AFCEA NOVA Special Activities VP – Rick Michael

9th Annual AFCEA NOVA
Army IT Day Conference
Chuck Corjay, Event Chairman

January 5, 2010 – Planning Committee Meeting AGENDA

This is the home page for the Army IT Day Planning Committee. Please continue to come back to this page for documents, agendas, speaker updates, and other items relevant to the planning process.

I. Conference Date & Location

A.  Date: January 14, 2010 (Thu), 8am-5pm – 1.5 weeks away

B.  Location: Sheraton Premiere at Tysons Corner

II.  Program Theme / Description / Target Audience

A.  This Year’s Theme:
Implementing GNEC for the Warfighter: Challenges & Opportunities

B.  Final Program Description – View online at:

III.  Speakers & Program Schedule

A.  Draft Schedule

8am-8:15am / Welcome, Colors, Music
8:15am-9am / VISION/MISSION Opening Keynote
Dr. Joseph Westphal - Under Secretary of the U.S. Army (invited)
LTG Jeffrey A. Sorenson, CIO/G-6, U.S. Army
BG Ronald M. Bouchard, Deputy Chief of Staff & G-6, U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), Fort McPherson, Georgia
10:30am-11:15am / CYBERSECURITY:
BG Steven Smith
Chief Cyber Officer, Office of the CIO/G-6
11:15am-12:00n / BREAK & TURN ROOM FOR LUNCH
LTG James H. Pillsbury - Deputy Commanding General, AMC
BG (P) Mark Bowman, Director of Architecture, Operations, Networks and Space (AONS), Office of the CIO/G-6 – MODERATOR
Terry Edwards, CIO/G-6, Army Materiel Command (AMC)
BG Jennifer Napper, Commander, 7th SIGNAL Command (theater) (7SC(T))
COL W. Scott Moser, Chief Information Officer, Army National Guard (ARNG), National Guard Bureau
Mr. Mike Krieger - Deputy CIO/G-6, U.S. Army
Mr. Gary Winkler - PEO EIS
BG Lee Price, PEO C3T
BG Thomas Cole, PEO IEW&S
4:30pm-5:30pm / CLOSING RECEPTION

B.  Speaker Logistics & Talking Points/Questions letter

C.  Escorts

IV.  Program Subcommittee

A.  Chair & Members?: Scarbalis*, Giasson, Grimmer, Wanless, Lucey, Marko, Scott, Lewis, Schmitt, Catudal, Nikituk, Sherrill, Moysey, ChiLai Poon, John Blaine

B.  Add to the Speaker Logistics and Guidance Letter:

1.  Ask the speakers to give us a slide at the end that details others in their command that attendees can call/contact to follow up

2.  Ask the speakers to give us a slide at the end that details the THREE issues/concerns that keep most keep them up at night

C.  Speaker Introductions?

D.  Speaker Escorts – Chi Lai; Helaine Cooper, Marie Grimmer, Beckwith, Steve Casa, Alicia, Susan Morris, Keith Scott, Luke Howe, Nelson Lowes

V.  Small Business Subcommittee

A.  Chair & Members?: Bernie Corjay*, Choi, Lucey, Donalds, Shelton, Morrell, Beckwith, Naya, Volodin, Shaw, Howe, ChiLai Poon, Moysey, Lewis

