ReloTracker Webmail Changes
Purpose: This document explains recent changes to ReloTracker email functionality.
Author: Sérgio Fontes
Revised: 13 January 2014
Status: Public
The ReloTracker email functionality has become a critical area of the system. More and more companies are centralizing all documentation and communication into ReloTracker, allowing users to access all the information related to any case, anywhere.
Because in the majority of the cases the mail server and the ReloTracker server exist in different places, performance is an issue we address with this update.
To use these new capabilities, your installation must have ReloTracker Mail Ant running. This application runs in the background on the server, checking for new emails periodically in each inbox setup in the system.
Many changes have been made in this update, mainly at the requests of companies that use the email functionality daily, and from the ReloTracker User Group. Here are the main items that you will notice.
Speed and Performance
Because emails are downloaded continuously, when any email list page is displayed, ReloTracker is only checking the local database and will not communicate with the mail server, ensuring that emails are not downloaded again and again. This will result in better speed.
Navigation, Paging and Search capabilities
It’s now possible to search inside the Inbox or mail folders and also to change at any time the number of items to see per page. Due to the changes in performance and speed moving from page to page is much faster.
Email Preview
Email view has been improved, and while viewing any email you can quickly go back to the Inbox. You can also navigate to the next or previous email without returning to the list of emails. In the preview we also included the linking and moving to folders capabilities that already existed in the emails list.
Printing emails
You no longer need to reply or forward an email to be able to print it. Once you view an email, in the top right corner a new button “Print” is available.
Flag for Follow Up
Now you can flag emails for follow-up and see a list of flagged emails.
Personal and Public Folders
We have added Personal and Public Folders. Each user can create their own Personal Folders, while Public Folders can be used to make emails available to the entire team.
Away message
It is now possible for each user to create an auto response (“away message”).
Automatic Email Archiving
Now you can forward email to ReloTracker for automatic archiving into the “Related Email” page under each relocation.
The New Inbox
On any list of emails you are now able to filter, navigate and set the number of items (10, 25, 50, 100 or all) you want to see per page
You can also do bulk actions: linking multiple emails to a relocation or a contact, moving multiple emails to a system folder, Public Folder or Personal Folder, or marking multiple emails for future follow up.
You can sort the current list by clicking on the icons or column titles.
Email Preview and More
By clicking on any email, you will have instant access to the email preview. You can always return to the Inbox using the “Inbox” button.
From there you can also execute the normal actions of “Reply”, “Forward”, “Delete” or “Follow up/Remove flag”.
Navigate through the list without returning to the inbox.
Print emails, using the browser built-in printing functions.
Link the emails to relocation or contact or move the email to a folder.
If the system finds in the email the email address of a transferee, the system will suggest linking it to that relocation and if any email is already linked to relocation it will show the selection.
Follow-up Flags
It is now possible to mark any email for follow-up. This can be done while viewing an email or marking multiple emails for follow up by using the button “Follow up”.
While viewing any email marked for follow up, you can always remove the flag using the button “Remove flag”.
The new Mail>Mail>Follow up page shows a list of all the emails marked for Follow-up.
System, Public and Personal folders
Before now, emails could be moved to the “Inbox”, ”Saved mail”, “Deleted mail”, “Junk mail” and “Sent mail” system folders.
Two new categories of folders have been introduced “Public Folders” and “Personal Folders”. By definition “Public Folders” contain emails that can be viewed by any user, according to their rights in the system. “Personal Folders” contain emails that can only be viewed by the specific user.
To help user navigation two new menus items have been included in the left menu:
These menus will contain the folders dynamically created it the “Tools” page. Only Internal Users can create Public Folders.
By default, only Internal Users can also view Public Folders. You can make them visible to External Consultants on the Main>Administration>Menus/Rights page, as described in the ReloTracker Administrator’s guide.
Auto-Response (“Away Message”)
Users can setup an Away message for each inbox they have on the system at the “Tools” page. If this rule is activated the system will send an automatic reply to each email that arrives into the selected inbox.
Many users prefer to use Outlook or other email systems to read and respond to their email. This would create the need to additionally go into the ReloTracker Webmail in order to file email under the Relocations.
Auto-archiving solves this:
1. Forward or copy an email to a special email address.
2. As long as the subject of the email includes the Relocation Number, the system will automatically file the email under the Relocation.
3. You will receive an error email if ReloTracker was unable to save the email under a Relocation.
4. You will receive an update email if ReloTracker was able to save the email under a Relocation.
Status update notifications are not included since they are already saved automatically.
Additional features:
· Possibility to create a status update when emails are linked to the relocation.
· Possibility to save the email directly into the saved items page when emails are linked to the relocation.
To achieve Auto-archiving you will need to:
· Create a dedicated email address in your email system. For example, .
· Notify ReloTracker Support of this email address.
· Make sure that any email sent to the archiving email address includes the relocation number within brackets and with a # sign in the subject. For example [#13AO0032], where the relocation number is 13AO0032. To make things easier, you should modify your email templates using the following combination [##JOBNUMBER#] in the Subject field so that any email sent from the system will automatically include that code.
From that point, any email where the archive email address is in the TO, CC, or BCC fields will be automatically saved by the system.
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