Administrative Faculty Senate – Monthly Meeting
Minutes – October 15, 2015 12:00 noon, ASC 312
Present: Giovanni D’Onofrio, Mary Pat Caputo, Brad Crerar, Jian Chan, Nancy Chucta,
Robert DeMezzo, Thomas Dorr, Lisa Galvin, Peter Leung, Phil Marchese, Diane Morgenthaler, Christopher Piscitelli, Jennifer Ruggiero, Angela Ruggiero, Judy Sizensky-Searles, Thomas Struble, Lawrence Tomascak, Kathy Yalof
Called To Order: 12:02 p.m.
·  Judy Sizensky-Searles motioned to approve the minutes and Tom Struble seconded.
Minutes were approved.
Standing Committee Reports:
·  Nominations and Elections –Did not meet - No Report
·  Sabbatical –Did not meet - No Report
·  Constitution/By Laws Committee –Did not meet - No Report
Special Committee Reports:
Giovanni reviewed how the assignments to committees was outlined in the constitution.
Budget & Planning
·  Chris Piscitelli described the last meeting and how we are in a difficult situation with budget and how we already had a sort of rescission in our budget and how future rescissions we would likely effect department level budgets.
·  Nancy Chucta reported that there was a small meeting this past Monday with some basic discussion around the cleanliness and use of utensils in the serving areas
University Space
·  The Committee met last week and there was a good amount of discussion around space in the Library and IT space.
Health & Safety
·  Hasn’t met
IT Governance
·  Tom Dorr and Rob DeMezzo reported that the committee mainly focuses on the enrollment related IT fiunctions and banner functions as its highest priority.
·  There was a brief conversation about access to Banner without Social Security number and how most people should not need access to the SS#
·  There was a brief discussion about Email addresses primarily for students and improvements in email services for the campus by using cloud based hosting
Old Business
IT Sabbatical Leave Draft Process
·  Giovani explained that he was sending an email to the senators to review the Sabattical Leave process and would like input to provide to Patricia Zibluk. Please expect that in your / Administrative Faculty Senate
Gio D’Onofrio
Jordan Jones
Vice President
Margaret Huda
for Internal Communication
Mary Pat Caputo
for External Communication
Brad Crerar
Ex Officio
Jian Chan
Nancy Chucta
Robert DeMezzo
Thomas Dorr
Lisa Galvin
Kurt Jagielow
Robin Kenefick
Peter Leung
Phil Marchese
Diane Mazza
Diane Morgenthaler
Christopher Piscitelli
Anna Rivera-Alfaro
Jennifer Ruggiero
Angela Ruggiero
Eric Simms
Judy Sizensky-Searles
Thomas Struble
Lawrence Tomascak
Kathy Yalof

New Business

Leadership Council Update

·  Giovanni shared the attached updates from the Leadership Council meeting.
Review of upcoming activities including the Ribbon Cutting of Science Building, Homecoming/Family Day, Open House, Grad Open house

·  Liverpool Inniative opportunites

·  Chief Doley spoke about Safety issues and the need to have everyone sign up for Campus Alert Text messages not just email alerts.

·  An inniative on the town/city level is beginning to take shape in Hamden and New Haven with some focus on revitalization of areas around campus like Arch street.

·  Giovanni Described the Budget situation and Mark Rozeski report outlining the budget concerns

·  There was some discussion of retention of students not just recruitment of new students

·  Giovanni share the emphasis on Career Planning at other Universities tours.

·  Terracits Saass may be forming or reshaping two committees to focus on Enrollment Operations and Advising Steering Committee


Meeting DAY and TIME

·  Giovanni shared the concern that there were some people who could not attend meetings on Thursday at noon because of standing commitments. There was a disucsion oabout moving the meeting Day to another day and the group all ageeed that moving the meetingto FRIDAY at noon would work for those in attendance as everyone could make that time. It was decided that the future meetinngs would be the third Friday of the month at noon.


·  attached updates from the Leadership Council meeting.

Adjourn Brad made a motion to adjourn Jen Seconded. The meeting adjourned at 12:50 pm