Modification in Form-I and Article of Agreement

A large number of cases reported about the difficulties faced by Indian Seafarer abroad who are recruited and placed on board foreign flag Ships by unlicensed/unauthorized entities. In order to prevent such placement of seafarers on board foreign flag vessels aboard, it has been decided that data of engagement of Indian Seafarers in eGovernance system DGS would be shared with Protector of Employment (PoE), Ministry of External Affairs. In thisregard the existing module under eGovernance System of DGS. i.e. Form I and Article of Agreement have been modified and integrated with new eMigrate Software.

The Data in respect of the seafarer engaged through Indian Shipping Companies and Registered Recruitment and Placement Service providers can be forwarded to e-Migrate system directly from DGS system without any further requirement of registration in the e-migration system. The seafarer using this route shall be allowed by immigration without any hindrance.

In the proposed system, the RPS and the Indian flag ship owner logs in to the DGS eGovernance system using the user id and password that has already been provided to them. Such data should be filled before the excepted date of departure of the seafarer. The data shall include fields like name of seafarer, passport number, INDoS No.CDC No. name of foreign shipping company, name of ship. The data that is submitted online in the e-migrate system, will be further automatically transmitted to the Immigration desk. When such seafarer reports at the immigration check point and swipes his passport, then his data flashes on the immigration desk and he may be allowed to pass through.

The said new system is made functional with immediate effect. The instruction in details is given below. Apart from this a help document is also available at Help link provided in the module.

Instruction for Form I(New)

  1. Instead of uploading for CSV file for seafarer engagement details for Foreign Flag company has to submit individual wise (one seafarer’s details at a time) and same sign on details will automatically be uploaded in eMigration system and eMigration Reference No. and Date will be displayed on the screen. Same will be mailed to seafarer as well as Applicant. Details will be verified by the authority at the time of immigration.

Data to be filled for Sign on:

  1. Name of Seafarer (As per Passport)
  2. Passport No.
  3. CDC No.
  4. Rank
  5. Name of Vessel
  6. IMO No. of Vessel
  7. Flag of Vessel
  8. Name of Foreign Shipping Company
  9. Date of Commencement of Contract
  10. Date of Flight Journey (Tentative)
  11. Remarks (If any)
  1. Once Sign on data is submitted in eGovernance system and the eMigration Reference details are not displayed over the screen, in such cases pending Sign on Details can be viewed in the link "Sign on details pending for eMigration". Details can be uploaded in eMigration system by clicking over "Click to Migrate" link.
  2. For Sign Off
  1. Enter the INDoS No. and click over Continue button. System will populate Seafarer’s details, Last sign on details along with old Sea service details which were uploaded using the new Form I as History. Individual Report can be printed by clicking over “View” link
  2. To make Sign off click over the link “Click to Sign Off” and enter

Date of Sign on Ship, Date of Sign off Ship and

Date of Completion of Contract and Click over Continue button.

4. To generate report Click the link “Form I Report”under the menu“Reports”

Instruction for Article of Agreement

  1. Once Sign on Application is submitted, details will automatically be uploaded in eMigration system and eMigration Reference No. and Date will be displayed on the screen. Same will be mailed to seafarer as well as Applicant. Details will be verified by the authority at the time of immigration.3
  1. Once Sign on data is submitted in eGovernance system and the eMigration Reference details are not displayed over the screen, in such cases pending Sign on Details can be viewed in the link "Pending Sign On details for eMigration". Details can be uploaded in eMigration system by clicking over "Click to Migrate" link.
  1. Two new fields are added in the application.

a. Name of Seafarer as per Passport in Seafarer Details Tab

b. Date of Flight Journey (Tentative) in Sign-on Details Tab
