Transcript from 18thInternational Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 7, 2016
(v1 2016-06-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)
Transcript courtesy of Lynn Schmaltz
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Keshe (K): We are entering in a different dimension in teaching as I was explaining to our knowledge seekers. We have found a gap in the knowledge of the use of the knowledge and this gap or this shortage or lack of understanding must be corrected and put right. Today and on Thursday we will emphasize this and bring it out; we have finished developing the foundation of the technology. What we are going to do today and next Thursday to bring the knowledge so we all understand.
K: the intentional teaching next Tuesday will go from 2 to 3:30 and we finish at 3:30. After 3:30 we are teaching technology to scientists and military around the world and as part of our commitment to the nation which we will keep that way until we can bring the two sides together. We don’t have the extra time to fit in the teaching schedule. So we will switch and at 3:30 begin our teaching to the military and space teaching to the international and waiting on the language which we cover the teaching. The teaching will not be open on international lines unless we decide to do that in the next few days. We are going to open the teaching next Thursday after 3:30 to the International public.
K: this is important—we have started the procedure that we will carry on with the total understanding. A lot of teaching has been done and now we try to structure it and bring more information that makes it clearer. I explained before today and now that you understand—we have to go into the phase of development of the technology by its application. This means from now on we teach how to apply different type of technologies which the plasma will bring. You want to use it in the interface with the plasma fields which is very advanced or you want to work with the plasma, the GANS, the nano materials and the rest which still give you connection with the matter state. The problem or the solution sits in the same course. I will go over these today and I go over it again on Thursday until it is understood fully. (13.27 minutes)
K: in the GANS state or in the plasma state of the fields we sue what we don’t see. And this is part of your biggest problem. How can something which you cannot see perform? How can the fields which you cannot measure give you certain things? You have in the past few weeks and months seen the fields but you have a connection with it that makes you happy to accept the physical part of it. But if you look at your pain pens you are holding physical matter and all the work is done with the plasma. Holding the pen gives you confirmation that something is happening. It is the pen that does it? If you understood you would know it is the field plasma that is doing the job. We are receiving a huge number of reports from many people that they are using the pens for different applications such as cancer reduction, for pain in the neck, leg and back. In fact it is not the pen, but the field plasma that is doing this. So you are already familiar with the field plasma. You have gained some trust. But because you have to hold these things in your hand you have the confirmation of something to do with the matter state.
K: but, in fact it is the field that comes from the pen that is producing results. Giovanni tells me that in Rome a Magrav unit built 4 months ago has been in position in a house and they have disconnect the power supply totally from the grid. And whatever is connected to the plug on the unit is working – the refrigerator, the lights, the air and whatever they plugged into after the unit was installed is working. Before the unit was plugged in nothing was working in the house. This is not the first time this is reported; we have the same report on a system installed in January and it shows zero consumption on the grid and they are using it on everything in the house. We asked for a video of this unit and hopefully we can show this on Thursday.
K: so again, this is the application of the field of the plasma. This is another one: we have seen with doctors building vertical systems with people standing, or a dog sitting, using different ways for the power of the plasma and this has shown (17.43 minutes) the same results. So we are building the trust that there is something there. Now we need to bring in, concentrate and develop the flight systems and material production system. Building this and gradually coming with something that did not exist a few months ago is a huge change for a lot of people. It’s a huge way to accept there is something like this. But in fact, it has always been and shall ever be—this is how the universe was created, out of the field of the plasma. And, this is what we did not stand still as we were busy teaching and enemies of the Keshe Foundation had a field day.
K: now they have to take their position. We announce and expose heavily the work of the people who have been working in the background to destroy the Keshe Foundation in Belgium, Germany and the United States. The Keshe foundation in the coming days will release huge amounts of information of how these organizations work to discredit the foundation. People’s understanding is simply to ask the work of the plasma so they can carry on their abuses. This time it is finished. As you all know Mr. Allan Sterling has confessed to the abuse of children, including raping his own daughters. When we exposed him last year he went on a rampage with slander and put a website against the Keshe Foundation. The case for slander against Keshe Foundation was brought. Now he will be convicted on June 17, 2016. A prison sentence of 25 to 50 years is expected and we did not make an accusation.
