SS10 – The Red River Settlement
Name/Block: ______

After capturing Fort Garry, the Metis created a ______. Riel intended it to only hold power until ______officially transferred to ______on December 1st, 1869. Riel feared that if ______was allowed to take power, he would grant all power to the ______and leave the Metis ______.

In response, ______sent an HBC representative named Donald Smith to attempt to ______with the Metis. Smith’s meeting with the Metis resulted in the ______, which three Metis took to Ottawa to begin negotiating for the creation of their own ______. However, MacDonald had no intention of ______the Metis demands in full at this point.

______and several other ______prisoners managed to escape Fort Garry. They attempted to rescue the remaining prisoners, but the ______resulted in several Canadian Party members being ______.The most significant of these was ______.

While imprisoned, Scott repeatedly ______and ______his guards. He frequently made ______, and most significantly he threatened to escape and ____Louis Riel.Even his fellow Canadian Party prisoners asked to be moved to different cells due to his aggression. Riel then appoints a ______to put Scott on trial. He is convicted of ______, attacking his guards, and threatening Riel. Scott is sentenced to ______, and is ______on March 4, 1870.

The Metis believed the worst had passed; they believed that the party bringing their demands to Ottawa would result in the creation of a province where their rights would be respected; ______. However, after ______had escaped, he had returned to ______and had begun to portray Scott as a Protestant ______who the Metis had cruelly ______. In Ontario, this caused ______amongst the ______-speaking ______population, who called for his arrest and execution. But in ______, Riel gained more ______because he was believed to be standing up for the rights of ______-speakers.

When the ______finally arrived in Ottawa, it was difficult for them to simply plead their case before the government; they initially ______. They were later released and pled their case in late April to the government. Despite his earlier comments, ______’s government ended up approving ______admission into Canada and many of the ______. Among these were both ______as official languages and both ______Public schools. But they were unable to secure a ______for Riel or the provincial control over public lands.

MacDonald could not afford to lose ______in Ontario, so he organized a force of 1200 soldiers called the ______. The force was a mix of ______soldiers and volunteers from ______. Officially, they were to keep order in Red River until the province could ______an official ______. But they were also there to put down any ______that remained and ______Riel if possible. Fearing for his life, Riel fled to the ______before the troops arrived, where he would remain for the next ______

When the troops arrived, Fort Garry was already ______. The British soldiers tried and keep order, but the ______volunteers harassed and attacked the local Metis