2018-2019 Residence Life Staff Application Form

*for RA and CLA positions*

This form will consist of sixsections. Please provide all information that is requested.

Section 1 –Applicant Information:

Name: ______SHU ID# : ______

Cell Phone: ______Current Hall & Room #: ______

Credit hours earned to date: ______Number of credit hours anticipated for Fall 2018: _____

Last Semester’s GPA: ______Cumulative GPA: ______

Current Academic Classification: Senior ____ Junior ____ Sophomore ____ Freshman ____

Anticipated Date of Graduation: ______

Major / Minor: ______

Will you be an athlete/marching band for 2018-2019: No ____ Yes, what team(s): ______

Will you have an internship/student teaching for 2018-2019: No ____ Yes, where: ______

Do you intend to be employed in another part-time job: No _____ Yes, where: ______

Hours per week: ______

Please note: Due to federal employment law under the Affordable Care Act, Residence Life staff members may not be permitted to hold other paid University positions during the academic year, (e.g., tour guides, work study, etc.)

Section 2 – Housing Preferences:

Please note that the Residence Life Leadership Team will take your input into consideration when making final placements. You will, however, ultimately be placed where we think you will be the most successful leader for your residents and have the most opportunity for personal leadership development.

Please rank your choices in each category, with #1 as your top choice.

If you would only accept a position for a particular option (e.g., Campus Village Apartments only,) please only mark your #1 choice. Please recognize that this may significantly limit your placement opportunities.

Housing Preference: / Resident Preference: / Age Preference:
____ Archangelus Hall / Ledwidge Hall / ____ Male residents / ____ Primarily Freshmen
____ St. Catherine Hall / ____ Female residents / ____ Primarily Upperclassmen
____ Campus Village Apartments / ____ No Preference / ____ No Preference
____ No Preference

Section 3 – Time Commitments:

Being a ResLife staff member is an extremely rewarding leadership position at Siena Heights University. Staff members must be extremely committed to the position. Staff members are always students first and RA’s/CLA’s second. Staff members must realize that there are only so many hours in the week and need to strive for balance in their lives.

Please take a few minutes to consider your involvement on campusand any off campus commitments you have: part-time jobs, family time, volunteering, etc. Use the chart below to determine how much time you have to devote to the staff position.

There are no right or wrong answers – This isn’t a test. It’s just a good way for you to understand the staff time commitment and for us to better understand how involved you are!

Weekly CommitmentAverage Weekly Hours

Average weekly hours for the staff commitment:20

Sleep/naps (~7 hours per day) 49


Total number of Semester Hours you plan on taking next fall_____

Study Time (total number of semester hours doubled)_____

Practice time per week (athletics, theatre, band, etc.)_____

Student organization involvement_____

Part-time job_____

Volunteering, church, community service, etc._____

Fitness (working out, jogging, weight room, etc.)_____

Facebook, Tweeting, etc._____

Hanging out with friends, significant other, videogames, etc._____

Spending time with family_____

Add up the total number of hours on this chart (including the three provided).


Section 4 – Leadership Experience:

List any leadership positions you held and organizations in which you have participated at Siena Heights University:

OrganizationAny position heldHow did you contribute to the group?

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

Section5– Answer the following questions:

Please take your time. Attach your typed answers to your application. Your answers don’t have to be long, just make sure you think about the question and answer it thoroughly!

  1. Why do you want to be a ResLife staff member? What skills and experiences do you have that will help you in the position?
  1. There are 168 hours in the week. Looking at the Time Commitment Chart you just filled out, how will you balance your time as a staff member? Are there areas you will have to cut back on? How will this affect your student experience at SHU?
  1. What do you wish you would have learned as a resident and how will you go about teaching your residents about this topic?
  1. Describe a situation where you handled a conflict or confrontation. What did you learn from that experience?

Section6– References:

Please list two personal references. At least one of these references must be affiliated with Siena Heights University:

Reference #1: Name: ______Email: ______Phone: ______

Relationship to Applicant: ______

Reference #2: Name: ______Email: ______Phone: ______

Relationship to Applicant: ______

Please return your completed application to the Office of Residence Life in Ledwidge Hall or the Campus Village Office no later thanMonday, February 5th, 2018at NOON.

Communication regarding this process will be conducted through email. Please make sure you are monitoring that properly.