National Co-Production Advisory Group – Background Information
The National Co-Production Advisory Group (NCAG) is a group of people who use services, carers, families and parents of people who use services. It was first developed through two Department of Health projects. These were the: ULO (User Led Organisation) project and the TASC (Transforming Adult Social Care) User and Carer reference group.
The group's main purpose is to ensure that people who use services co-produce* the work of the Think Local Act Personal Partnership**.
The group is represented on both the Think Local Act Personal Board and Partnership and has a number of subgroups which feed into this work.
* In practice, co-production involves people who use services carers and families, providers of service andpartner organisation being consulted, included and working together from the beginning, middleand the end of any project that affects them.
** Think Local, Act Personalis a partnership of 30 National Organisations focused on driving forward work with personalisation, community-based social care. Our unique strength is bringing together people who use services and family carers with central and local government, major providers from the private, third and voluntary sector and other key groups.
National Co-Production Advisory Group
Membership Application Form
The reason for this recruitment exercise is to ensure that we have the right mix of people in the group and that the group represents people across diverse communities e.g. age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic groups, disabled groups etc.
It will also provide a new dynamic to an already vibrant existing Core Group.
Are you the person we are looking for?
Do you
- Have a basic understanding of what TLAP (Think Local Act Personal) is and areyou interested in learning more about the programme?
- Do you have knowledge of personalisation? This could be through personal experiences, for example:
managing or receiving a personal budget or direct payment,
accessing social care, health, housing or other support,
employing a Personal Assistant for yourself or on behalf of someone
- Do you have other experience that is relevant to the group for example
as a person using services, carer, parent or family member
a member of the disability or mental health community
a person from a seldom heard group e,g Gypsy Traveller community
- Are you willing to represent the views of the whole NCAG rather than your personal views both in meetings and in e-mail communication
- Are you committed to the group and able to regularly attend meetings?
- Do you have an understanding of what co-production means and it's importance for people who use services and carers and are willing to learn more?
- Do you understand the importance of equality and diversity issues?
1. Tell is about a bit about yourself (about 100 to 200 words)
2.Tell us about why you want to join the National Co-production Group. (about 100 to 200 words)
Include information about
other groups you have been involved in
how you have contributed to these groups
3.Explain how your experiences can help and contribute to the National Co-Production Advisory Group, Think Local, Act Personal. (about 100 to 200 words)
4.If you join the NCAG, what will you do to make sure that you separate your personal agenda and issues from the work of the group? (about 100 to 200 words)
5. What is your understanding of ‘co-production’?
6.What is your understanding of “personalisation”
7. What groups and/or networks are you linked to?
8a. If you choose to join the Core Group, will you be able to
commit yourself to a minimum of twelve meetings per
8b. Are you able to commit to regularly attending meetings
throughout the year?
9. We are expecting to host interviews on 3 December 2013. Please confirm whether there are any dates that you are not available.
Please complete this form and e-mail it to: >
Or post it to:
Chelsea Beckford
Project Co-ordinator
Think Local Act Personal
Social Care Institute for Excellence
Fifth floor
2-4 Cockspur Street
Application deadline: Friday 22 November 2013
This is the end of the document
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