Trojan Fall Sports Begin Monday, July 31, 2017

All athletes must have a completed Park Hill physical form on file to practice on the first day or they will not be able to participate. No exceptions! Forms are available in the school office or may be downloaded from our school website's Activity page: Please see information about fees for sports participation at the bottom of this page.

Boys & Girls Cross Country

Girls:Girls XC will be held at 6 pm on July 31 with parent meeting to follow. Aug 1, 2, & 4 at 7 am and Aug 3 at 8 am (this is also picture day).

Boys: July 31, August 1 – 4, 7:00am – 8:30am at PH Track.

Football Practice for Grades 9-12

July 31, August 1-3: 10th, 11th, 12th graders report to practice from 7:00am – 8:30am & 4:00pm -6:30pm. 9th graders report to practice from 7:00-8:00am only for the first 3 days.All practices held at District Football Complex. Bringhelmet, shoulder pads, t-shirt, practice jersey, girdle, and shorts. Please bring football cleats & tennis shoes in case of weather. Equipment will be issued to all newcomers directly following the first attended practice. All interested athletes are encouraged to attend! Parents may contact Coach Hood at(816) 582-1527or th any questions or for further information.

Girls Golf

July31: 3:30pm -5:00pm. The Golf Team will meet behind the Tiffany Green’s Golf Course clubhouse at 3:30. Please dress in appropriate golf attire of collared shirt and shorts or golf skirt and bring your clubs the first day of practice. If you have any questions please email Coach Garner at call her cell phone at 816-739-1107.

Boys Soccer

July 31 and August 1, 2, & 3, 6:00am -9:00am & 6:00pm -8:00pm. Practices held at the PH soccer practice field. Players need to bring cleats & running shoes. Varsity, JV and C-teams will be announced on the evening of the 3rd. Please email head coach, Josh Marchbank if you have any questions.

Girls Softball Tryouts

July 31, August 1-4, 8:00am – 11:00am at the softball field. If it rains, meet in the wrestling gym.

Boys Swim & Dive

July31: 2:30-5:15pm @ Aquatic Center. Bring swimsuit, goggles, water bottle, physicals and participation fees. Please email Coach Haley if you have any questions.

Girls Tennis

July 31, 3:00pm – 5:30pm. August 1 - 48:00am – 10:00am at Barry Park-across the street from PHHS. All players need to bring their own racket, water and a completed physical to practice.

Girls Volleyball Tryouts

July 31, August 1, & 2 from 9:00am — 11:30am in the upper gym. PHYSICALS MUST BE PRESENT IN ORDER TO TRYOUT.Varsity, JV, Freshman A & B teams will be announced at the end of tryouts on August 2nd. Team will reconvene on the evening of August 2nd at 6 pm where players will get their uniforms, picture packet and fundraising information. Pictures will be the next morning as well as practices. Practices are mandatory. All information can be found on the Park Hill Volleyball Webpage through the school website.


Sports participation fees for the 2017-2018 year are $55 per child/$110.00 for two or more children in the family. This fee allows athletes to participate in up to three sports during the school year. Athletes pay this fee directly to their coach at practice.Do not bring this money to registration or confuse this fee with the optional activity pass ($25) for students who attend frequent home sporting events.