Galliova Awards FAQs 2016

  1. Who can enter the awards?

The 2016 Galliova Awards are open to food and health writers of South African newspapers, magazines and verified online media only.

  1. How much does it cost to enter?

There is no entry fee.

  1. How do I make the most of my entry?

Please watch the video on for tipsfromthe 2015 Judges

  1. Can I enter the same entry in more than one category?

Yes onlyif the entry is deemed eligible.

  1. How do I submit my entry?

All magazine and newspaper entries need to be submitted in hard copy prints or originals and placed within a flip file only.5 final copies must be supplied by each entrant for the food awards and 3 for the health awards. These must be placed in the correct date order either an A4 or A3 flip folder only according to the publication size.

Online entries: need to be submitted on 5 memory sticks (or CD’s) for food writer entrants and three for health writer entrants. A link to the specific article and a screenshot of the Google Analytics for the submitted articles and websites must also be supplied.

A signed and completed entry form must be printed and submitted with all 5 entries.

All entries need to be couriered to: 6 Swemmer Road, Silvamonte, (Sandringham), Johannesburg, 2192.

  1. How many features/ articles must I submit?

6-12 articles per person (maximum 12 articles per person for health and food writers’ awards) will be accepted. A minimum of four full length articles plus two snippets need to be submitted for the health writers’ awards.

  1. When is the closing date?

All entries must be received by 16h00 Wednesday 7th September 2016.

  1. How many categories are there?

The Galliova awards has 6 categories namely:

Galliova Food Writer of the Year (magazines)

Galliova Food Writer of the Year (newspapers and weekly titles)

Health Writer of the Year

Up and coming Food or Health Writer of the Year (1 prize will be awarded)

Online Food or Health Writer of the Year (1 prize will be awarded)

The Galliova Egg Champion

  1. I’m not sure which category to enter?

Thereare 6 different categories; see requirements for the different categories below:

Galliova Food Writer of the Year (magazines)

All South African monthly magazine food writers are eligible to enter the Galliova Food Writer of the Year Award.

Galliova Food Writer of the Year (newspapers and weekly titles)

South African newspapers and weekly magazine food writers are eligible to enter the Galliova Food Writer of the Year award.

Health Writer of the Year:

Health media who have shown overall excellence in health writing, including understanding and informed referencing to eggs will be eligible to enter the Health Writer of the Year Award. This is open to magazines and newspapers.

Up and Coming Food or Health Writer of the Year:

Media who have been in the industry for a maximum of four years will be eligible to enter the Up and Coming Food or Health Writer of the Year.

Galliova Egg Champion

The Galliova Egg Champion is awarded to the food writer that uses the most eggs, uses eggs in the most creative way and uses the most appealing egg-related visuals. The health writer entering the Galliova Egg Champion award will need to inform readers in an inspiring and innovative manner about the health benefits of eggs as part of a balanced diet.

Online Food or Health Writer of the Year:

The Galliova Online Food or Health Writer of the Year Award will be awarded to an online writer who shows excellence in food or health/nutrition writing and an understanding and inclusion of eggs in recipes and educational articles respectively.

  1. When will I know if I am shortlisted with my entry?

All finalists will be notified via e-mail on the end of September

  1. What do I do if I've made the shortlist of finalist?

All finalists will be notified via e-mail and further information/ instructions will be provided on the e-mail

  1. Who judges the entries and how are entries judged?

A panel of six judges will be going through the entries, four judges for the food writers’ entries and two judges for health writers’ entries. The judges receive all entries and then individually evaluate each entry according to specific criteria. The judges will then meet in Johannesburg to discuss final scoring of the entries in order to ensure that the judging process is fair and transparent and to determine finalists.

  1. What are the prizes for winners?

A total of R115 000 will be presented this year. These include the two main awards:

Galliova Food Writer of the Year (magazines) (R25 000),

Galliova Food Writer of the Year (newspapers and weekly titles) (R25 000),

Followed by the four affiliated awards:

Health Writer of the Year (R15 000);

Up and coming Food or Health Writer of the Year (R15 000, one award);

Online Food or Health Writer of the Year; (R15 000, one award);

The Galliova Egg Champion (R20 000, one award – both health and food writers can enter)

  1. What criteria do the judges use for evaluating entries?

Galliova Food Writer of the Year magazines, newspapers and weekly titles

The following criteria will be taken into account for the food writers’ awards:

Originality and consistency of articles and recipes

Relevant and informed use of eggs

Factually correct, concise, relevant and understandable recipes

Writing – clarity, communication, easy and enjoyable reading.

Understanding and addressing specific target market needs

Visual appeal and layout of article

Health Writer of the Year:

The following criteria will be taken into account for the health writers awards:

Originality, creativity and innovation

Scientific accuracy

Objectivity & balance, perspective & angle of article

Relevant & informed use of eggs, linked to key health messages

Contribution to contemporary debates and accessibility to target audience

Sources consulted

Up and Coming Food or Health Writer of the Year:

Media who have been in the industry for a maximum of four years will be eligible to enter the Up and Coming Food or Health Writer of the Year.

The up and coming health writer would need to provide information on the important role of eggs, the health benefits of eggs in the diet and general promotion of health and well- being.

Galliova Egg Champion

The Galliova Egg Champion is awarded to the food writer that uses the most eggs, uses eggs in the most creative way and uses the most visually appealing egg-related visuals. The health writer entering the Galliova Egg Champion award will need to inform readers in an inspiring and innovative manner about the health benefits of eggs as part of a balanced diet. One prize will be awarded in this category.

Online Food or Health Writer of the Year:

Criteria for online entrants will include the above food and health criteria plus the following:

Google Analytics for both website and articles

Subscriber details if relevant for email newsletters

Interaction and traffic on the article

  1. Do all entrants receive feedback?

Unfortunately due to the large number of entries received, individual feedback will not be provided.

  1. When will the winners be announced?

Finalists will be announced on the 29th of September and all finalists from Johannesburg will be flown to Cape Town to attend the awards ceremony. The winners will be announced during the award ceremony on the 21st of October 2016