K: We collaborated with the law authorities. In America plea bargaining means that the names of the people who he has raped and those he collaborated with will not be disclosed because it is too embarrassing. We see the names of leading scientists on his collaboration against the Keshe Foundation. We saw scientists like Don Winter on his Facebook, and his peers. We saw other people appear on the list of collaborators and people who worked with Allan Sterling. These people will go out of their way to discredit the foundation so that you will not have the freedom and pleasure of what a simple technology this is. It is not for us to judge but we have seen how in the past few months, the people’s whose names we released started their opposition to the foundation creation all sorts of ‘facts’ about Keshe Foundation, Mr. Keshe, and whatever. Now we go in the correct way.
K: we are releasing the name of the victims. If you want to and you are the mother of a daughter or son who has been abused or gone missing, please go on these websites that are organized by others and has nothing to do with the work of the foundation, in order to bring the information out in the public regarding those who have worked against the foundation. Red Circle is the same; since we announced that he raped his own daughters he has started releasing ‘facts’ about Keshe Foundation. We were correct about Allan Sterling and we are correct about Red Circle. Don’t forget the collaboration came together when we exposed them. We want you , if you have children or you know people who lost their children, have children who have gone missing or were sexually abused go on the sites that are being set up by the Keshe Foundation supporters to release the names. We are asking Red Circle to tell us where the children are buried that you abused. That is why. The same denial that Allan Sterling made that this was slander and now we see there were over 50 children raped in the United States and don’t forget he was in Belgium meeting Red Circle. So that shows the extent of the damage. We know that Red Circle has three victims and we put it out there and it is for them to answer to society and how they have been trafficking children and diverting attention from this technology with all the things they put on the internet for you to not have the freedom and pleasure of the science.
K: they managed to silence it for ten years in Belgium. Now it is not in Belgium anymore. Now we know how they operate and we know how the discouraging the technology has taken place in the past 15 years by Red Circle. Now he has to name his daughters. They have to be tested to see if we were correct as we were in the case of Allen Sterling. It is very easy; the problem is by distraction they have done whatever they like. Now we are the bringing concentration back to the work and you have to understand how the job was done. Mr. Allan Sterling brought out information that the Magrav system was fake and was not free energy and other allegations. A lot of people went to read it and they brought their children with them for him to abuse. Now they see that we were correct and they understand when we exposed Allan Sterling the first support for Allen Sterling came from Red Circle because he was brought in to the Keshe Foundation for interview by the Red Circle. It was all well planned.
K: now we directly announce: the two daughters of the Red Circle have been raped by him (Red Circle) just as Allen Sterling did to his daughters. And, we have witnesses to kissing in the gardens here and there because it was normal to them to abuse children. They distracted the technology. Now we bring everything in and do not be fooled by the others. The investigation around the Keshe Foundation and these others is getting so intense that very soon we expect Red Circle to spend 25 to 50 years in international prison. Because in the country he is paid by the paymaster.
K: What does this have to do with us? We need to gather the knowledge that comes in and understand that the people who come in the name of Suzanne or Suzonne or False Hope, they all have the same structure. The security services are working very fast and once they are open now with Mr. Allan Sterling being incarcerated, his Facebook being opened in the public and we see who his supporters are and they are those who have been opposing the Keshe Foundation. We see a gentleman Mr. Cummerand (? 26.11 minutes)and a website called Scam Keshe Foundation. Mr. Cummerand we have spoken with your bosses; we know you are a child abuser because we have access to the medical files of the children in your company. You have been sending children documents and this is child abuse. Now you understand and this man appears at the top of the list of Mr. Allan Sterling’s Facebook—one of the favorites.
