ACTS 24-28

ACTS 24:1-28:16

I. JERUSALEM (Acts 1:1 - 8:4)

II. JUDEA & SAMARIA (Acts 8:5 - 12:25)

III. THE END OF THE EARTH (Acts 13:1 - 28:31)

A. The First Evangelistic Trip (13-14)

B. The Debate Over Circumcision (Acts 15:1-35)

C. The Second Evangelistic Trip (15:36-18:22).

  1. Third Evangelistic Trip (18:23-21:17).
  1. From Jerusalem To Rome (21:17-28:31).
  1. Paul's Arrival In Jerusalem (21:17-26).
  2. Mobbed In The Temple (211:27-36).
  3. Address To The Mob (21:37-22:24).
  4. Paul & The Military Tribune (22:25-30).
  5. Paul Before The Sanhedrin (23:1-11).
  6. Paul Sent To Caeserea (23:12-35).
  1. Paul Before Felix (24:1-17).
  2. Paul Before Festus (25:1-12).
  3. Paul Before Festus & Agrippa (25:13-26:32).
  4. Paul's Journey To Rome (27:1-28:31).
  1. Caesarea (27:1-2).
  2. Sidon (27:3).
  3. Myra (27:4-5).
  4. Cnidus (27:6-7).
  5. Fair Havens (27:8-13).
  6. The Storm at Sea (27:14-44).
  7. Island of Melita (28:1-11).
  8. Syracuse (28:13).
  9. Rhegium (28:13).
  10. Puteoli (28:13-15).
  11. Rome (28:16).

COMPANIONS: Paul, Luke (Acts 27:1 "we"), Aristarchus (27:2).

TIME: About Six months during 60-61 A.D.

DISTANCE: About 2000 miles.

NOTE 1: Antonius Felix was a freedman of Anotia, the mother of the emperor Claudius. He was in such high favor with Claudius that he was made governor of Judea. He married three wives in succession that were of royal families, one of which was Drusilla (cf. 24:24). This marriage to Drusilla was an adulterous one because she had previously been married to Aziz, king of Emesa (Josephus' Antiquities XX.7.2). She was also the daughter of Herod Agrippa I who killed James (cf. Acts 12:1-2) and the sister to the King Agrippa II of Acts 27.

When you read the account of Paul's hearing by Felix, Tertullus paints a very nice picture of this procurator of Judea. Yet, his actual reputation among the Jews was of an unprincipled and evil ruler. In fact, he would be called to Rome to stand trial and removed from office only two years after these events. Tacitus, a Roman historian, wrote: "With cruelty and lust he exercised the power of a king with the spirit of a slave." Is it any wonder why Paul "reasoned of righteousness, and self-control, and the judgment to come" and that Felix was terrified (Acts 27:25)?

NOTE 2: Herod Agrippa II was the king of the Jews. He evidently came to Caesaria to extend formal congratulations to Festus, the new Roman procurator. His younger sister, Drusilla, was married to Felix. Bernice, another sister, was also his wife. Because he was raised as a Jew and his official jurisdiction included the temple and the appointment of the high priests, he would be well acquainted with the circumstances and events of which Paul spake. Herod Agrippa I was his father and the one who had killed James (cf. 12:1-2). Herod Antipas, his uncle, was the one who had beheaded John the baptizer and heard Jesus on the day he was crucified.

NOTE 3: After being shipwrecked and spending the winter on Melita, Paul and the others boarded a ship bound for Italy. Luke records that the ship had the sign or figurehead of "The Twins." History records that these Greek Mythological twins were Castor and Pollux, gods who protected sailors. After the events of the shipwreck and the salvation accomplished by Jehovah, these supposed gods must have looked mighty feeble to Paul and the others with him.


  1. Who came down to Caesarea after 5 days (24:1)?
  1. How did Tertulius describe Felix (24:2-3)? Was this true?
  1. How did he describe Paul (24:5-8)? Was this true?
  1. What did he assert in v. 8?
  1. Did the fact that many agreed with these charges make them true (24:9)?

ACTS 24:10-23.

  1. How did Paul begin his speech (24:10)? Did he flatter Felix or speak the truth?
  1. Why had Paul gone to Jerusalem 12 days earlier (24:11)?
  1. What did the Jews not find Paul doing (24:12)?
  1. What did Paul say the Jews could not do (24:13)?
  1. What did Paul confess (24:14-16)?
  1. How many resurrections did Paul describe (24:16)?
  1. Was Paul's clean conscience an accidental occurrence (24:16)?
  1. What did Paul bring to his nation (24:17)?
  1. Who ought to have been there, but were not (24:18-19)?
  1. What pivotal point did Paul say this all revolved around & could be the only real accusation against him (24:21)?
  1. Did Felix know anything about "the Way" (24:22)?
  1. When did he say he would determine Paul's case (24:22)?
  1. What order did he give the centurion regarding Paul (24:23)?

ACTS 24:24-27.

