Ohio State Club Gymnastics Constitution

Article I:

Section 1: Name: Club Gymnastics at The Ohio State University, which is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Gymnastics Clubs (NAIGC)

Section 2: Purpose: To provide a club for people at any skill level to learn and enjoy the sport of gymnastics

Section 3: This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Article II: Membership

Any person is permitted to become a member of the club, provided they pay the yearly dues of $160 or semester dues of $90; however, majority of membership is limited to Ohio State University students. Furthermore, voting members, and club officers are limited to currently enrolled students of the Ohio State University. Officers of the club must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 for undergraduate students and 3.0 for graduate students. A majority vote of the clubs officers will be required to remove a member from the club if they conduct themselves in a manner that does not reflect the advancements of this organization.

Article III: Code of Student Conduct

The Ohio State University Code of Student Conduct applies to the team and its individual members.

Article IV: Organization Leadership:

Section 1: The President shall be in charge of preparing practice schedules, preparing for competitive meets (i.e. sending in meet registrations, rosters, reserving hotels, etc). The President shall be a member and officer of the club for at least one year prior to his/her election, and elected by voting members of the club. The President shall hold a term for one year, and elections shall be held in a date to be determined during the spring semester of each year. A term limit of two years will be enforced. A majority vote of the clubs voting members will be required to remove this officer from their position.

Section 2: The Vice President shall be in charge of ordering apparel for the club, and aiding the President in meet preparation if necessary. The Vice President will collect meet registration information and assist the President in creating rotation schedules. They will also be the Listserv admin. The Vice President shall be a member of the club for at least one year prior to his/her election, and elected by voting members of the club. The Vice President shall hold a term for one year, and elections shall be held in a date to be determined during the spring semester of each year. A majority vote of the clubs voting members will be required to remove this officer from their position.

Section 3: The Treasurer shall be in charge of the funding of the club (i.e. setting up account information, sending in meet fees, and managing fundraising moneys). The Treasurer shall be a member of the club for at least one year prior to his/her election, and elected by voting members of the club. The Treasurer shall hold a term for one year, and elections shall be held in a date to be determined during the spring semester of each year. A majority vote of the clubs voting members will be required to remove this officer from their position.

Section 4: The Secretary shall be in charge of making any changes to constitution or bylaws. The Secretary is also responsible for setting up fundraisers. The Secretary shall be a member of the club for at least one year prior to his/her election, and elected by voting members of the club. The Secretary shall hold a term for one year, and elections shall be held in a date to be determined during the spring semester of each year. A majority vote of the clubs voting members will be required to remove this officer from their position.

Section 5: The Human Relations Representative shall be responsible for the club’s social media accounts. This position is not mandatory and the duties shall be split equally among the President and Vice President should no member of the club wish to fulfill the position. The Human Relations Representative shall be a member of the club for at least one year prior to his/her election, and elected by voting members of the club. The Human Relations Representative shall hold a term for one year, and elections shall be held in a date to be determined during the spring semester of each year. A majority vote of the clubs voting members will be required to remove this officer from their position.

Section 6: The Meet Coordinator shall be responsible for organizing and executing the annual home competition. The Meet Coordinator shall be a member of the club for at least one year prior to his/her election, and elected by voting members of the club. The Meet Coordinator shall hold a term for one year, and elections shall be held in a date to be determined during the spring semester of each year. A majority vote of the clubs voting members will be required to remove this officer from their position.

Article V: Advisers

Adviser for this club must be a full-time member of The Ohio State University faculty or Administrative & Professional staff. The role of the adviser is to assist the clubs officers if needed by providing suggestions to improve the organization and by being the faculty member who acts as a liaison between the club and the university.

