Simone Varandas & Rui Manuel Vítor Cortes
Appendix 1.
Metric / Name or Description / Taxonomiclevel / Predicted response to increasing perturbation / CV (%)
Community structureand composition
Richness measures
Tspe/ Tgen/ Tfam / Total number of species, genera and families / Species*/ Genus/ Family / Decrease / 26.69/ 25.06/ 22.31
fE / Number of Ephemeropterafamilies / Family / Decrease / 42.73
sP/ fP / Number of Plecoptera speciesand families / Species/ Family / Decrease / 49.13/ 48.44
fH / Number of Heteroptera families / Family / Decrease / 48.61
fCol / Number of Coleoptera families (adult or larval) / Family / Decrease / 45.52
sT/ gT/ fT / Number of Trichoptera species (adult or larval), genera and families / Species/ genus/ Family / Decrease / 37.05/ 36.67/ 37.17
sET/ gET/ fET / Number of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera species, genera and families / Species/ genus/ Family / Decrease / 40.01/ 38.60/ 34.74
sEPT/ gEPT/ fEPT / Number of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera species, genera and families / Species/ genus/ Family / Decrease / 37.97/ 36.86/ 33.25
sETO/ gETO/ fETO / Number of Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Odonata species, genera and families / Species/ genus/ Family / Decrease / 33.39/ 31.79/ 27.01
H’ / Shannon Weaner's diversity (Shannon 1948) / Species* / Decrease / 8.92
d / Margalef's richness (Margalef 1951) / Species* / Decrease / 16.07
e / Hill evenness (Hill 1973) / Species* / Increase / 14.14
Composition measures
%EPT-Hyd / Percent of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera individuals without Hydropsychidae / Order/ Family / Decrease / 38.34
%EPT / Percent of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera individuals / Order / Decrease / 37.23
EPT/(Chir+EPT) / Ratio of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera individuals to Chironomidae plus Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera individuals / Order/ Family / Decrease / 27.37
%ETO / Percent of Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Odonata individuals / Order / Decrease / 45.76
%D+nI / Percent of Diptera plus non-insect individuals / Order / Increase / 48.19
%D(-Tan)+nI / Percent of Diptera individuals without tribe Tanytarsini plus non-insects / Order / Tribe / Increase / 45.76
Dominance measures
%TD / Percent of the single most abundant taxon / Genus / Increase / 32.68
%5TD / Percent of individuals in 5 numerically dominant taxa / Genus / Increase / 17.38
%2TD / Percent of individuals in 2 numerically dominant taxa / Genus / Increase / 28.15
Adaptation metrics
Respiration measures
%br / Percent of individuals with branquial respiration / Species* / Decrease / 44.96
%cr / Percent of individuals with cutaneous respiration / Species* / Decrease / 41.97
Resistance measures
%diap / Percent of organisms that stay in diapauses or dormancy / Species* / Increase / 36.40
Locomotion and substrate relation measures
fSwi / Number of swimmer families / Family / Decrease / 32.16
fCling / Number of clinger families / Family / Decrease / 29.52
fSpr / Number of sprawler families / Family / Decrease / 33.35
fBur / Number of burrower families / Family / Decrease / 48.57
%Cling / Percent of clinger organisms / Family / Decrease / 44.52
%Bur / Percent of burrower organisms / Family / Increase / 43.62
Table 1.(Continued)
Metric / Name or Description / Taxonomiclevel / Predicted response to increasing perturbation / CV (%)
Habitat preference measures
%exR / Percent of individuals that are exclusively rheophilous (adapted to living in strong watercourses) / Genus / Decrease / 46.72
%preR / Percent of individuals that are predominantly rheophilous / Genus / Decrease / 41.51
Forms to avoid the drift
%DvFB / Percent of individuals dorso-ventrally flattened / Genus / Decrease / 31.30
Trophic measures
sShr/ gShr/ fShr / Number of shredder species
(species that shred detritus or vegetation), genera and families / Species*/ Genus/ Family / Decrease / 33.88/ 30.80/ 27.95
sScr/ gScr/ fScr / Number of scraper species
(species that scrape particles from substrate), genera and families / Species*/ Genus/ Family / Decrease / 45.20/ 41.68/ 40.96
sFil/ gFil/ fFil / Number of filterer species
(species that filter particles from flowing water), genera and families / Species*/ Genus/ Family / Decrease / 43.42/ 47.31/ 41.55
sGath/ gGath/ fGath / Number of gatherer species
(species that collect particles from substrate), and families / Species*/ Genus/ Family / Decrease / 42.16/ 39.79/ 34.35
%Gath / Percent of gatherer individuals / Species* / Decrease / 53.35
fPred / Number of predator families / Family / Decrease / 26.86
Tolerance/Intolerance measures
sInt/ gInt/ fInt / Number of intolerant species, genera and families / Species*/ Genus/ Family / Decrease / 31.11/ 29.72/ 25.20
sTol/ gTol / Number of tolerant species and genus / Species*/ Genus/ Family / Increase / 33.01/ 30.80
%Tol / Percent of tolerantorganisms / Genus / Increase / 36.91
%Int / Percent of intolerantorganisms / Genus / Decrease / 39.73
IBMWP / Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party (Alba-Tercedor 2000) / Family / Decrease / 25.11
BBI / Belgian Biotic Index (De Pauw & Vanhooren 1983) / Mixed (genus and Family) / Decrease / 6.08
FBI / Family-Level Biotic Index (adapted of Hilsenhoff 1988) / Family / Decrease / 14.38
Reproduction metrics
Life cycle measures
fmult / Number of families having short (several per year) life cycle (multivoltine) / Family / Decrease / 24.78
funiv / Number of families relatively long-lived (life cycles of 1 year) (univoltine) / Family / Decrease / 24.52
fsemiv / Number of families long-lived (life cycles more than 1 year) (semivoltine) / Family / Decrease / 31.83
Aquatic stages
% Hem / Percent of hemimetabolous individuals (incomplete metamorphosis) / Order / Increase / 40.63
%Hol / Percent of holometabolous individuals (complete metamorphosis) / Order / Decrease / 27.39
Reproduction measures
%CluC / Percent of individuals with reproduction through clutches of eggs (cemented or fixed) / Species* / Decrease / 48.08
%CluV / Percent of individuals with reproduction through clutches of eggs (in vegetation) / Species* / Decrease / 25.16
Dispersal measures
% aqP / Percent of individuals with aquatic passive dissemination / Genus / Decrease / 34.30
Table 1.(Continued)
Metric / Name or Description / Taxonomiclevel / Predicted response to increasing perturbation / CV (%)
% aqA / Percent of individuals with aquatic active dissemination / Genus / Increase / 39.05
% aeA / Percent of individuals with aerial passive dissemination / Genus / Increase / 24.53
Maximal size
% >10-20 / Percent of individuals with maximal size between 10-20 mm / Species* / Decrease / 39.48
* - These metrics include higher taxonomic levels than species namely for Diptera (family or tribe), Oligochaeta (family) and Coleoptera (mixed genus and species).