Top Secret Special Agent Assignment!

Read the directions and follow them carefully.

1.  You will get a blank piece of paper with a name paper-clipped to it.

2.  Look at the name on the small piece of paper, but do not let anyone else know whose name it is.

3.  Memorize the person’s name. This is your mystery person.

4.  Crumple up the name and put it in the recycle bin.

5.  Use the blank piece of paper to make a sketch of your mystery person. Include as many details as you can. Concentrate on the person’s face or body, not the clothes he or she is wearing today.

6.  Do not look at anyone else’s sketch, and do not show yours to anyone else.

7.  When you are finished with your sketch, place it carefully in your book box and read quietly until your teacher gives you further instructions.

On the back of this page, make a list of things you’ve observed about your mystery classmate. Use your sketch to help think of details to write about. Try to describe the person so that we can guess who it is.


What the person looks like—for example:

·  has curly hair that falls over his eyes

·  has coffee-colored skin and dimples

·  has black eyes that flash like a falcon

·  sits up straight in her chair

·  has long arms and little feet


Things the person does—for example:

·  loves baseball

·  plays an instrument

·  writes with her left hand

·  likes to sit under his desk

·  never wears socks


·  the person’s name

·  what the person is wearing today

·  anything mean or embarrassing about the person

Name ______Date ______
My Mystery Person
Hint #1: ______

Hint #2: ______

Hint #3: ______

Hint #4: ______

Hint #5: ______

Hint #6: ______

Hint #7: ______

Hint #8: ______