  1. Who was Drusilla (24:24)?
  1. Why did they send for Paul (24:24)?
  1. What did Paul speak about (24:25)?
  1. Why might Felix be terrified (24:25)?
  1. What did he hope for from Paul (24:26)? What did this further show about him?
  1. How long was Paul in prison under Felix (24:27)?
  1. Who succeeded Felix (24:27)?
  1. Why did Felix leave Paul in bonds (24:27)? What did this show of Felix?

ACTS 25:1-12.

  1. When Festus went to Jerusalem, who informed him against Paul (25:1-2)?
  1. Why did they ask for Paul to be brought to Jerusalem (25:3)? How did they present it to Festus?
  1. What does it show about these men who are still after Paul some 2 years later?
  1. What did Festus say (25:4-5)?
  1. When Festus sat on the judgment seat and Paul was brought; what did the Jews say (25:6-7)? Could they prove these things?
  1. What did Paul say in his defense (25:8)?
  1. Why did Festus ask if Paul was willing to go to Jerusalem (25:9)?
  1. Why was Caesar's judgment seat where Paul ought to be judged (25:10)?
  1. What did Paul firmly say that Festus knew (25:10)?
  1. Was Paul against capital punishment (25:11)?
  1. If a Christian violates civil law, what must he do?
  1. If the charges against Paul were not true, what did he say could not be done (25:11)? Why might this statement strike at the conscience of Festus?
  1. To whom did Paul appeal in order to avoid injustice by Festus (25:11-12)?
  1. What right does a Christian have to go to a court of Law? Are there times when he should not do so? Explain.

ACTS 25:13-27.

  1. Who came to Caesarea after certain days (25:13-14)?
  1. What did the Jews accusations deal with (25:18-19)?
  1. Was Felix really perplexed about how to deal with these things (25:20)? Is this why he asked if Paul would go to Jerusalem?
  1. How did Agrippa & Bernice enter into the place of hearing (25:23)?
  1. What had the Jews asked for concerning Paul? What did Festus admit? (cf. v. 24-25)
  1. Why, according to Festus, was this hearing called (25:26)?

ACTS 26:1-11.

  1. Why was Paul happy to make his defense to Agrippa (26:1-3)?
  1. What did "all the Jews" know about Paul (26:4-5)?
  1. For what was Paul judged (26:6-7)?
  1. To what sect of the Jews was verse 8 directed? Consider who was present.
  1. What had Paul truly thought within himself (26:9)?
  1. What had Paul done in Jerusalem & elsewhere (26:10-12)? On whose authority?
  1. What does this example teach about our conscience?

ACTS 26:12-23.

  1. Again, on whose authority had he traveled to Damascus (26:12)? For what purpose? Why is this so important to know?
  1. What stopped him from this errand (26:13)?
  1. Where there any others who could testify to the fact that something miraculous occurred on that day (26:14)?
  1. What did the voice say to Paul (26:14)?
  1. What does it mean "it is hard for the to kick against the goads"?
  1. When Saul asked "Who art thou Lord?" what was the answer (26:15)?
  1. What does this necessarily prove?
  1. How did Saul persecute Jesus?
  1. According to the Bible, why had the Lord appeared to him (26:16-18)? According to many religious people in the world, why did the Lord appear to Paul?
  1. From what would the Lord deliver Paul (26:17)?
  1. To whom was Paul sent (26:17)?
  1. What do these expressions mean (26:18)?
  1. To open their eyes.
  2. To turn from darkness to light.
  3. To turn from the power of Satan unto God.
  1. Why was Paul sent to the Gentiles(26:17-18)?
  1. Is "the remission of sins" the same thing as an "inheritance" among the sanctified (26:18)? Explain.
  1. How are we sanctified? Is it by a second work of grace (i.e. a direct act of the Holy Spirit) (26:18)?
  1. What was Paul's response to the vision of the Lord (26:19)?
  1. What is repentance (26:20)? What does it require?
  1. Why had the Jews seized Paul (26:21)?
  1. By whose help had Paul been enabled to testify to small and great (26:22)?
  1. What did the prophets & Moses say would come (26:22)?
  1. What N.T. verse is parallel to the order of teaching in Acts 26:23?

ACTS 26:24-32.

  1. When Festus interrupted with a loud voice, what did he say (26:24)?
  1. What did Paul say to this (26:25)?
  1. Why did Paul say he could speak freely to the king (26:26)?
  1. Why did Paul ask Agrippa if he believed in the prophets, if he already knew the answer (26:26-27)?
  2. "And Agrippa said unto Paul, 'With but a little persuasion thou wouldst fain make me a ______" (Acts 26:28).
  1. Catholic.E. Pentecostal.
  2. Baptist.F. Jehovah's Witness.
  3. Methodist.G. Mormon.
  4. Nazarene.H. None of the above.
  1. What was Paul's desire (26:29)?
  1. What did the rulers decide (v. 30-31)?
  1. What did Agrippa say (26:32)? Why is this not true?
  1. How is Agrippa an example that "faith only" does not make one a Christian?

ACTS 27:1-8.

