Teaching American History Grant
American Tapestry
Lesson Plan Template
Teacher: Jannette Peralta and Kathy Wills Grade: 4
Unit Topic: Florida Railroads
History Essential Questions:
How did the development of the railroad system influence Florida’s transportation system?
Standards of Learning:
History SOL: The student will:
Develop awareness of historical context; develop critical thinking skills, particularly in regards to visual images; enhance their observation and interpretive skills.
Reading SOL: The student will:
Explore, investigate, research and look for evidence.
Lesson Objectives:
Content: The student will:
View an on-line photo exhibit, containing primary source documents, and identify how entrepreneurs such as Henry Flagler influenced Florida’s economy through development of the railroad system.
Process: The student will:
Research and read how Florida railroads directly impacted the early development of Florida. Students will discuss and decide in which way the railroads were most influential.
Tradebook: The Two Henrys: Henry Plant and Henry Flagler and Their Railroads (Pineapple Press)
Resource Book: Harcourt Social Studies textbook
Flipchart activity: Growth of Florida’s Railroads
Online writing activity www.floridamemory.com/onlineclassroom/railroads/writing/
Handout: Growth of Florida’s Railroads
Primary Source Document: Photographic exhibit from http://www.floridamemory.com/onlineclassroom/railroads/photos/
Assessment/Evaluation: The student will:
Complete the comprehension questions with at least 80% accuracy.
Lesson Procedure
Background Knowledge and Purpose Setting: The teacher will:
Discuss with class how students get from one place to another. Students will brainstorm methods of transportation and share with the class. The teacher will then introduce the topic of the railroad system in Florida.
Before Reading: The teacher will:
Introduce the primary sources on the website. www.floridamemory.com. Identify the primary source as an important resource.
During Reading: The student will:
Students analyze photographs and use descriptions to take notes as they read Growth of Florida’s Railroads.
After Reading: The student will:
Complete the online photographic writing activity.
Closure: The student will:
Students will review answers to the comprehension questions with peers. Students will publish their writing activity.
Extension/Differentiation: The student could:
*Create an advertisement using the notes they took to identify key points in the development of the railroad system.
*Choose another book on Florida railroads to find more
*Research and read the modern day transportation and compare it to the Florida’s historical railroads.
*Research information on Henry Flagler and Henry Plant and identify how their lives were different after they built the railroads.