January 9, 2017 Asbury Zoning Board of Adjustment Proceedings:
The administrative hearing of the Asbury Zoning Board of Adjustment was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Steve Ready. Answering roll call: Gene Blum, Steve Ready, Ben Rousch and Jim Steil. Absent: JC Weber.
Administrative Review – Variance Request for 2899 Hales Mill Road
Mike Donohue was present on behalf of Lord of Life Church. The building renovation is completed and the sign will be placed in a reasonable location. The recommended size of the replaceable panels was 42.67 sq. ft. He indicated it was a very visible sign and the stone matches the exterior.
Jim Steil moved to close the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. Seconded by Gene Blum. Motion carried. (all ayes)
Jim Steil moved to approve the variance request for 2899 Hales Mill Road in regards to allow a 32 sq. ft. sign not to exceed 5 feet in height. Seconded by Gene Blum. Motion carried. (all ayes)
Gene Blum moved to approve the minutes from the July 20, 2016 meeting. Seconded by Jim Steil. Motion carried. (all ayes).
Jim Steil moved to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Seconded by Gene Blum. Motion carried. (all ayes)
Elizabeth Bonz
Zoning Administrator
Board of Adjustment Notes
January 9, 2017
2899 Hales Mill Road Variance Request
The Lord of Life Church is allowed in the zoning by special permit. The maximum sign size is 32 sq. ft. No issues with the approximate location.
Steil: The sign could be incorporated into the base of it to not exceed 4 feet maximum.
Ready: Sign and a base reason because of commercial and residential. It’s located in a residential neighborhood. Brightness and big.
Mike Donohue: Sign is 8x4 and can’t sit on the ground. How tall that base. Could scale back sign and adjust height to 12 inches for a base.