B.  Additional members of the Small Business Subcommittee?

C.  Parallel Plenary in the morning – Suggested Speakers:

1.  Suggestion was made that Ed Velez, Dep PEO EIS, would be good for small business session

2.  Col Mike Williamson

3.  Col Ken Young

4.  Micki LaForgia, PM, CHESS (former Small Computer)

5.  Ask Lee Price to give us the right person from Aberdeen

6.  Jerome Mosby, Small Business Specialist, MEDCOM

D.  Town-hall style Round Tables in afternoon?

E.  Deadlines for small business program & advertising?

VI.  Sponsorship Subcommittee

A.  Chair & Members?: Linda Baldwin*, Susan, Gorman, Morrell, Clarke

B.  Prices stay same?

C.  Sponsor Recruitment – Start with Last Year’s List – SEE ATTACHED, or visit:

D.  Who else should we approach? -- Company Names & Contact Names

VII.  Media Relations / Press, Publicity & Outreach Subcommittee

A.  Chair & Members?

B.  Need press release

C.  Press follow-up phone calls to drum up coverage in advance of the event

D.  Press monitoring & check-in onsite

E.  Press packets?

F.  Press follow-up & monitoring coverage

G.  Do we have the potential to do a marketing swap with Army-related orgs, in addition to SCRA?

H.  Should we reach out to other tech organizations in the region? NVTC, DC Tech Council, Tech Council of MD, ITAA, IAC, etc?

I.  Examine which marketing streams worked from recent AF IT Day & last year’s Army IT Day

J.  Do more of what worked

K.  If no major problems, stay the course with what we've been doing

L.  Need marketing/communications team for Army IT Day to tie in with the Marketing Committee for AFCEA NOVA

M.  Continue our agreement with AFCEA Intl? If so, put MOU in place again, & get full range of assistance – Website, emails, ad/article in SIGNAL, etc.

N.  Continue to employ successful relationships with channel/marketing partners (Business Intel orgs like INPUT, FedSources, other Nonprofits & Media Outlets like FCW).

VIII.  Logistics, Floor Operations & Volunteer Management Subcommittee

A.  Chair & Members?:

B.  Bag-stuffing Party

C.  Color Guard - SCRA/Catudal

D.  Band/Chorus - SCRA/Catudal

E.  Flags - SCRA/Catudal

F.  Video

G.  Chaplain - SCRA/Catudal

H.  Singer - SCRA/Catudal

I.  Volunteers

1.  Floor Mics – need 6 people on the floor with mics

2.  Person to sit with AV guy

3.  Assistance getting people in and out of the Ballroom

4.  Clocks on the monitors in the break area to help get folks in

J.  Photographer

K.  Master of Ceremonies – Chuck

L.  Countdown Clocks in the Lobby

M.  Snow Date? We are generally a go regardless of weather. If Fairfax County Closes Government, then we can get out of our contract if needed

IX.  VIP Invites Subcommittee

A.  Chair & Members?: Bandler*

B.  Plan for inviting non-speaking VIPs?

C.  Need special invite to General Sue Lawrence, NETCOM

D.  Dave Sherrill asked that a VIP invite go to LTC Mike Devine, PM APC

X.  Exhibits Subcommittee

A.  Chair & Members?: Gorman*, Costolo, Shelton, Volodin

B.  General Sorenson’s call for Exhibitors went out

C.  Status on Sign-ups to-date?

D.  Plan for following up with MACOMs?

XI.  Suits in Seats Subcommittee (Recruiting more Government Participation)

A.  Chair & Members?

B.  Need publicity team for Army IT Day to tie in with the Government Affairs Committee for AFCEA NOVA

C.  Plan for recruiting reps from different offices/commands to then recruit officers and enlisted to attend?

D.  Need to work with the CIO/G-6 to get the word out within the Army that the day is approved as a training day

XII.  Wounded Warriors Subcommittee

A.  Chair & Members: Kristen Klein*, Luke Howe

B.  AFCEA NOVA will “support” the Wounded Warrior Project by allowing them to have a table in the lobby at this year’s IT Days

C.  AFCEA NOVA supports Wounded Warriors, organization to organization, but we do not use our events as fundraisers for Wounded Warrior

XIII.  Survey

  1. Survey all attendees right after the event – IN-PERSON as well as ONLINE – Chi-Lai Poon to send Chuck any modifications suggested to the survey we used for AF IT Day

XIV.  Scholarships and/or Donation to Intl

XV.  Next Meeting -- ??

  1. Adjourn