenges, and event information (March newsletter). The second article will be a report of what was accomplished by the events (June newsletter).

4.  LCDR Felder will create a timeline detailing the process for Social Work month after the SWPAG Chair has approved the activities.

5.  After approval, LCDR Felder will write an advertisement for the SWPAG listserv for the social work point of contacts so that planning can begin immediately for local events.

·  Over all messages is to link with others in your community, promote yourself and PHS, and connect with social work events in your area.

·  CDR Howard is requesting to write an article pre and post event to promote successes

SWPAG Liaison Officer Update: (CDR Williams was not available CDR Gresham reported)

·  discussed CDR William’s role is to work behind the scenes and support executive leadership. In regards to the SWPAG Liaison, the following are ongoing activities:

1) Coordinate and disseminate positions, trainings, and opportunities offered by and through other HSO PAGs, to the SWPAG.

2) Assist the SWPAG Chairs & Co-Chairs with completing time specific projects (ex: SWPAG BY LAWS 2015, SWPAG Voting Membership 2016, Social Work Month 2016).

3) Other duties as requested by the Chair, SWPAG

·  CDR Gresham wanted to comment on the “No social Worker Left Behind”. This is an opportunity to have officers serve as “career managers” to assist/support to others officers find job and to transition from clinical, to administrative / supervisor roles. Contact LCDR Holly Berilla if interested,

Awards - CDR Johnson

·  SWOY awards accepting nominations through today- FEB 19 Contact CDR Todd Johnson with any questions at

·  CDR Johnson reported the committee is looking for additional members for committee

Career Subcommittee- LCDR Worrell

2016 Career Subcommittee Goals are:

·  Increase free and low cost virtual or in-person CEU workshops

·  Provide social workers clinical licensure assistance (if desired)

·  Offer at least 20 CV review sessions to SW by 30 September 2016

·  Share a promoted officer profile

Communication- LCDR Booker reported for LCDR Peglowski.

·  Call for articles, due 1 March.

·  CDR Gresham also added to send any SW Month activities to be published as well

Membership- CDR Henderson

·  Main goal is standing up voting members with the HSO PAC. CDR Henderson gave history and reminded others that this will make SW equal to other groups. He encourage others to participate to be involved. Once approved, he will send out info

·  Questions contact LCDR Henderson at

·  CDR Gresham reported that this initiative took a lot of work and recognized LCDR Alexander and CDRs Williams and Henderson for their hard work.

Mentoring –LCDR Holly Berilla

·  encouraged others to seek out their regional contacts regional for SW Month activities.

·  The committee is looking for Two POCs, one for region 2 and another for region 5. It is a good leadership opportunity. Contact LCDR Berilla if interested at

·  LCDR Berilla encouraged officers to submit articles to give details about their events

·  The mentoring Committee is putting together one page informational page to be posted on SWPAG website

POLICY- Currently vacant. (CDR Gresham reported out.)

·  SWPAG is looking for a lead to for this committee. CDR Williams was the chair for last year

·  CDR Gresham indicated a lot of work went into revising the bi laws, which had to be revamped to move forward with the HSOPAC voting membership. Bi- laws are the HSOPAC level being reviewed, should be approved soon.

Readiness- LCDR Harris

·  CDR Gresham reported initially and reported that the current readiness level is 97% and that SWPAG leadership would like feedback/comments from deployment. Communicate any issues/concerns/stresses from deployments to that they can be vetted for assistance.

Retention and Recruitment Committee LT Van-Meir

1. Development of the Welcome Video-Completed and with Leadership for


2. Developing Recruitment Material to use during visits with MSW Programs to

Begin early recruitment.

3. Developing Survey Tool to gather information regarding promotion

(Elements that seem to help promotion: Medals, Moves, Deployments, etc...)

4. Working with the HSO PAG regarding recruitment and retention.

·  CDR Gresham noted that she wanted to make sure all new active duty SW are welcomed at OBC. Let CDR Gresham know if you are interested in going to OBC.


·  there is no movement at this time.

·  Reminders that AMSUS is slated for Dec 2016 in Gaylord Hotel in DC. CDR Gresham would like a good turnout of social workers.

SW Month:-CDR Howard

·  Laid out plan earlier in meeting (see section above)

·  Call to Action will be sent out separately.

Coin sales- LCDR Alexander

·  reminded the SWPAG about sales. There is an informational flyer on the website. Coins are $12 a piece plus shipping. Contact her at

CDR Gresham opened the floor for any questions/new business:

·  CDR William Bolduc wanted to bring awareness of pending legislation about the GI Bill reduce BAH by 50%.

·  CDR Betty Hastings-Asked about how SW can apply to JR Co Step? She is hearing feedback that only Engineering/pharmacy students are accepted. Any idea when it will be opened again? CDR Gresham will elevate this question to HSO PAG leadership.

·  A general reminder about Tobacco Cessation program – free training and CEUs at COA( and on line) google- ARC for Change for information.

Adjourn at 1351.

SWPAG Members Present:

CAPT Laura Aponte

CAPT Darlene Harris

CAPT Bank-Shields

CPT Elise Young

CDR William Bolduc

CDR Jeremy Combs

CDR Scott Conner

CDR Indira Harris

CDR Betty Hastings

CDR Kristin Kelly

CDR Julie Nivens

CDR Kathleen Watkins

LCDR Andrea Cunningham

LCDR Alexia Blyther

LCDR Brayboy

LCDR Delores Caldwell

LCDR Kari Harris

LCDR Kimberly Jones

LCDR Joel Nelson

LCDR Kymberly Spady- Grove

LCDR Monique Worrell

LT Israel Garcia

LT Loquita Roberts