  1. To whom were Paul & the other prisoners committed (27:1)? Why?
  1. Whowas with Paul at this point (27:2)?
  1. How did the Centurion treat Paul (27:3)?
  1. Why did they sail "under the lee of Cyprus" (27:4)?
  1. What did they find at Lycia (27:5-6)?
  1. Why did they "come with difficulty" over against Cnidus (27:7)?
  1. List were they have traveled so far (27:2-8). Mark your map.

ACTS 27:9-26.

  1. What feast already passed (27:9)? Hence, what time of year was it?
  1. Why would this make the voyage more dangerous?
  1. What did Paul foresee regarding the voyage (27:10)? Did this necessarily require a revelation from God for him to know?
  1. Who did the Centurion give heed to (27:11)?
  1. Why did others advise the Centurion to press on to Phoenix (27:12)?
  1. When the south wind blew, what did they suppose (27:13)?
  1. What occurred very quickly after they set sail (27:14-15)? How strong was it?
  1. What did they do to the boat near Cauda(27:16-17))?
  1. Why did they lower the gear here (27:17)?
  1. (T) (F) Even the passengers were working to help (v. 18).
  1. Why did they throw the freight & tackling overboard (27:18-19)?
  1. After many days, what did they lose (27:20)? Why?
  1. Why did Paul begin his speech as he did (27:21)?
  1. Why could they be of good cheer (27:22-24)? How did Paul know?
  1. How does Paul describe his relationship with God (27:23)? Do we think of ourselves this way?
  1. Where did Paul know he would make it to (27:24)?
  1. What does "and lo, God hath granted thee all them that sail with thee" show about Paul (27:24)?
  1. What did Paul believe (27:25)? What is it about God that assured Paul that this would be so?

ACTS 27:27-44.

  1. How long had the storm lasted at this point (27:27)?
  1. How did the sailors verify that they were near land (27:27-28)?
  1. Why did they let four anchors down from the stern (27:29)?
  1. What does the word "wish" mean (27:29)?
  1. What did the sailors try to do (27:30)? What did they say they were doing?
  1. What prevented the sailors from doing this (27:31)?
  1. What did Paul ask them all to do (27:33-34)? And, what did he assure them of?
  1. What did he do in their presence (27:35)?
  1. How did this affect the others (27:36)?
  1. How many were aboard the ship (27:37)?
  1. After eating, what did they do (27:38)? Why?
  1. Why did they plan to run the ship upon the beach (27:39-40)? Did this work?
  1. How violent were the waves (27:41)?
  1. Why did the soldiers want to kill the prisoners (27:42)?
  1. Who prevented this (27:43)? Why?
  1. What plan did he propose in order to save them (27:44)?
  1. How do you reconcile 27:10 with 27:44? Was Paul a false prophet?

ACTS 28:1-10.

  1. What island was this (28:1)? Mark your map.
  1. What did the "barbarians" show them (28:2)?
  1. What happened when Paul gathered wood for the fire (28:3)?
  1. What did the barbarians say to one another about this (28:4)?
  1. What changedtheir minds (28:5-6)? What did they now think?
  1. Who was Publius & what did he do (28:7)?
  1. What did Paul do for him (28:8)?
  1. Why did others honor them and put supplies on a ship for them (28:9-10)?

ACTS 28:11-16.

  1. How long were they on the island (28:11)? Why so long?
  1. On what ship did they leave (28:11)?
  1. List the rest of the route (28:12-14). Mark your map.
  1. What did they find at Puteoli (28:13-14)?
  1. What can we imply from the fact that they tarried with them seven days (28:14)?
  1. While in Rome, who came (28:15)? From where? Why is this important to note?
  1. Where did the Roman government allow Paul to stay (28:16)? With whom?

ACTS 28:17-22.

  1. Who did Paul call together (28:17)?
  1. What does he assert in (28:17-18)?
  1. Why would Paul say "not that I have aught whereof to accuse my nation" (28:19)?
  1. Why was Paul bound "with this chain" (28:20)?
  1. What is the hope of Israel (28:20)?
  1. Had the Jews here heard anything about Paul's case (28:21)?
  1. Why did they want to know more about "this sect" (28:22)?

ACTS 28:23-31.

  1. How many came to Paul's lodging (28:23)?
  1. What did he testify of (28:23)? What evidence did he offer? Where does faith come from?
  1. How long were they there (28:23)? What were the results (28:24)?
  1. Where was Paul's final word a quote from (28:25-27)?
  1. How did the Holy Spirit speak (28:25)?
  1. What does "hearing they shall not hear" mean (28:26)?
  1. Why do some not understand (28:27)?
  1. What might happen if they did understand (28:27)?
  1. Is it possible for us to fulfill this prophecy as the Jews did? Explain.
  1. What did Paul want the Jews to know (28:28)? Why (cf. Rom. 11:13-14)?
  1. How long was Paul in Rome before his hearing (28:30)?
  1. What did he do during this time (28:31)?


160. Who was the author of Acts? When was it written?

161. What verse in Acts summarizes this book?

162. Complete the outline

  1. ______(1:1 - 8:4)

II. ______& ______(8:5 - 12:25)

III. The ______Of The ______(13:1 - 28:31).

  1. Do you have any questions about Acts?
  1. What have you learned from Acts?