K: the opening is huge. We stayed silent but suddenly out of nowhere we see how everybody becomes a scam. By scamming they get attention; they bring children and then they do what Mr. Allan Sterling and Red Circle. On the 17th of June we will the sentence for raping his own daughters of the ages of 3 to 5 yeas. And now we see that Red Circle has done the same thing to his daughters. This is direct and we want you to list the names of children you know who have gone missing around the world which end up in the hands of Red Circle. You have to understand, they were our webmaster so they had access to everything. It was the same operation as Allan Sterling. What we have to do is start building for has been deliberately financed to discredit foundation work so it does not work. It is for you to understand how to use it and let those who ‘peddle’ continue to ‘peddle.’ Whatever they say, such as our being wrong, and then they brought down the logos to support their allies.
K: now we see how correct we have been. We are as solid as ever and the teaching of the foundation is as perfect as ever and there is no more Mr. Allan Sterling to write that we are a scam. Very soon there will be no Red Circle to write ‘facts’ about the Keshe Foundation. The facts (as they exist) about Keshe Foundation and Mr. Keshe are correct and now they are on the run for their own lives. The children Red Circle raped and abused started with his own daughters. Then we will see the rest. The Paymasters are on the same payroll. This is important for us because most of the discrediting of the foundation has come through these three sources. Now one is down and in prison. He will be in solitary confinement because the others know what to do with a man who rapes his own daughters.
K: Next in line is Red Circle—the same pattern with two daughters and disappearing children. We put this on the table. We are looking for the name of the children they have raped and children who went missing and ended up in the hands of Red Circle and his team. Now you understand why there is suddenly such huge pressure to discredit me and the foundation. Now they are on the run as Mr. Allan Sterling was. Two daughters—raped, and confessed. Now there are two more daughters and maybe grandchildren. The clear indication is the foundation work is solid. Now we are looking for victims of Allan Sterling and Red Circle and his bosses. International trafficking is heavily involved and it is your job as Keshe Foundation supporters to understand that you have always been right and the technology has been right and these people have been paid to do what we are not supposed to do such as raping children.
K: we carry on with our work. From now on we show you our work and the application to get you the confidence in a way the technology needs to go. It’s very simple; you have seen the pen, the Magrav system and the health system. You see the energy system. Now it is for us to understand where the flight energy is. Which part of the spectrum ofthe field of the plasma that we need to cover and where we have missed that if this is the plasma (32.05 minutes) and this part was to do with your pen. You have to remember there is both gravitational and magnetical (when using the pen). You have seen the operation in a stronger way. This is the spectrum that the pen covers (32.40 minutes) and this is the spectrum which your medical unit covers and this is spectrum where your energy system covers and then somewhere down here there is a spectrum that you will have to find for your flight system. Understand the reason and the possibilities and understand why and then you can look for what fields you have to extend. On the pen you have concentrated on extraction and removal or mixing the energy of a given concentration point of the tissue of the man. So your field can handle the small transfers. In the section to do with the health unit you went for a mixture of multiple organs and of a given strength. Again the field works.
K: In the energy you went for a higher system, a higher level of frequency. In the level of the pen and the health units you are working in the GANS matter state and in the energy units you are working with the vibration of electrons. All our systems are set to (34.46 minutes). You have to understand this is the next step and the next step is that we are looking for somewhere in the region where we have the accumulation of matter and plasma magnetic fields interacting. You have worked and comfortably seen the results in your pens and in your health medical applications and the energy Magrav system and you have seen the work of the plasma. But to reach the flight condition, you have to bring the game play of the matter state and the plasma state together for this planet. Because when you enter into space this does not count unless you want to go into the state or environment where this is matter state.
K: Building systems and developing systems and bringing the understanding technology has past. Now it is how we can manipulate it and use different aspects of the technology and of the state of the matter plasma to the free energy plasma that can be used for the benefit of mankind. This is where we see the change. This is all in the free plasma state and I go over this over and over. We have gone over this so many times that it has inspired you to come up with new technologies and with new systems with the same proposition: understand the simple way we started with what man knew best—the matter state. Then it was the nano state and then with that we brought in GANS and liquid water and then we have come to the state of the energy of the plasma. Now you have a very big problem. You have worked from matter state to the state of energy of the plasma. Now you have to work from the energy of plasma up to the matter state. (38.08 minutes).