Common Signs and Symptoms of Stress

Physical/Body / Cognitive/Mind / Emotional/Feelings / Behavioral/Actions
Fatigue / Blaming self or others / Anxiety / Change in socialization
Nausea / Confusion / Guilt / Withdrawal or isolation
Muscle tremors / Difficulty concentrating / Grief / Emotional outbursts
Muscle twitches / Difficulty making decisions / Denial / Suspiciousness
Elevated blood pressure / Memory problems / Emotional shock / Change in usual communications
Nonspecific body complaints / Intrusive images (e.g., repeated images of the incident) / Fear / Change in eating habits
Loss or increase in appetite / Difficulty identifying familiar objects or people / Uncertainty / Increase in alcohol and/or drug consumption
Rapid heart rate / Increased or decreased awareness of surroundings / Loss of emotional control / Inability to rest or relax
Thirst / Poor problem solving / Depression / Sleep problems
Headaches / Poor abstract thinking / Apprehension / Antisocial acts
Visual difficulties / Disorientation / Feeling overwhelmed / Pacing
Vomiting / Disturbed thinking / Intense anger / Erratic movements
Dizziness / Distressing dreams / Irritability / Change in sexual functioning
Grinding teeth / Nightmares / Agitation / Less humor
Weakness / React to criticisms, as if attacked / Sadness
Profuse sweating / Feeling numb or cold
Chills / Denial of reality
Fainting / Feeling isolated
Chest pain* / Intense worry about others
Difficulty breathing*
Shock symptoms*

*Definite indication of the need for medical evaluation.

Anyone who experiences a stressful event may experience one or more of the above common signs and symptoms. There are normal reactions to an abnormal event, and although painful, they are part of the healing process. There is not a lot anyone can do to prevent you from experiencing uncomfortable reactions, but the things listed on the next page may help you feel more whole.


·  Increase your physical activity – Within the first 24-48 hours, periods of exercise (walking, running, aerobics, yard or house work, etc.) alternated with relaxation will alleviate some physical reactions.

·  Share your stress – Sometimes just talking with a friend or family members helps.

·  Sleep and diet – The better rested and nourished you are, the better equipped you are to tackle your stress.

·  Recognize your limits – Learn to accept that you are not capable of doing all thinks all the time. You are healing.

·  Get Involved – Becoming a participant is a good way to reduce stress.

·  Prioritize your time – Write down the things you have to do in the order that they have to be done. Make a schedule for yourself. Keep yourself busy at all times.

·  Alcohol and drugs – Neither helps you to actually manage your stress.

·  Do things that you enjoy doing – Do something for yourself that might make you feel better, even for a little while.

·  Realize that those around you are under stress also – Share your feelings with others and check you how they are doing.

Remember – You are normal and your reactions are the normal reactions of one who has experienced an abnormal event.