Pupil Premium Plan 2015-2016
Type of intervention/support : / Cost : / Description of intervention : / Impact of intervention :Psychotherapist support / £15,000 / One hour one to one counselling and therapy with pupils who have suffered emotional trauma that results in a barrier to learning. / LAC and Pupil Premium children given resilience to ensure that barriers to learning are removed.
Bilingual parent support advisors (Bengali and Somali) 2 hours a week. / £8,045 / Work with parents to improve community cohesion, work with target children in class. Booster club for parents and children to work together with a maths and ICT focus. / Parental support for homework is better. This enables pupils to develop independent learning skills and thus, promotes attainment. Attendance is improved and pupils make 2 sub-levels of progress. This builds on the previous success of the Turkish parent’s maths project.
2 x full time intervention teacher / £115,000 / Interventions are focused on pupils who are below ARE or are not making enough progress in literacy and maths, pupils are identified through pupil progress meetings and a detailed gap analysis informs the intervention teacher of gaps in learning.
Intervention is also used for identified pupil premium students who are more able to provide challenge in the classroom and in the form of intervention groups. Booster and challenge groups are run by the intervention teacher to support all pupil premium in preparation for SATS tests at KS1 and KS2. / Pupil Premium Pupils make the same progress as non-pupil premium children. This is rigorously monitored through phase meetings every two weeks and pupil progress meetings on a half termly basis. All pupil premium children benefit from funding , not just those that are underperforming.
Extended day that includes homework club, dance ,drama, sports ,film, Latin and Spanish clubs / £2,500 / Extending learning time – weekly homework sessions to support learning in class. Giving Pupil Premium children the same access to extra-curricular learning. / Class records show that Pupil Premium children complete homework, this is proven to raise attainment. Children meet targets and make Rapid and sustained progress year.
Soft start breakfast club / £4,000 / Run in conjunction with Magic Breakfast, all Pupil Premium children given a free breakfast and a variety of morning activities including reading,ICT ,dance,sport and board games. / Children have a good start to the day with a healthy breakfast. Improved concentration, attendance and punctuality outcomes.
1-1 tuition for LAC pupil premium children ( x2) / £600 / We employ a one to one tutor for LAC children and those who have been adopted to ensure that the extra funding these children receive is being specifically targeted . / Last year two LAC children in year 6 reached age related expectations in maths and one child exceeded in reading. EEF research shows one to one tuition to be highly effective .
Speech and language groups / £21,000 / EYFS focussed speech and language interventions for children who are not reaching the EYFS speech and language signposts. / Improved outcomes for all Pupil Premium children. Data reflects no gap in attainment.
1:1 readers and small phonics catch up groups in EYFS and y 1 / £21,500 / Dedicated teaching assistant works between the lower phase and EYFS with targeted support doing 1-1 reading . / Significantly improved phonic scores. End of KS1 results show that all pupils are at ARE and have made rapid and sustained progress.
Total spend : / £187,645
Total funding for the year April 2015-April 2016: / £187,540