Article VI: Coaches

Coaches are present at the private gym the club practices at, and stay to provide advice to members at practices. Because of the limited availability of coaches at the gym, the coaches are mutually decided upon based on the willingness of a coach to stay after his usual coaching schedule, and how satisfied members are with the coaches’ performance. Coaches’ performance is discussed during end of practices among present members to assure a majority of membership is happy with coaches’ performance. If a coach is determined to be doing a less than desirable job, these problems will be discussed with the coach, which may lead to the termination of the person as the coach. Coaches will be compensated at the end of the year in an amount to be determined by the officers of the club based on coaches’ performance.

Article VII: Meetings of the organization

The club shall hold meetings two times a year, unless otherwise decided by the officers. The meetings shall be held once in the fall and once in the spring.

The Officers shall hold meetings once a month to go over general club information to assure everyone is on the same page.

Article VIII: Competitions

Any member of the club is invited to compete, but competing members must pay an additional $250 in membership dues to help accommodate competition costs. Clubs pay for hotel, and meet competition fees from fundraising money and membership dues. Other expenses during trips, such as food and gas, are paid for by the individual members. Meets occur in nearby states (i.e. Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio), typically against Big Ten universities and other regional schools such as Bowling Green, Ohio, and Miami (OH).

Article IX: Amending Constitution:

Any member of the club can bring proposed amendments to the constitution at any time to an officer. Proposed amendments will be collected and presented in written form during an officer meeting. These will then be brought up to be voted on by officers at a proposed meeting. For an amendment to pass, it must receives two-thirds majority of votes.

Article X: Continuity in Case of Suspension

If the team is suspended for violating the Code of Student Conduct, Competitive Sports will appoint an Interim President and an Interim Treasurer. The Interim President and Interim Treasurer may (1) transfer signatures and check writing authority for the organization’s bank account to themselves within thirty days of the suspension, (2) pay existing financial obligations out of the organization’s current funds, and (3) when the period of suspension ends, take appropriate steps with Student Activities to re-register as a student organization. Further, the Interim President and Interim Treasurer shall inventory the organization’s equipment and write a plan for its storage and safekeeping during the suspension period. This plan must be submitted to Competitive Sports within the first thirty days of the suspension. During this suspension no new coaches or staff should be hired during this time. All club assets are frozen during this suspension period meaning nothing should be bought or sold during this time. Should the Interim President or Interim Treasurer wish to take any additional actions, they must seek advance approval from Competitive Sports.

Article XI: Return to Competitive Sports

In order to return as a recognized Sport Club team, The Interim President must provide Competitive Sports with documentation that team is a recognized student organization. The Interim President must also provide a roster of at least 15 students to Competitive Sports along with a written plan to hold elections. This plan should, to the extent possible due to the terms, length and timing of the suspension, resemble the provisions contained in Article X.

Article VIII: Dissolution of the club:

The club shall dissolve if a unanimous vote of voting club members elects so. Once dissolved, any debt shall be split evenly among all members of the club to cover the debt. If the club should have excess funds, the money shall be donated to The Ohio State University or some other organization as decided by majority vote of members.


Article I: Officer appointment and election:

Any member who has participated in the club for at least one year may run for any office member position. Such candidates will only need to inform a current officer of their intent prior to the election of the position. The person who receives the most votes by voting members of the club shall be declared the winner of the officer position. In the event of a tie, the current president will choose the officer for the next year or the position will be shared. Elections will be held in person in April of Spring semester.

Article II: Meeting requirements:

Officer meetings will occur at least once a month. Other meeting times may occur if deemed necessary by a minimum of two of the officers. During meetings, proposals to amending bylaws and the constitution will be brought forward and summarized. These proposals will then be voted on.

Article III: Method of amending bylaws:

Any member of the club can bring proposals of amendments to the bylaws forth to any officer of the club. Such proposals will then be brought forth during a meeting to be voted on by voting officers of the club. Bylaws will be amended given a majority vote of voting officers.

Article IV: Participation in NAIGC National Competition

Any member of the club is eligible to participate in the NAIGC National Competition provided that he/she has competed in a minimum of two meets prior to the National Competition.