Round 2

Construction Industry Training Board (CITB)

Instructions for Use of DPS

Education and Training Funding for Construction Industry Related Apprenticeship Provision For England

This is being procured under the Dynamic Purchasing System, the specifics of which are detailed in the introduction.

Tender running until: 31st July 2021

Initial Expressions of Interest must be received no later than Wednesday 26th July 2017 by 4pm


Date of issue: 5th July 2017

Reference No: B17/02/1608


A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is a completely electronic system established by a contracting authority to purchase commonly used goods, works or services.

A DPS does not operate in the same way as a contract/framework in that it is an ‘open market’ product designed to provide access to a pool of suppliers which can be constantly refreshed. Suppliers join the system by submitting an ‘IndicativeTender (bid)’.

These Indicative Tender bids are then evaluated to establish the suppliers’ general capability for provision of the required service. The evaluation works on a Pass/Fail basis. The evaluation reviews aspects of the supplier’s financial, technical,strategic and security provision andbased on this evaluation, the supplier is either accepted onto the DPS or rejected and provided with feedback in order to enable them to re-apply at a later date should they wish to doso.

Why a DPS?

A DPS was chosen as the most suitable commercial vehicle following feedback from internal stakeholders and engaging with the market.

Establishing a DPS with multiple providers will help to create an environment which encourages fair competition, allowing suppliers to join at any time and choose whether to compete for all or any of the campaigns/assignments under the DPS.

Overview of the DPS

Potential Providers of the services will complete an Indicative Tender (bid) which will be evaluated. Decisions to admit to the DPS will be made within 15 calendar days of submission. Successful and non-successful suppliers will be notified if they have been admitted to the DPS. All suppliers who are successful with their Indicative Tender (bid) will be admitted to the DPS and invited to compete in any subsequent ‘Call-Off’ procurements, successful suppliers will be awarded a ‘Call-Off Contract’. Those Potential Providers rejected will be provided with feedback detailing what changes to their submission will be required in order to submit a successful future Indicative Tender (bid) to join the DPS.

Application to the DPS

The DPS will be hosted on the CITB website. Apotential provider can express an interest for this procurement by sending an email to .

Your email must clearly state: the name and procurement reference for the event you wish to register for; the name of the registered supplier; and the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. CITB will then process the email and issue the Potential Provider with the Supplier Questionnaire. All other documents will be available for download from the CITB website.
For technical assistance on use of the website or accessing the documents, please contactCITB on 0300 456 7936 or Email:
Process for inclusion on the DPS:

  • The DPS will remain open from 13/04/2017 for suppliers wishing to provide anIndicative Tender (bid).
  • When an expressionof interest has been received, Potential Providers will be required to complete the Questionnaire provided which will form their 'Indicative Tender (bid)'.
  • The responses to the Questionnaire will be evaluated to assess the Potential Provider’s capability and experience in delivery of the services; compliance with tax affairs; and level of data security processes.
  • Organisations will be able to access a specification which includes the nature of the services.
  • CITB shallcomplete the evaluation of an Indicative Tender (bid) within 15 days from the date of its submission, or such longer period as CITB determines if no invitation to tenderfor a specific campaign is issued under the system within the 15calendarday period.
  • If the Indicative Tender (bid) is successful the organisation will be added to the DPS and invited to all future campaigns/assignmentswithin the DPS.

Competition for campaigns/assignments within the DPS:

  • Any suppliers who do not meet the criteria outlined in the specification as demonstrated by their response to the Indicative Tender (bid) Questionnaire, will not be admitted onto the DPS and will be notified accordingly. There will however be an opportunity to re-apply for admittance onto the DPS at a later stage should the supplier be able to demonstrate that the criteria can be met
  • All suppliers within the DPS will be issued with an Invitation to Tender (ITT) for any new campaigns/assignmentsthat are identified by CITB.
  • The ITT will include a full scope of requirements and clear details of the services required from the supplier.
  • The ITT will include the call off evaluation criteria which will typically be almost entirely based upon Quality.
  • Contracts for campaigns/assignments will be awarded under the DPS to suppliers who indicate that they can provide the required services however, it is likely that the actual allocation of work will still largely be determined by the Employer in the first instance but should they not specify a supplier, CITB will provide a list of suppliers able to provide the requisite services from which the employer may choose.
  • All tender submissions will be evaluated and both successful and non-successful suppliers will be notified.